I am feeling with you. Too many appointments also tire me. Especially dentists.
Next week I have an appointment to do MRI of my other knee. Doesn't look so well. The orthopaedist said I probably won't be able to keep the meniscus. At the moment, it isn't in the right place and can't fulfill it's purpose. But he is waiting for the MRI to help him decide how to operate.
Funny though, this one hurts less than the other one. He told me which movements I should avoid to not make it worse. Oops. And I did all that. So now I am waiting for the appointments and then he will tell me when the surgery will be. Yay.
But at least after that I have the chance of less pain, hopefully for several years. One should always prefer less pain to more pain.

Two weeks ago the tomcat has been neutered. Which was perfect timing, because last week little Lisa was on heat for the first time. As we don't let them outside yet, she at least can't get pregnant now.
Da Vinci is well. He is a big and heavy one with thick fur and a broad face. The ladies are well, too. Lisa is the smallest and still looks like a cute kitten, while Mona already looks like an adult. There is some hierarchy when it comes to the food. Lisa often waits until the others are almost done feeding, as long as she is not too hungry. But don't worry, she is getting enough food.
Today, I have no appointments. And also I am on vacation. My boss wanted us all to take a few days during the first quarter of the year, so that there won't be too many missing too long during summer time. So I decided to throw a few random vacation days into March. Honestly, I am quite happy about them now because of all the appointments. I am doing computer stuff and some gardening in my spare time. Sadly the week goes by so fast. It's Thursday already.
My life is exciting, too. LOL
Edit: oh, and I completely forgot to ask my aunt about the colour TV. But we had much fun together and talked a lot about other stuff.