So, I drove my bike along the river on both sides today, to see how it looked like after all the storms and the almost flood. It's OK now, though there was a tree across my way, but I managed to climb over it with the bike.
There is still a lot of water in the river, but no more danger that it will spill over. We were lucky, the rain stopped in time.
The last two weeks the temperature dropped from 36 to 16°C. Now it is 27°C. That's perfect for me. And everything is green again.
We visited the kittens yesterday. So cute! We will get all three of them. They are already bigger than my hand, toddle around a bit, but their eyes are still blue.
It's one male and two females. The male is very dark, but not completely black. I call it dark grey with light black stripes, lol. One can see the stripes only in sunlight.
The females are both dark grey with black stripes. One has tiger stripes and one has more rounded lines. I don't know the English name for that kind of colour scheme. In German it is called "gerädert". Our old cat was coloured like that, too. But she was brown, black and red-brown.
The kids are very excited. Now we can think about names.
Do you have any ideas?
I would like to call the male Loki, but then I would need fitting names for the girls.
Or maybe all names starting with the same letter.
Nero would be a cool name, but then I would have to worry if he will burn down the village.

For the girls I have maybe Mara, Dora, Mia, Cleo, Nora...
Short names. I am open to everything, except names like Fluffy Puffcake, Sugar Candy Cotton or something cringy like that, lol.
Edit: lol
We had a discussion about names and I threw in Leonardo. Micro and my husband immediately said Mona and Lisa.
Leonardo, Mona and Lisa. The more I think about it the better it sounds.