Author Topic: Non- obvious things you want to see explained  (Read 4653 times)

Offline KurtinStGeorge

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Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« on: July 21, 2022, 11:54:21 PM »
This subject is for any odd or unusual situation or mystery you want to know more about or have explained.  Even if the mystery is something that Jim might never take the time to fully answer.

I was looking at the thread about the possible origins of the Red and White Courts of Vampires, and I started wondering about something Nicodemus said about the Red Court back in Small Favor.  Nic offered to help Harry wipe out the Red Court.  Specifically, Nic said of the Red Court, "They're large, well organized, dangerous to my plans, a plague upon mankind, and aesthetically repugnant. They're parasites who are inconvenient in the short term, dangerous in the middle distance, and fatal to any long-range plan. They need to be destroyed at some point, in any case."

Of course, there is no way to know why the Red Court were a threat to Nics plans until we find out exactly what those plans actually involve.  So far, I've haven't seen anyone make any detailed speculation on what Nic's long-term plan is.  I think there has been some talk about Nic; and by extension Anduriel, wanting to defeat the Outsiders, but do so in a way that probably wipes out most of humanity.  I could see the Red Court; if they were still around, not being very happy to see most of their food source disappear, but if Nic's plan involves the use of the Holly Grail or other items that were in Hades vault, I don't understand how the Red Court could get in Nic's way.

This isn't an huge issue or mystery like who fixed Little Chicago or who was responsible for Malcolm Dresden's death, but I don't want to see it get glossed over when Nic's plan or plans come into full view.

What odd or minor issue or mystery do you want to see explained?
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Offline Mira

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2022, 03:50:53 AM »
I was looking at the thread about the possible origins of the Red and White Courts of Vampires, and I started wondering about something Nicodemus said about the Red Court back in Small Favor.  Nic offered to help Harry wipe out the Red Court.  Specifically, Nic said of the Red Court, "They're large, well organized, dangerous to my plans, a plague upon mankind, and aesthetically repugnant. They're parasites who are inconvenient in the short term, dangerous in the middle distance, and fatal to any long-range plan. They need to be destroyed at some point, in any case."

One possible angle is Nic doesn't give a damn about the Red Court one way or the other, but he knows that Harry does.  Let us not forget how clever Nic is, he isn't lying about the Red Court, everything he says about them is true.  It is a good way in his mind to get Harry thinking that Nic and the Denarians are on his side.  Once that happens then the manipulation of Harry can begin. It is simple seduction.

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2022, 08:03:32 AM »
Easiest way to get him to pick up a coin.

Mab did exactly the same with the Winter Mantle. Nick didn’t know about Maggie until Skin Game, but did Mab know before Harry? Did she give the Red Court the information Harry had a child and Eb was his grandfather and where to find Maggie just to put Harry in the situation where he would need to take up the Mantle? And incidentally render the Reds extinct as part of a yet larger plan?

Lea as part of the party is very suspicious in that context.

Offline RobReece

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2022, 01:32:53 PM »
Mab did exactly the same with the Winter Mantle. Nick didn’t know about Maggie until Skin Game, but did Mab know before Harry? Did she give the Red Court the information Harry had a child and Eb was his grandfather and where to find Maggie just to put Harry in the situation where he would need to take up the Mantle? And incidentally render the Reds extinct as part of a yet larger plan?
I think it was pretty well established in Changes how the Red Court found out about Maggie and they already knew that Maggie senior was Eb's daughter and it was common knowledge that Maggie Lefay was Harry's mom.  No need to link Mab to it...

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2022, 02:35:54 PM »
The White Court knew but this wasn’t common knowledge even in the White Council, Wizards and their secrets, look at Eb’s abject horror when he realised Maggie was staying with Harry.

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2022, 04:06:02 PM »
This subject is for any odd or unusual situation or mystery you want to know more about or have explained.  Even if the mystery is something that Jim might never take the time to fully answer.

I was looking at the thread about the possible origins of the Red and White Courts of Vampires, and I started wondering about something Nicodemus said about the Red Court back in Small Favor.  Nic offered to help Harry wipe out the Red Court.  Specifically, Nic said of the Red Court, "They're large, well organized, dangerous to my plans, a plague upon mankind, and aesthetically repugnant. They're parasites who are inconvenient in the short term, dangerous in the middle distance, and fatal to any long-range plan. They need to be destroyed at some point, in any case."

Of course, there is no way to know why the Red Court were a threat to Nics plans until we find out exactly what those plans actually involve.  So far, I've haven't seen anyone make any detailed speculation on what Nic's long-term plan is.  I think there has been some talk about Nic; and by extension Anduriel, wanting to defeat the Outsiders, but do so in a way that probably wipes out most of humanity.  I could see the Red Court; if they were still around, not being very happy to see most of their food source disappear, but if Nic's plan involves the use of the Holly Grail or other items that were in Hades vault, I don't understand how the Red Court could get in Nic's way.

This isn't an huge issue or mystery like who fixed Little Chicago or who was responsible for Malcolm Dresden's death, but I don't want to see it get glossed over when Nic's plan or plans come into full view.

What odd or minor issue or mystery do you want to see explained?
In broad terms you know the outlines.  Nic wants to blow the world to flinders to create a new world order.  Classic trope. The Reds on the other hand wish to maintain the status quo ante and maintain the herd. Lara has similar ambitions, albeit a little less murderous. And she's operating on two levels, both as a facilitator of the Oblivion War and as a White Vampire. In my imagination, on good days, I see the Whites as a cabal within a cabal. A creation designed to see the Oblivion War to its finale. While maintaining the facade of the murderous Vampire.

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2022, 05:58:47 PM »
Yes Nick is a Doctor Evil type villain. Scheme, scheme, scheme.

The Ramps were moving into North America, where the Whamps were already well established. Blamps seem to be the Eurotrash of the Vampire World and the Jamps have cornered Asia. No one seems willing to take them on. It may have been a battle for survival for the Whamps, with great Blamps and Ramps putting the squeeze on them.

There is no indication that Lord Raith was part of the Oblivion War, quite the contrary I think, it may have been Lara seeking to undercut her fathers protector which led her into it.

Offline Snark Knight

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2022, 06:05:23 PM »
The White Court knew but this wasn’t common knowledge even in the White Council, Wizards and their secrets, look at Eb’s abject horror when he realised Maggie was staying with Harry.

Ariana was at the dinner with Eb and Maggie when they showed too much of their cards by "arguing like family". Changes was her plan; she was the only one who needed to know the connection.

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2022, 06:17:13 PM »
I think there has been some talk about Nic; and by extension Anduriel, wanting to defeat the Outsiders, but do so in a way that probably wipes out most of humanity.  I could see the Red Court; if they were still around, not being very happy to see most of their food source disappear, but if Nic's plan involves the use of the Holly Grail or other items that were in Hades vault, I don't understand how the Red Court could get in Nic's way.

Perhaps something as simple as that their large, organized and powerful nation was a junior ally / effective proxy of the Outsiders?

Probably not a coincidence that as the Fomor stepped up into their niche, they were also trying to interfere in Nic's plan to go after the armory.

Offline Mira

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2022, 06:48:09 PM »
Perhaps something as simple as that their large, organized and powerful nation was a junior ally / effective proxy of the Outsiders?

Probably not a coincidence that as the Fomor stepped up into their niche, they were also trying to interfere in Nic's plan to go after the armory.

Well, it is hinted, I think as early as Dead Beat, when Harry says to Morgan how the Red Court is merely a "cat's paw" of a bigger power..  Not only that, but apparently easily replaced, in step the Fomor.  Everyone one is scared of the Fomor, and they seem to be the big unstoppable bad... But when we do have the show down, take away their Titian dolly, and while it is messy they are taken down in pretty short order.

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2022, 07:13:56 PM »
Perhaps something as simple as that their large, organized and powerful nation was a junior ally / effective proxy of the Outsiders?

Probably not a coincidence that as the Fomor stepped up into their niche, they were also trying to interfere in Nic's plan to go after the armory.

Not sure the Fomor were involved in Skin Game beyond Octokongs in the Hotel. They were after Anna Valmont for information she had stolen from them used as a pretext by Nick to get her in place in the Hotel. She would have run in the opposite direction otherwise.

I wonder if the information stolen related to planning for the Battle of Chicago, it would explain the overreaction.

Offline g33k

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2022, 10:20:42 PM »
... Nick didn’t know about Maggie until Skin Game, but did Mab know before Harry? Did she give the Red Court the information Harry had a child and Eb was his grandfather and where to find Maggie just to put Harry in the situation where he would need to take up the Mantle?

Harry figured out that it was actually Martin's plan (and Martin admitted it).
He's the one who told the Ramp's where to find Harry Dresden's get.

As noted, Dresden was well-known to be the child of Margaret LeFay, and Duchess Ariana knew her to be McCoy's.
With the bloodline curse, she realized the Reds could snatch an unprotected little girl who would channel their magic to the Blackstaff.

It's possible that Mab had a hand in dropping a clue/hint/etc to someone along that chain, connecting the dots for someone who hadn't yet.  AFAIK that's 100% speculation, unsupported by canon or WoJ...?  However, it's a very Mab sort of move!  Mab is in many ways Jim's proxy -- tormentingtempering Harry, powering him up for the BAT.

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2022, 10:33:55 PM »
...  Everyone one is scared of the Fomor, and they seem to be the big unstoppable bad... But when we do have the show down, take away their Titian dolly, and while it is messy they are taken down in pretty short order.

Well, but also remember the array of forces brought to that battle.  Mab personally took the field, as did Odin -- the guy whose armory is a skyscraper, and makes "preppers" look like trusting head-in-the-sand pacifists.  A bunch of the White Council's heaviest hitters.  River-Shoulders (and some other Forest People?).  Mr. Etri and the Svartalves.  And more...

All they really showed up for was the "Peace Talks."  Mostly they wanted to stabilize things.  Then the Fomor brought a WMD to the PT.  It stands to reason that when their WMD gets neutralized, they would be at a pretty severe disadvantage...

Offline Aiotanga

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2022, 12:37:31 AM »
Seeing as Nic has the Grail, and the Sword of Love was once Excalibur, what if there will be a 'Quest for the Holy Grail' to determine who becomes the next wielder of the Sword through the recovery of the Grail. Because sure as anything, Nics plans for it are nefarious, and will need to be stopped. Just had the thought when reading the post.

Offline Mira

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Re: Non- obvious things you want to see explained
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2022, 09:44:04 AM »
Seeing as Nic has the Grail, and the Sword of Love was once Excalibur, what if there will be a 'Quest for the Holy Grail' to determine who becomes the next wielder of the Sword through the recovery of the Grail. Because sure as anything, Nics plans for it are nefarious, and will need to be stopped. Just had the thought when reading the post.

That may be his plan but I don't think it will work out that way.