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Dresden Files in Anime
Okay, I watched some of the TV Show episodes from 2007, before I started reading the books. I realized the books had so much more incredible action, so much more naughty thoughts and humor than that TV show. The show just couldn't do those things. TV shows nowadays are so much about business and making a profit--right away. Those epic wizard battles with incredible, horrible demons and monsters. Think of the cost for all that CGI. And if the show doesn't garner a large viewership right away, producers will cancel it. The solution? Anime! There are plenty of anime shows out there with people with magic powers battling monsters, but few have the sarcastic wit that Jum Butcher gives Harry. Also, they don't have to pay massive CGI costs in order to portray those great wizard vs monster battles. I know most anime is only 25 minutes long, and it would be near impossible to cover one of his stories in that little time, but, anime is starting to break that barrier. I've seen shows that have a storyline that takes 2-4 episodes to cover. I've been watching a show called "Nach Machina" and its got a couple stories that are 3 episodes long. It also is near rated R for showing sex and having cuss words. I think the Dresden Files has a lot better chance in Anime.
I'm not enthused. I like anime, but it will have to be EXTREMELY well done for me to be interested in a DF adaptation, and that costs money, and a lot of it. In live action a good script and decent acting covers up many faults, and can keep you interested despite the cheap budget.
My mistake. The Anime I was referring to is "Vox Machina" on Amazon Prime.
Yeah, its tough to get behind Kids Anime, but if you write in some great sarcasm, some sexual inuendo and some great sorcery battles with a lot of action and destruction (something you can't afford to do in a weekly live action show), then the Anime makes sense. Look what the Executives/producers did to Firefly and to The Expanse, even to the original Star Trek, all because they thought it cost too much. Do you actually think Anime costs MORE than live action??
If it was done like in Spiderman- a new universe, that would be cool.
But otherwise I prefer real actors, because people's faces and movements tend to look ridiculous in anime. And I don't mean the children's versions. I can't stand to watch Clone Wars for example or Bad Patch. Not because of the content, but because the people look and move in a weird kind of way. And everyone moves in the same and of way. The only difference is their looks.
This version of Spiderman was the first I saw which was different in that aspects. A piece of art, and I liked how it played with the comic book style.
I don't know about the costs. But you are right about the actors not aging correctly. And about just wanting to make money.
I still prefer real actors, but I would understand, if it was considered not practical.
Regen, have you watched the film "9"? There are almost no humans in it, so it's not a fair comparison, but I think it captured a dark atmosphere quite well. When I read "Dead beat" I imagined it taking place in a similar setting. I think you'll like it.
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