The Dresden Files > DF Books

Am I the only one that doesn't like the way Dresden is going.

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The Dresden Files is my favorite series... by far.

Outside of his sense of humor, one of the best aspects of Dresden was he had a strong moral compass and he didn't sway from it and he surrounded him with others that have strong morals; Murhpy, Michael, Susan, McCoy, The Alphas, even Thomas.

Harry, and various combinations of the above fought all sorts of supernatural evil; Vampires (Red Court, White Court, Black Court), werewolves, Mab, Marcone, Order of the Blackened Denarius, etc.

But now, there is no Murphy, Michael is out of the game, no Susan, no Thomas.  And he is doing jobs with Mab, Nicodemus, Marcone and plotted with white court vampires against the White Council, Carlos and Ebenezer.

I realize this may be part of the overall storyline.  But, right now, it seems that one of Dresden's best attributes, his moral compass, has flipped 180 degrees.  Am I the only reader that is bothered by this?

Sort of yes and's well written, I think, and imaginative... but the earlier ones were urban fantasy, but mostly set in a fairly normal world. Now we are spending a lot of time in the Never Never or the wreckage of Chicago. I miss the "normal" settings a bit. 

Conspiracy Theorist:
Largely we are seeing a bigger picture. Mab the evil Faerie Queen, is actually Mab the defender of the Gates, reality and humanity. The White Council are shown at best to vacillate at worst to have actual designs to maintain their elite at the expense of general humanity. The White Court under Lord Raith is very different to that under Lara, they are more aware that they don’t have to take, because out of the mass of humanity there are so many willing to offer themselves up.

We are being shown that picture with Harry. Skin Game was a con job all along, Nicodemus set up to fail to show Harry was smart enough to warrant the trust being placed upon him by the big players.

I think Harry had a very simple world view in the beginning of the series.  He could see everything in easily defined terms, he was the good guy and the others were the bad guys.  Murphy, Michael, and the Alphas were the right allies because they were all good.  Monsters were bad.  Then he meets Thomas, who's still questionable, but then, lo and behold, it's Harry's brother.

Harry is growing up and realizing that the threats are getting larger, and the lines are blurred.  Mab isn't evil, she's just cold, but she's also the one who is responsible for keeping the outsiders away from humanity.  Michael's the best man he knows, but he's not immortal, and has had to retire.  Murphy was the one who most aligned with his young worldview, and even she realized that the police aren't always right or good, and sometimes you need to step outside the lines to protect the innocent.

He's acquired power and what seem to be questionable allies, but at his core, he's still choosing good and protecting the innocent.  It may seem like we're equivocating, but Harry's a big boy with big threats and hey he hasn't gone over to the Denarians, so he's still good.


Sorry, I thought this was in the "DF Spoilers" subforum.

I definitely posted spoilerific content to the no-spoilers zone, sorry to anyone who got spoiler'ed!


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