Author Topic: Little Things [spoilers]  (Read 25971 times)

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #105 on: June 07, 2022, 02:20:40 PM »
Elaine and Marcone?

I expect Elaine is Nemfected (and I fear Harry is gonna have to kill her (or maybe put her in Demonreach Deepfreeze)).

I suspect the grail can cure Nemfection as a super purifier, it was why Nicky was after it, as well as the spear. The two together would allow him to take on any nemfected Fallen, beat them and cure them.

After the Apocalypse, when humanity become the Guardians there will be no need for the Fae Courts and Mantles, and they can be dissolved. Whether what left is functionally human is another matter. That is I think Harry’s ultimate dilemma.

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #106 on: June 07, 2022, 05:16:36 PM »
... But I think Harry is going to escape his position and he wants to do it with Molly
99% agree with this.

Of course, that's Harry's intent.  It remains to be seen what Harry's Tormentor-in-Chief writes for him.

Given that Donar Vadderung can put on Kringle's Mantle and take it off again, what I actually expect (the 1% difference) is that Harry will become a "part-time" WK, donning the Mantle at need but mostly not living under its influence.

I think that is also what Mab intends!  She understands the strengths and the weaknesses of thr WK mantle, and she takes her job as Guardian of the Outer Gates very seriously.  Powering-up the Starborn is a key element of her planning in this regard, and she intends for Harry to have the WK powers on-tap, but be able to escape the WK weaknesses.

I think Uriel is in on this plan, too.  Chatting with Harry, then giving him Soulfire, then giving him the After-Death (almost) experience... more powerups for the Starborn.

Offline Mira

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #107 on: June 07, 2022, 05:33:11 PM »
I think Uriel is in on this plan, too.  Chatting with Harry, then giving him Soulfire, then giving him the After-Death (almost) experience... more powerups for the Starborn.

The Starborn? Or just Harry?  Somehow I cannot see Uriel giving Drakul or Listens more power ups than they already have.
Given that Donar Vadderung can put on Kringle's Mantle and take it off again, what I actually expect (the 1% difference) is that Harry will become a "part-time" WK, donning the Mantle at need but mostly not living under its influence.

But Vadderung is actually the god Odin, Harry is not a god, as it is he doesn't always have complete control over the mantel that he has.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 05:36:29 PM by Mira »

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #108 on: June 07, 2022, 08:23:23 PM »
Do not assume the Kringle Mantle is the same as other Mantles. I suspect there is only one day per year where he cannot but be Kringle but has more latitude the rest of the year. This isn’t the same for the Faerie Mantles.

Yes, Uriel has been in on the conspiracy since Grave Peril. The choice THIS Harry took opened up possibilities that didn’t previously exist, and note Michael was present when this decision was made, Uriels agent. Harry’s choice? to try to save both Michael and Susan even unto his own death. It’s the next book Summer Knight  Mab turns up and starts showing interest in Harry, prior to this Harry wasn’t on Mab’s radar, only Lea. Michael knew about the coin, obviously so did Uriel and it opened up the gift of Soulfire. They had always intended for Harry to get the power ups of the Mantle and Soulfire, they didn’t plan for Demonreach, that was all pure Harry, stepping in it and coming up smelling of roses although that proved to be essential in surviving Changes and Battle Ground. Together with Vadderung and Hades they planned to transfer the Superweapons to Harry, another power up.

With Harry it isn’t all predestination he has defied prophecy, entropy and death curses, and lived through them all,  I think as a Starborn that is part of what he is, and the Spear magnifies that I think, from the personal to the global. Without it he can break prophecy applying specifically to him, with it he can break prophecy applying to the whole world. He is Nostradamus bane.

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #109 on: June 07, 2022, 09:39:16 PM »
The Starborn? Or just Harry?
Harry the Starborn wizard; you're right, not "any" Starborn will do.
I suspect it has to be a Starborn who:
  • is a wizard (it's unclear to me if that's part of the "starborn" definition; can mundanes be Outsider-resistant???)
  • loves others, to the point of self-sacrifice if needed
  • is incredibly stubborn/strong-willed (this may be a feature of being Starborn, or it may not)
(I note, FWIW, that the (believed to be Starborn (do we have WoJ on that?)) Gatekeeper also has some unusual-even-by-senior-council-standards powerups (including being far older than any other wizard; though possibly that comes just from spending a lot of time in the Far Nevernever (I doubt it gets much "Farther" than the Outer Gates), with presumably a very "favorable" time-flow, causing him to age much less.)

... Harry is not a god, as it is he doesn't always have complete control over the mantel that he has.
But Harry's path is -- always -- about gaining more control over the powers that he has.

And Odin has apparently (in some sense) given up his "godhood."  He's very powerful, very strong-willed, and... he has shown Harry that it's possible.

It certainly won't come quickly, or easily.  But I expect it's coming.

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #110 on: June 08, 2022, 11:04:51 AM »
And Odin has apparently (in some sense) given up his "godhood."  He's very powerful, very strong-willed, and... he has shown Harry that it's possible.

I don't think Odin gave anything up, he is no longer worshiped like he once was, not unlike Hades.. So if less worship means less power, then you are right, but I doubt that Odin would give up anything willingly.  I think for Odin, the so called mantles that he wears are merely aspects of who he is.. The hint of this comes at the end of Cold Days, when he told Harry he had put on a mask for a time when he was Kringle.  Wearing a mask makes you appear different, but under it you are still who you always were.

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #111 on: June 08, 2022, 12:36:48 PM »
There is a WOJ that Odin gave up his immortality to “Stay in the game” I presume to continue to dwell in the mortal world rather than live in exile like Hades. He took up the Kringle Mantle to extend his life, and accepted Soulfire from the White God which allows him to create Einenjharen. Odin cheats.

I have a theory that the Queens power level is as high as you can get without incurring the negative attention of the White God, you either live under restriction like Odin and Ferro or stay in the NeverNever like Hades and the Mothers. That was deliberate, Mothers were created powerful enough to have full intellectus, Queens as much power as can avoid breaking reality, and Ladies enough to gain full immortality. I think that the power threshold is to avoid major damage to reality, such as with Ethnui. Even so the Queens  mere presence distorts weather patterns. Note ethnui was taken down by Harry an agent of the White God, using a weapon supplied to him by the White God.

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #112 on: June 08, 2022, 01:50:19 PM »
There is a WOJ that Odin gave up his immortality to “Stay in the game” I presume to continue to dwell in the mortal world rather than live in exile like Hades. He took up the Kringle Mantle to extend his life, and accepted Soulfire from the White God which allows him to create Einenjharen. Odin cheats.

Could you get the quote?  Because if the All Father gave this up as you suggest then there is no point to Valhalla or the Einenjharen.  I also doubt that the Kringle Mantle extends a life that went on for a thousand years or more before Kringle was even a concept.

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #113 on: June 08, 2022, 02:49:02 PM »
Soulfire is used to create Einenjharen, another WOJ. Valhalla exists in the NeverNever.

I thonk it is more of the different frequency both Bob and Odin have complained about in relation to the White Gods energy. Odin gave up power in relation to his frequency, but gained power of a different frequency with the Kringle Mantle and Soul Power. Odin is weaker BUT he can do things across a much wider spectrum, he traded power for flexibility.

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #114 on: June 08, 2022, 04:43:45 PM »
... Note ethnui was taken down by Harry an agent of the White God, using a weapon supplied to him by the White God.

Note Harry's identity as "agent of TWG" (aka Uriel's Knight) is AFAIK only a fantheory, unsupported by DV canon or any WoJ.

Like many other posters here, I think it's a very-likely fantheory.

In particular:  events of Skin Game show us the plan to give Harry the "superweapons" seems to have been a scheme by Hades/Odin/Mab, and we only presume that Uriel is part of that alliance and that scheme.
Or have I missed a WoJ, or misremembered a bit of DV canon?

Offline Mira

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #115 on: June 08, 2022, 05:38:09 PM »
Note Harry's identity as "agent of TWG" (aka Uriel's Knight) is AFAIK only a fantheory, unsupported by DV canon or any WoJ.

Like many other posters here, I think it's a very-likely fantheory.

In particular:  events of Skin Game show us the plan to give Harry the "superweapons" seems to have been a scheme by Hades/Odin/Mab, and we only presume that Uriel is part of that alliance and that scheme.
Or have I missed a WoJ, or misremembered a bit of DV canon?

You might be able to squeeze Uriel in there somewhere as being associated with that alliance, simply because the "Artifacts" are all objects associated with the Crucifixion of the Son of his Boss.
But of course due to free will, Uriel would keep aloof of most of it, because part of the test to get the Artifacts involve choices ergo free will on Harry's part.

Uriel also telegraphed how important that mission was and that he was in on it when after Murphy was hurt he loaned Michael his Grace so the mission would have a better chance of succeeding..
« Last Edit: June 08, 2022, 05:43:41 PM by Mira »

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #116 on: June 08, 2022, 11:29:31 PM »
This is all playing to the final Trilogy. Changes kicked that off. Harry was sent in to the Reds stronghold to end them. To be what he was born to be.
“No,” Langtry said. “So they never knew it was coming. Period. We will no longer wage a war with that filth, cold, hot, or otherwise. We’re going to destroy them, root and branch.” He lifted his chin slightly as his voice turned to frost. “We’re going to exterminate them.”
“False gods!” she cried, her blue eyes blazing as she stared at the Red King and the Lords of Outer Night. “Pretenders! Usurpers of truth! Destroyers of faith, of families, of lives, of children! For your crimes against the Mayans, against the peoples of the world, now will you answer! Your time has come! Face judgment Almighty!”
I heard someone whispering to me, something in a tongue I didn’t understand—but I knew my queen’s voice. I became aware that a cloud of white mist and vapor was gathering around me as I continued, a little faster, the humid air of the Yucatán boiling around the frost that had formed on my armor.
Uriel the White Council and Mab allied to commit genocide. Along with Odin and others.  Is that close enough to  the idea of Harry as agent?

Offline Conspiracy Theorist

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #117 on: June 09, 2022, 01:22:00 AM »
Individually the Lords of the  Outer Night were not powerful enough to break reality, but the Red Court was a threat to humanity, which appears to be the second proscription of the White God, do not menace humanity. It’s this which makes me think the White God is born out of the singularity. Humanity needs to thrive and expand or the point the White God comes into existence. The Red Court threatened that.

Offline Dina

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #118 on: June 09, 2022, 05:07:04 AM »
Just a comment and I leave you all with your theories. I think the way to cure nemfection is not the grial but Butter's sword.  It kills the not human part. It will probably cure whampires too. At least, that is what I suspect is going to happen with Thomas.
Missing you, Md 

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Re: Little Things [spoilers]
« Reply #119 on: June 09, 2022, 09:04:27 AM »
The transformation of Butters sword may have been nothing more than explain what they actually are bound angels, BUT as the superweapons are even more powerful,  are they bound Archangels? For everything the swords are, the superweapons are even more so, and they do more than just kill.

If they are bound Archangels they are one being simultaneously existing in the multiverse.