Yes, I suspect Malks can’t get high on catnip, but changelings can, through their half felis domesticus side.
Mister is a fiend for catnip, it has been shown on multiple occasions. He might have to forswear it to go full Malk, currently he has all the benefits of a Malk, random sex and violence PLUS catnip.
Harry would swap with him if he could.
Generally Mister has not been confronted with an adversary he couldn’t dispatch or run away from, if he does, like Greebo he might have another option. Does Mister have an adversary? Yes. Rudy has a long standing grudge over Harry which includes Mister, poor trigger discipline, first against Mister, then against Harry and then against Murphy. Harry terrifies him, so what would Rudy do if he is fired for repeated poor firearms discipline? For won’t of a better charge? I think he would revenge himself on Mister, Harry’s pet ‘cat’, if that is used as the pretext to fire him.
When one grasps a Malk by the tail, one had better makes sure it has a tail.