That would only work if Bezos is Black Council. Which I have theorised in the Dresdenverse.
However not impossible, the Baku came into existence from the Never Never because Japanese children believed in it from the nineties onwards. Alexa was introduced 2013 and Siri 2011 so both are a little too early (its 2014 in the Dresdenverse) for them to develop.
However Clippy the Microsoft Office Assistant existed from Windows 1997 until the characters demise in 2011, so will have been around for about 17 years, at this point in the Dresdenverse installed on every Microsoft machine at that time, making an immense User base. I can remember Clippy on my office machine from about 2000 onwards and god I hated it irrationally, like most people.
Worryingly the code for Clippy was developed from Microsoft Bob (that is a real thing). Therefore if there is a candidate for an AI programme to make the jump via the Never Never to becoming a spirit of intellect, it’s Clippy. All I can say is that Butters needs to kill it immediately and with extreme prejudice.
I have speculated about the White God coming into existence via the Singularity and things existing from the internet coming into existence via the Never Never is a way forward. Butters “Gaming Display” from his connection to the White God would suggest this. On this basis Internet Trolls, Trolls who are Spirits of Intellect would be a thing.