Author Topic: A Stretch Connection  (Read 2270 times)

Offline hiddendotgif

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A Stretch Connection
« on: April 19, 2022, 11:10:51 AM »
So, back in 2014-2015, there was a series on YouTube called Mianite. It was a minecraft roleplay show that dealt with gods and such, but the main takeaway here is the gods. There were three deities, one for good [Mianite], one for bad [Dianite], and one for balance [Ianite].
In the Dresden Files, we definitely see two sides to the plays of power, though its not as black/white as good/bad. What I want to know is who would you consider to be the ones in that third section, balance.

To start, I'd say Ivy, even if she has fought for good every time she has fought, it was to help balance the scale. In Harry and the vampire's standoff, she acted as the mediator.
Who else fits in this third group?
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Re: A Stretch Connection
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2022, 01:44:44 PM »
The likely end game theology of the Dresden Files is likely to be far mor complex than that.

The White God and his allies are pro-humanity and reality as we know it, they are opposed by the Outsiders who wish to erase both. Both are opposed by, it looks like two groups who want to take the reins of creation from the White God and do things their own way. One has just shown their hand and is Drakul and the Black Court. The other is the Black Council and a possible backer behind them (I think Lucifer). The whole Starborn thing may be to decide whose version of reality/humanity prevails amongst those three, all would combine to defeat the Outsiders.

The Archive is to preserve all human knowledge, there why they are opposed to the Outsiders (the Oblivion War) they are not necessarily exclusively in the White  Gods camp, they will probably work with the other two groups if humanity survives under their plans. The Archive is currently allied with the White God through the Accords, clearly the other two groups want to undermine the Accords and split off parts of it for their own alliances.

It’s likely a Venn diagram rather than a simple three way power block, overlapping interests with the Outsiders as literally a set apart with no overlap.

Offline morriswalters

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Re: A Stretch Connection
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2022, 03:00:19 PM »
So, back in 2014-2015, there was a series on YouTube called Mianite. It was a minecraft roleplay show that dealt with gods and such, but the main takeaway here is the gods. There were three deities, one for good [Mianite], one for bad [Dianite], and one for balance [Ianite].
In the Dresden Files, we definitely see two sides to the plays of power, though its not as black/white as good/bad. What I want to know is who would you consider to be the ones in that third section, balance.

To start, I'd say Ivy, even if she has fought for good every time she has fought, it was to help balance the scale. In Harry and the vampire's standoff, she acted as the mediator.
Who else fits in this third group?
Hecate. And all her forms. She sits astride the divide between the Universe and the Outside.

Offline Ed0517

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Re: A Stretch Connection
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2022, 07:13:14 AM »
Where do we put the White Court Vamps, and the Fae? Are WCV human enough to be with us, even if they kill us and want control they currently know they cannot achieve? Or scions like Kincaid. But they are signatories too. But so were the Reds, and they did not seem to be on Humanity's side.

Hades seems fairly neutral. Has his own turf, and is not said to be a signatory. Odin is with the humans, but how about other gods? VADDERUNG signed on - does that mean Asgard is on board? Or did he sign for himself. 

Offline Mira

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Re: A Stretch Connection
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2022, 08:55:19 PM »

I'd put the White Court up as human, or at any rate they started out as human, and someone made a deal, with a demon called the Hunger.  It is a parasitic relationship, or symbiosis
Symbiosis is a relationship between two organisms: it can be mutualistic (both benefit), commensal (one benefits), or parasitic.

The Red Court seems to have been different, in that it was more of an infection..  But an infection with plenty of benefits, it gains nothing by remaining human, so when fully turned they no long resemble the humans they once were unless they require the illusion of it to gain more victims.