Yes, but given the inherent subjectivity… how much good hard objective data really comes from a “soulgaze”?
Very very little "hard objective" data... like, is this person a Whampire, or not? Yeah, you can get
that as objective data (and such data can be important (e.g. may have saved Ramirez's life)).
But don't discount the idea that you can still get a very great deal of very "good
hard objective data" from a 'gaze!
Repeating elements of the Dresden Files include that the "facts" (the "hard data") don't always tell the whole story; and that "objectivity" is more often a fools' errand than not.
... Basically unless a soul gaze can be recorded and played back to third parties they are worthless ...
I think the White Council relies (much!) too heavily on the results of a Soulgaze. But I think calling them "worthless" is even further off-base. They are the single most penetrating way to look into who a person
is, down deep. And AFAIK we see no signs that a 'gaze can be substantively defeated, or defended-against (other than refusing to engage).
But then you need to depend upon the veracity of the Warden, fine if it’s Carlos, but Justin DuMorne was a Warden, how many people did he ‘clear’ how many did he ‘damn’ and did he clear some he knew were guilty, and damn some he knew were innocent...
I seem to remember (unless I mis-remember?) that Warden SOP is to get at least 3 'gazes on someone who's on trial. That right there would go a long way toward circumventing any DuMornes who would subvert the system that way (if I am misremembering, then clearly they should do it!): if the Warden corps are so corrupt that 3 random individual Wardens can reliably be presumed to deliver any pre-determined testimony you want, then it's game-over and the Bad Guys have already won.