Author Topic: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)  (Read 29104 times)

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Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« on: February 15, 2022, 07:49:13 PM »
edit: I thought about putting this at the bottom but I'm trying to keep the quotes more or less chronologically by book.

Rashids analyses of the Senior Councils decisions and concerns in Summer Knight my have some bearing on Star Born and what they fear.
"We have set our feet upon a darkling path" he murmured. "A road that will grow only more dangerous. Our first steps are crititcal. We must make them with caution."
The cowl turned to Ebenezar and the Gatekeeper said.
"You love the boy Wizard MCCoy. You would fight to defend him. Your own dedication to our cause is not inconsiderable. I respect your choice.
He turned toward LaFortier.
"You question Dresden's loyalty and his ability. You imply that only a bad seed can grow from bad soil. Your concerns are understandable-and if correct, then Dresden poses a major threat to the Council."
He turned to Ancient Mai and inclined the cowl forward a few degrees. The Ancient replied with a slight bow of her own.
"Ancient Mai" The Gatekeeper said "You question his ability to use his power wisely. To judge between right and wrong. "You fear that DuMornes teaching may have twisted him in ways even he cannot yet see. Your fears too are justified."
He turned to the Merlin. "Honored Merlin. You know that Dresden has drawn death and danger upon the Council. You believe that if he is removed so will be that danger. Your fears are understandable but not reasonable. Regardless of what happens to Dresden, the Red Court has struck a blow against the Council too deep to be ignored. A cessation of current hostilities would only be the calm before the storm."
"Let him secure the assistance of Winter. If he does that should lay to rest your concerns regarding his ability LaFortier"
LaFortier frowned then nodded at the Gatekeeper. He turned to Ancient Mai.
"Should he accomplish this it should show that he is willing to accept responsibility for his mistake and to work against his own best interests for the greater good of the Council. It should satisfy your concerns ass to his judgement-to make the mistakes of youth is no crime but not to learn from them is. Agreed?"
Ancient Mai narrowed he rheumy eyes but gave the Gatekeeper a precise nod.
"And you honored Merlin. Such a success may do much to alleviate the pressure of the coming war. If securing routes through the Nevernever places the Red Court at a severe enough disadvantage, it may even enable us to avoid it entirely. Surely it would prove Dresden's dedication to the Council beyond a doubt."
"Then perhaps their fears are more justified than your affection, Wizard McCoy. We may indeed conclude that his appointment to full Wizard initiate may have been premature."

Some interesting theories and politics that could have bearing on Harry being Star Born and why LtW is so cautious about the political ramifications.

Curtesy of @morriswalters:
If you wish you may want to add this quote from Blood Rites
She touched my face again and said, "I was so arrogant. I laid too great a burden upon you to bear alone. I hope that one day you will forgive me my mistake. But know that I am proud of what you have become. I love you, child."

Lash gives the first direct hints.
"I mean no insult by it, but you should know that your ability to comprehend your environment is very strongly defined by your belief in a number of illusions. Time, Truth. Love That kind of thing. It isn't you fault of course-- but it does impose limits upon your ability to percieve and unerstand some matters.
She sighed. "Again you have only a partial understanding. But in the interest of expediency yes. You would have to cease living".
"because of the circumstances of your birth-because of *why* you were born Harry. Your mother found strength to escape Lord Raith for a *reason*."
"He Who Walks Behind *is* an Outsider, Harry. A terrible creature, the most potent of the Walkers, a powerful knight among their ruling entities, But when he came for you, you overthrew hi,."
"You have potential to hold great power over them. You may be able to escape the power now held over you. If you are sure it is what you want."

Cold Days various people mention Harry's growing knowledge, power and interest by various beings.

Mother Winter
"So" she whispered a moment later. "You have finally come to see what has been before you all this time."
"He knew certain names. He was not wholly stupid in choosing them or wholly wrong in using them."
mother Summer's bright green eyes narrowed. "Did he..?
"No" croaked Mother Winter "Not that one. But he has seen the adversary and learned one of its names"
"So many new futures unwinding"
"Too many Bright ones" Mother Winter said sullenly
"Even you must think better that than empty night."
"He is a weapon. Let him be made stronger"
"Or broken"
"If you choose to walk with me what is seen cannot be unseen and what is known cannot be unknown. It may harm you.
"You may never know a night's peace again. Knowledge is power, young man. Power to do good and power to do harm. Some knowledge can hurt. Some can kill."
"Even if it may haunt you? Harm You? Isolate you?"
Now at the time I just assumed Mother Summer was just talking about the Outer Gates but now with everyone being nervous about StarBorn maybe Mother Summer only showed Harry some of it a half truth only what he was ready. Very Fae like. Maybe Mother Summer thought she told him as much as she could and thought Harry would piece it together. Harry in this seen himself comments on the cripticness in his inner monolog.


Now Rashid's turn at criptic albeit more White Council stuff
"Still I can't recall the last time a wizard of your age managed the trip however it was done. You take after your mother."
I blinked "You knew her?"
"Those of us who spend any amount of time wlaking the Ways tend to develop a certain amount of camaraderie. We would have dinner every so often compare notes of our walks. And there were several of us who were friends of Ebenezar who.. took it upon ourselces to watch over her."
"You've become aware of the adversary" he said his one one of firm approval. "Excellent. I was certain your particular pursuits would get you killed long before you got a chance to lean."
"to say nothing of the problems you've created for yourself that you haven't found out about yet."
"Wait" I said "What problems? I haven't been trying to create problems:
"Oh" he said waving a hand. "You've danced about in the shadows at the edge of life now young man. That's no small thing, to go into those shadows and come back again-- you've no idea the kind of attention you've attracted."
...(Outsider lo down)
"I know precisely how it feels to be where you are... Precisely"
"I will settle matters between you and the Council which knows only as much about our roles as it needs to-- and that isn't much"

Vadderung conversation
"I'm sure it isn't an uncommon play among wizards" I said
Something in his eye flashed, an amused thought that went by almost before I could see it.
"Fewer try it than you might think"
"Nothing that significant just happens, Dresden"
"I'm aware of how important it is that the island be well managed. Most of the people who came to your party in Mexico are."
By which he meant the Grey Council.
"Wizard... you have been dead and returned. It has marked you. It had opened doors and paths that you do not yet know exist, and attracted the attention of beings who formerly would never have taken note of your insignifance
"Meaning what?" I asked
There was no humour at ll in his face. "Meaning that now more than ever you are a fulcrum. Meaning that your life is about to become very, very interesting."

Ebenezar gives us the footnote version
"Every couple or three wizard generations" Ebenezar said "the stars line up just right and what amounts to a spotlight plays over the earth for a few hours. Any child born within that light--"
"Power against the Outsiders" the old man growled "Among other things that their minds can't be magically tainted by contact with anything from Outside. Which means..."
(fight with Outsiders in which Harry has the penny dropped)
"Not until I get something on this whole starborn thing."
"I told you You were born at the right time and place. As a result you.. He sighed as if struggling to find an explanation. "Your life force resonates at a frequency that is the mirror opposite and cancellation of the Outsiders. They can't take away your free will. They're vulnerable to your power. Hell you can punch them and they'll actually feel pain from it.
"This starborn thing. It happens all the time?"
"Once every six hundred and sixty-six years."
"Why?" I asked him "What's it for? What's coming?"
"Lessons over for tonight. I already said more'n I should've"

Harry's penny drop moment
Was that why Nemesis for example had revealed itself to me but had never actually attacked me in an effort to take control of my thoughts and actions? Because it actually *couldn't*? It made sense grouped with my previous experiences with Outsides, where others had been disalbed by their attacks while I had still been capable of taking action. It meant that not only could I resist their influence but I could go up against these things, mind to mind, without fear of short-circulating my brain along the way.

So I'm collecting all the star born quotes I can find. Quite afew from Battle Ground.

Mab barely contains herself several times.
"He is *exactly* my weapon she hissed "By his own choice. Which is more than *your* people ever gave him. And they call the Sidhe wicked and deceitful."
I blinked and shot a glance at Ebenezar
The old man wouldn't meet my eyes.
"Immortality offers a significant advantage but it is no substitute for intelligence. Remember that young wizard"
Ebenezar scowled and opened his mouth.
"Should it for some bizarre reason ever be necessary" Mab said smoothly before he could speak.
 I stared back and forth between the pair of them for a second.
Yeah. Time for things to change.

Well Drakul reveals the most:

"Their immaculate beardlinesses have you in the dark even now? As one starborn to another I must say it seems unseemly in the extreme."
"I would tell you to ask of your own White Council what they aren't telling you, what they bred you for, and what they expect you to do."
"Ill be open with you star-born."

LtW is scared enough of the truth and apparently has to do some political favours to reveal it:
"He's got a different set of priorities."
"Because he's starborn" I guessed
Listens to Wind looked at me sharply.
"There's some secrets that do worse than get you killed. A whole hell of a lot worse."
"I'll be your advocate. I'll speak on your behalf to the others"
"Thats how big this is boy. I a senior wizard of the White Council don't think I'm smart enough to make this call alone"
"The people I need to talk to? Make it a year."

River Shoulders knows but tries to stay out of it:
He looked uncomfortable. "Lot of the wizards who matter are near the end. Hanging on hard."
I tilted my head at him "Why?"
"Not the right erson time or place to tell starborn.
I pursed my lis. "Six hundred and sixty sic years" I said experimentally
River's craggy brows rose itself a feat of superhuman strenth "Huh" he said "You learned some things"
"I learnt that" I said
"We pretty close to that time" he said "Kinda promised not to tell you anything. Sucks. Necessary."
"There's plenty that you don't know yet. And maybe this story isn't mine to tell."

Mavra says
"Starborn are for the Master"

and Listens one apparently valuable enough for Corb and Ethniu to keep him around
"How many starborn are there wandering about this close to the endga-"

So Eb and LtW seem to be a bit guilty about keeping whatever it is from Harry. Given Ebs other major secrets were Blackstaff and Grandad it's gotta be bigger then those right?

Mab and Drakul think the White Councils manipulating even 'breeding' Harry with him having little choice about it.

Morgan the Bastard. Sorry I refuse to give him SnapeSyndrome forgiveness.
(edit add. I figured Morgans acknowledgement should be acknowledged.)
"But I don't like you. I think you are dangerous" His mouth twisted. "But I am no longer convinced you these things out of malice. I think you lack discipline and judgement. You have repeatedly demonstrated your willingness to put yourself in harm's way to protect others. As much as it galls me to admit it, I don't think you have any evil intentions. I think your questionable actions are the result of arrogance and poor judgement. In ther end it matters little why you do it. But I cannot in good conscience condemn you for it without giving you some sort of chance to prove me wrong."
It's basically the entire journal entry so reread and enjoy. It's a great addition to the lore:

So Maggie and Morgan were friends enough for Morgan to promise to look out for her son despite her shaky relationship with the council. A promise he broke regardless.

Dresden was vanished from all record.

The Adversary (who we know is Nemesis from Mother Winter) has pretty much cursed Dresden.

There were 'controls' that Morgan could trigger.

Harry could be a 'Destroyer' lets assume Kemmler and Drakul are Destoryers.

oh and that throw away line of 'web of conflicts' among the Senior Council could have been what LtW was talking about needing favours.

Alright relevant WOJ
(click to show/hide)

And also what is Drakul a scion of?
Drakul wasn't a scion of anything! He was something entirely unhuman that got trapped in human form. Dracula was his half-human child, who naturally had enormous paternal issues, and wound up creating himself as the first Black Court Vampire in an effort to win his father's approval.
It didn't work out so well.

Well yeah there's only one guy who can soulgaze with a kraken and the kraken's scared of him, right.

Well essentially yeah. That was more a starborn thing but anyway. There you go free one for the audience.

Alright, so, then as much as we can get about Nemesis now that we can see it's taken someone particularly close to Dresden and his brother. Is there really just one way that it spreads from person to person/being to being or are there particular requirements that have to be met?

Not terribly. The only limit it has is how many places it can be at once, it can only be in so many places at once.

But it's more than a couple because we've seen at least a few at the same time.

More than a couple but there's a limit.

Less than forty thousand starborn.

Less than forty thousand starborn, correct. The whole point of the starborn is that they don't have to put up with the nonsense from the outsiders, stuff like Nemesis taking them over.

Priscellie: How long have starborns been a thing? Is it recent millennia or much further back?

Jim: Oh for many many many many many moons, as long as anyone remembers, including among the supernatural memories. That's been going since creation got started, it's sort of a well you'll see what it is later when we talk about it more.

How often do the Ladies’, Queens’ and Mothers’ mantles change?
Uh, the Ladies, Queens and Mothers, their mantles change very, very, very rarely in general. I mean, Mab’s been there for better than 1,000 years. And Maeve’s been there….there was a Winter Lady before Maeve, uh, in Mab’s time. And she didn’t fare so well the last time a Starborn was running around.

WOJ on Kemmler being Warden
Priscellie: Who was the warden of Demonreach before Harry?

Jim: Lemme think, I know who it is, and who the guy before that was, but the guy before /that/ was Kemmler so...

Priscellie: Oh god. *laughs*

Jim: Yeah, I mean, half of that entire thing was just the white council trying to keep Kemmler from getting back to the island and opening it up. Which is why they had him being hounded by the wardens all through the wild west and so on. It was to stop him from being able to set things up even more. Kemmler is sort of in the Dresden Files universe he's sort of the Dresden Files version of WWI where it was actually the biggest most epic most incredible conflict the world has ever known but we're all used to seeing WWII because they got some of it on film but we didn't get nearly as much of the great war on film but when you actually go and study it and study all the troop numbers and resources involved WWI was really the great war and WWII was kind of a follow-up. A softer echo in many ways.

Priscellie: In terms of how long someone is a warden, I'm sure it varies from case to case but how long does wardenship typically last?

Jim: It depends on how quickly it gets you killed.

Priscellie: Is that the only way out?

Jim: I'd say it's not the only way out. You can definitely walk away from it or be dragged away from it or driven away from it. And then if somebody else comes along and challenges Demonreach then it's their island if your influence isn't there anymore. By the time Harry got there nobody had been there in a good long while because amon the people who are in the know on the council it would be suicide to go try and do that. If one of the senior council guys got it all the other senior council guys would be like "yep he's the bad guy he's definitely corrupt and serving evil". And then Dresden walked into it and it was just such a stupid move they all kind of looked at him and went "I thing he was he was being dumb? Do you think he was being dumb? Yeah it looks dumb. It looks like he was just being stupid, oh my god, we do need the firepower", you know, like that. The poor council, they find themselves so strapped for resources in so many ways that they keep having to tolerate Harry Dresden.

Priscellie: Did his (Kemmler) wardenship end when he was killed after WWII?

Jim: It ended during one of the times they killed him. Kemmler got killed a bunch of times. He was one of those fun villains who just kept getting back up again just kept Napoleoning his way back into being a problem for the white council.

So thats every quote from the series or WOJ that I can find directly dealing with starborn mania. Discuss, critisize, correct, add or subtract. But if you need a question topic as most of the good topics do.

Why is everyone so nervous about telling Harry?

If it was just about Power, Why would Ebenezar, Listens and River feel guilty? Listens is a good guy a doctor and a healer, who doesn't want to hrut Harry and who isn't sure it's his call alone. Rivers thinks he owes Harry not just for protecting his son but bringing them closer, but still not for him to say.

Ebenezar. He's Blackstaff who kills thousands of humans the only time he's felt guilty about it was telling Harry. The other biggest secret was he was his Grandfather. Hell Ebenezar outright duelled Harry over White Court when he thought he was in the right.

Rashid and Vadderung both say beings are now watching Harry closely because he came back from the dead and implied because he's Star Born. The next book Harry actually meets a God of Death, Hades. Maybe Hades had to sign off on someone being brought back that they're worthy?

Mab and Drakul both seem to think Immortality is possible and maybe on the horizon for Harry.

(Ok so siigh personal note this post is close to 3000 words sorry for the info dump and I really hope I got all the damn coding and brackets right)

(edited:Added Morris's Blood Rites quote, Kemmler being Warden and Drakul being a Scion.)

(edited: added Rashids council discussion and Morgans admission of wrong)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 03:19:13 PM by Con »

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2022, 09:44:17 PM »
I'll add some pieces.  Harry was raised to be a sociopath. Isolated and abused. 

Butcher may have set the stage in Grave Peril when he has Harry go berserk and burn down the mansion.  Harry stops his heart from the stress of the magic he uses.

This happens again in Blood Rites. Eb tells him that Raith killed his mother and again he goes into a berserker rage and Eb must squeeze his burnt hand to stop him.

In Changes he loses two minutes of time when he triggers the bloodline curse and kills the vampires. And people world wide have nightmares.

Finally then Battle Ground and the berserker fury overtakes Harry once again and the sword hurts him to stop him.

If you wish you may want to add this quote from Blood Rites
She touched my face again and said, "I was so arrogant. I laid too great a burden upon you to bear alone. I hope that one day you will forgive me my mistake. But know that I am proud of what you have become. I love you, child."

We may know where the plot was laid.  Eb refers to what I assume was the genesis, which is the meeting where Arianna discovers the relationship between Eb and Margaret.  All of the player were there.  Raith, Eb, Arianna and Margaret.

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2022, 09:58:58 PM »
In Journal it’s Destroyer capitalised, there is a whole page on Wikipedia about Destroyer Gods and they list 15 that may be what is meant. A Starborn has the potential to become a Destroyer God, like Shiva or Ahriman.

That may be what Drakul is, a Starborn who became a Destroyer god and then had to step down like Odin, but for different reasons, and got stuffed into a human body .Erlik is a good match, with Junior being one of his sons (god’s of evil, darkness, chaos, discord etc)

Kemmler, no, but not for want of trying, and the Darkhallow is the mechanism for both Drakul to regain his Destroyer godhood, and for Harry to become a Destroyer in his own right, which explains why Mavra wanted the Darkhallow, for Drakul, and with Journal being written after Dead Beat, Morgan MUST have made that connection. Would this mean Cowl is also a Starborn from a previous cycle like Drakul? It would certainly suggest Cowl is not Drakul .

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2022, 07:04:54 AM »
Great stuff Con!

I think the fact that there were 40,000 give or take suggests that it isn't as uncommon for something to become a star born - but far more uncommon to survive for very long. I suspect most die not even knowing what they were.

So for us that means plenty of potential candidates - mortal or otherwise. And that's just from Harry's cycle. Let alone all the other cycles which apparently started at the beginning of time. Jim did indirectly hint at this stuff once upon a time when he said that Lucifer messed things up at the beginning of time doing his "shenanigans", if you can call a civil war that.

To answer your question (why is everyone so nervous about revealing the truth) I think Listens-to-Wind has answered that somewhat i.e. the knowledge could do worse than kill Harry. It might mean that far, far more people die. It might mean that Harry could end up becoming a terrible monster in his own right. It might mean that the knowledge drives him mad. It seems likely that the knowledge probably will make his life far worse (especially given how Jim writes).

I have another theory about the famous Psalm 23:1-6
‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he
leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul: He leads me in the paths of
righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of
death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou
prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anoints my head with oil; my
cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell
in the House of YHVH forever.'

Interesting that it talks of the rod and staff (of which Harry often uses both). The preparation of the table could be Harry being sacrificed at the Stone Table at Tir-Na-Nog (if you think the only purpose of that table is for the Courts of Faerie I think you might want to look deeper - think C.S. Lewis and his famous works). Anointing of the head with oil is the practice of cleansing but also of making things holy - indeed, the monarch of the United Kingdom is anointed in oil which transforms them from mortal to divine (or close enough, depending on what church you follow). The cup running over has been mentioned by Jim when discussing how much power could go into a particular vessel.

I'll add some pieces.  Harry was raised to be a sociopath. Isolated and abused. 

Butcher may have set the stage in Grave Peril when he has Harry go berserk and burn down the mansion.  Harry stops his heart from the stress of the magic he uses.

This happens again in Blood Rites. Eb tells him that Raith killed his mother and again he goes into a berserker rage and Eb must squeeze his burnt hand to stop him.

In Changes he loses two minutes of time when he triggers the bloodline curse and kills the vampires. And people world wide have nightmares.

Finally then Battle Ground and the berserker fury overtakes Harry once again and the sword hurts him to stop him.

If you wish you may want to add this quote from Blood Rites
We may know where the plot was laid.  Eb refers to what I assume was the genesis, which is the meeting where Arianna discovers the relationship between Eb and Margaret.  All of the player were there.  Raith, Eb, Arianna and Margaret.
Do you think his star born nature contributed to the treatment he received, or was the cause?

I suspect you're correct (and I also have long held the theory) that Harry's darkest impulses and rages are more than just being human. They are directly tied to his star born nature.

Particularly, the scene in Battle Ground where he attempts to kill Rudy is almost ripped from star wars...and Harry is the Sith Lord against Butters (Harry literally uses lightning - a signature of the Sith, and Butters is holding what amounts to a lightsabre). What's curious to me was that there was a smell of brimstone when Harry was burned by Butter's sword, and we have only ever had that smell occur around Hell power.

My guess is that part of being star born is the link to Lucifer and Hell, but I am not sure how. But I think that part of the price of resisting Outsiders is the Lucifer's own corruption.
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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2022, 08:59:19 AM »
Harry's rage as a symptom of Star Born could be relevant it could explain why Morgan tried to provoke Harry as much as possible/ If he can't control his rage he can't wield the power of Star Born responsibly.

I also agree Harry's childhood and how he was raised was text book to create someone with rage and trust issues. Ironcallly or tragically I've been watching some Good Will Hunting clips. Will the main character has some analogies. Child genius grew up in the system was abused by it, only trusts a limited circle of friends who he knows will back him up in a fight. Still has a desire for a strong and kind father figure.

So how much of that is just psychological human of growing up abused and how much is Dresden potentially going dark side. Probably a bit of both.

In Journal it’s Destroyer capitalised, there is a whole page on Wikipedia about Destroyer Gods and they list 15 that may be what is meant. A Starborn has the potential to become a Destroyer God, like Shiva or Ahriman.

That may be what Drakul is, a Starborn who became a Destroyer god and then had to step down like Odin, but for different reasons, and got stuffed into a human body .Erlik is a good match, with Junior being one of his sons (god’s of evil, darkness, chaos, discord etc)

Kemmler, no, but not for want of trying, and the Darkhallow is the mechanism for both Drakul to regain his Destroyer godhood, and for Harry to become a Destroyer in his own right, which explains why Mavra wanted the Darkhallow, for Drakul, and with Journal being written after Dead Beat, Morgan MUST have made that connection. Would this mean Cowl is also a Starborn from a previous cycle like Drakul? It would certainly suggest Cowl is not Drakul .

Kemmler got closer then most. I don't doubt he was one of the few Wizards who made it back from death like Vadderung says. There's a woj on Kemmler being the Warden before last and White Council scrambled to make sure he never reached the island. It didn't occur to me because I was focused on Star Born stuff not Warden stuff, but I'll add it here and in the original post now that I think of it.
Priscellie: Who was the warden of Demonreach before Harry?

Jim: Lemme think, I know who it is, and who the guy before that was, but the guy before /that/ was Kemmler so...

Priscellie: Oh god. *laughs*

Jim: Yeah, I mean, half of that entire thing was just the white council trying to keep Kemmler from getting back to the island and opening it up. Which is why they had him being hounded by the wardens all through the wild west and so on. It was to stop him from being able to set things up even more. Kemmler is sort of in the Dresden Files universe he's sort of the Dresden Files version of WWI where it was actually the biggest most epic most incredible conflict the world has ever known but we're all used to seeing WWII because they got some of it on film but we didn't get nearly as much of the great war on film but when you actually go and study it and study all the troop numbers and resources involved WWI was really the great war and WWII was kind of a follow-up. A softer echo in many ways.

Priscellie: In terms of how long someone is a warden, I'm sure it varies from case to case but how long does wardenship typically last?

Jim: It depends on how quickly it gets you killed.

Priscellie: Is that the only way out?

Jim: I'd say it's not the only way out. You can definitely walk away from it or be dragged away from it or driven away from it. And then if somebody else comes along and challenges Demonreach then it's their island if your influence isn't there anymore. By the time Harry got there nobody had been there in a good long while because amon the people who are in the know on the council it would be suicide to go try and do that. If one of the senior council guys got it all the other senior council guys would be like "yep he's the bad guy he's definitely corrupt and serving evil". And then Dresden walked into it and it was just such a stupid move they all kind of looked at him and went "I thing he was he was being dumb? Do you think he was being dumb? Yeah it looks dumb. It looks like he was just being stupid, oh my god, we do need the firepower", you know, like that. The poor council, they find themselves so strapped for resources in so many ways that they keep having to tolerate Harry Dresden.

Priscellie: Did his (Kemmler) wardenship end when he was killed after WWII?

Jim: It ended during one of the times they killed him. Kemmler got killed a bunch of times. He was one of those fun villains who just kept getting back up again just kept Napoleoning his way back into being a problem for the white council.

I don't think Cowl is Star Born. I think he's Simon Pietrovich so outside of the 666. I don't think you necessarily have to be Star Born to pull off Dark Hallow. Otherwise Corpsetaker and Grevane would be Star Born candidates as well.

Thanks Yuillegan!

I dunno about how directly that bible verse applies. I mean Jim isn't shy about Christian influence, but we usually only get the bible parallels when the Knights or even more specifically the Carpenters get involved.

As for telling Harry the truth. Their has to be some sort of personal betrayal to it for Ebenezar to feel so guilty about it, and it has to be more major then being Blackstaff, Being Grandfather and finding out Thomas is his Grandson. The last one was still fresh and there was still something that makes him hesitate.

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2022, 09:15:33 AM »
It may be something like the Darkhallow works best for a Starborn, or it is the missing piece Kemmler overlooked. If so Corpsetaker and Grevane  etc may not have succeeded. One has to wonder why Kemmler never used it, or in fact did he use it but it didn’t fully work?. His last incarnation was far more powerful than he is portrayed in a Fistful of Warlocks, but not god level and he didn’t become immortal. Is that the difference?, a Starborn mortal can become immortal using it? Without a Mantle?

Both the Darkhallow and the killing of Immortals are linked to Halloween, as is Harry’s birthday. Is that the connection?

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2022, 10:08:25 AM »
It may be something like the Darkhallow works best for a Starborn, or it is the missing piece Kemmler overlooked. If so Corpsetaker and Grevane  etc may not have succeeded. One has to wonder why Kemmler never used it, or in fact did he use it but it didn’t fully work?. His last incarnation was far more powerful than he is portrayed in a Fistful of Warlocks, but not god level and he didn’t become immortal. Is that the difference?, a Starborn mortal can become immortal using it? Without a Mantle?

Both the Darkhallow and the killing of Immortals are linked to Halloween, as is Harry’s birthday. Is that the connection?

I like the idea of Corpsetaker and Grevane failing anyway despite all their efforts during the Dark Hallow, and they may be greedy mad and power hungry to be arrogantly believe they could ull it off regardless. Cowl though is a little more centred I mean at the very least he ponders on whether or not he is insane and if so how would he know.

Oh and also I added the Rashid Senior Council discussion from Summer Knight cause I thought it might be relevant.

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2022, 10:50:35 AM »
Harry's rage as a symptom of Star Born could be relevant it could explain why Morgan tried to provoke Harry as much as possible/ If he can't control his rage he can't wield the power of Star Born responsibly.

I also agree Harry's childhood and how he was raised was text book to create someone with rage and trust issues. Ironcallly or tragically I've been watching some Good Will Hunting clips. Will the main character has some analogies. Child genius grew up in the system was abused by it, only trusts a limited circle of friends who he knows will back him up in a fight. Still has a desire for a strong and kind father figure.

So how much of that is just psychological human of growing up abused and how much is Dresden potentially going dark side. Probably a bit of both.

Kemmler got closer then most. I don't doubt he was one of the few Wizards who made it back from death like Vadderung says. There's a woj on Kemmler being the Warden before last and White Council scrambled to make sure he never reached the island. It didn't occur to me because I was focused on Star Born stuff not Warden stuff, but I'll add it here and in the original post now that I think of it.
I don't think Cowl is Star Born. I think he's Simon Pietrovich so outside of the 666. I don't think you necessarily have to be Star Born to pull off Dark Hallow. Otherwise Corpsetaker and Grevane would be Star Born candidates as well.

Thanks Yuillegan!

I dunno about how directly that bible verse applies. I mean Jim isn't shy about Christian influence, but we usually only get the bible parallels when the Knights or even more specifically the Carpenters get involved.

As for telling Harry the truth. Their has to be some sort of personal betrayal to it for Ebenezar to feel so guilty about it, and it has to be more major then being Blackstaff, Being Grandfather and finding out Thomas is his Grandson. The last one was still fresh and there was still something that makes him hesitate.

You know, I just had an interesting thought. Morgan trying to provoke Harry reminded me of Nicodemus provoking Uriel. I wonder if it's a similar sort of thing (coming from completely different angles of course). Angels are known to be wrathful. Even the Angel of Death seemed a little unstable for a moment. Emotions are tied to magic after all. Perhaps this is part of the reason of keeping angels under a strict code - Lucifer's Fall along with his followers shows the result of the other side of it. Perhaps star born need to be more controlled because the have the potential to wield just so much power...and Harry isn't exactly the poster boy for control.

Perhaps it part of the reason Harry was abused. To bring him closer to that darkness. How awful for Harry.

Yeah, I know the Bible verse is a bit tenuous. But then again, Jim sprinkles it through everything. It's not the first passage he has linked to either. Just mining for clues, hoping to strike gold...

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2022, 12:01:16 PM »

  Or using the Star Wars metaphor, "One must not give into the dark side of the Force."  That is why a Jedi has to keep his or her emotions under control and not be too connected emotionally to anyone.
They have great power, but if they lose their temper and really cut loose with it, they start going
down a dark road and turn into someone like Darth Vader.

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2022, 02:27:09 PM »
I like the idea of Corpsetaker and Grevane failing anyway despite all their efforts during the Dark Hallow, and they may be greedy mad and power hungry to be arrogantly believe they could ull it off regardless. Cowl though is a little more centred I mean at the very least he ponders on whether or not he is insane and if so how would he know.

Oh and also I added the Rashid Senior Council discussion from Summer Knight cause I thought it might be relevant.

Kemmler knew his own research, and had it backed up in Bob, so why leave a hard copy lying around as Become a Dark God for Dummies? It could only have been a trap for the unwary, leaving out one key but lethal detail.

Kemmler may have been waiting for the next cycle, for someone just like Harry, do a bodyswap and then the Darkhallow, if so only Corpsetaker could have survived out of the heirs, but only if she had swapped Harry rather than Luccio. He wanted to get back to Demonreach because (1) he could release a Naagloshii for example rather than try to summon the Erl King for their immortality, making it easier and (2) using the big circle on Demonreach would prevent gatecrashers like Cowl, Drakul or the heirs from disrupting the Darkhallow, or usurping it.

Cowl was very sure he could swoop in and take the Darkhallow from whichever heir was ‘successful’, so he maybe knew something they didn’t and was waiting for them to trigger any traps.

Note when Corpsetaker returns she is looking for the body of a high powered practitioner, at a time when Chicago’s most powerful practitioner ostensibly doesn’t have a body. She is also allied with Evil Bob, who has the full Word of Kemmler, a very dangerous situation as its puts her on the route to the rise of a new Dark God.

Now Uriel has an Intellectus, he would have known of the phone call to Kincaid, but didn’t try to stop Harry, but did take Heroic measures to keep Harry’s body and soul alive, if separate. He also would have known of the potential threat from the Corpsetaker/Evil Bob alliance, if Harry’s body was ambulatory.

This also may be why very few Starborn are running around, Drakul and Cowl have been thinning the field, and they don’t dare either undertake a Darkhallow with possibility the other could usurp it and destroy the pretender. Harry giving the Word to Mavra may have been unintentionally the best move and why no one else has done one. Both also know a third player, Harry could usurp any Darkhallow they attempt, and immediately crush both.

This deals with an awful lot of plot holes in a consistent manner from Dead Beat onwards to Battle Ground, puts Kemmler and Ghost Story in a much better context.

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2022, 03:55:27 PM »

  They must all live pretty long lives or are immortal because if only one is born every 666 years, there shouldn't be that many around.

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2022, 04:09:58 PM »
I'll attempt to answer the question you originally asked.  Harry is a bomb.  One made to target something thing a diverse group of people like those at the meeting that Eb attended with Maggie, feared. It's a safe bet considering Eb's hatred for White Vamps that he was sent by the Council and that the plan was adopted over his objections.

My current guess would be that whatever happened in those two minutes represent what Harry can do.
Quote from: Changes
The general theme was always the same: dead children. The world in flames. Terror and death spreading across the globe in an unstoppable wave, destroying anything resembling order or civilization.

I don’t remember what happened when the ritual went off. There’s a blank spot in my head about two minutes wide. I had no desire whatsoever to find out what was there.
This may have been the Merlin's plan in a nutshell. But the Reds weren't the original target.  The rages when they overtake Harry involve something like this.
Quote from: Blood Rites
I had the power and the resolve to bring such a tide of magic against him that he would be utterly destroyed. I would lay him low and make him howl for mercy before I tore him apart. He deserved nothing less.
This brings to mind the Norse Berserker. And in the rages he means to use magic to kill, something that Lea tells up that Justin was attempting to teach him.

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2022, 05:53:44 PM »
This brings to mind the Norse Berserker. And in the rages he means to use magic to kill, something that Lea tells up that Justin was attempting to teach him.

Maybe that is what he was meant to be, but it hasn't exactly worked out that way.  Yes, he went a bit berserk when Murphy was killed, but he was stopped before he could kill anybody.  Were he really in the mold of a magical Norse Berserker, he wouldn't have been stopped.  As soon as he felt the pain of the burn and smelled the sulfer, he came back to his senses and felt remorse, that doesn't happen with a true Berserker.  I think it is because of Malcolm's genes, and Margaret knew that would be the case as well. 

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2022, 06:02:02 PM »
  They must all live pretty long lives or are immortal because if only one is born every 666 years, there shouldn't be that many around.

No there are multiple Starborn in any one sequence but when Kemmler was last  around it was close to the end of the 666 year sequence, so the only known Starborn from a previous sequence is Drakul, who even Kemmler probably didn’t fancy taking on. Time winnows them down. Drakul may not be immortal in that he can be killed other than on Halloween, but may be long lived just like most Fae who are not immortal, or White Court Vampires and is still immensely powerful and resilient. Immortality is the next step up and godhood the next step up from that. It stands to reason therefore as a stepping stone to godhood, you siphon off another beings immortality, hence the Erl King being summoned.

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Re: Star Born (direct quotes compilation)
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2022, 07:13:41 PM »
All it took to stop his rage was the direct involvement of an angel who was allowed to do so because Butters believed it would work. That is a pretty wild rage.

Regarding starborn and Drakul, did Mavra not say that Starborn are for the master and that they are for the stars and stones?

So we have hells bells, which are probably literal
Then there is empty night which I think is what happens if the outsiders get in.
But then there is also starts and stones which must be Starborn related

The temptation to use black magic to reshape the world is also quite clear in the first book.

Storm Front, chapter 24.
(click to show/hide)

I have always thought this section was the Harry is momentarily mad with dark power, of course he cannot beat Morgan at this point, much less the entire white council.

Also, wauw this is a great thread :-)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 07:20:54 PM by TrueMonk »