Author Topic: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden  (Read 9516 times)

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2022, 06:10:54 PM »
The reversing of Renfields is not something that can be undertaken without a better understanding of the mind. It is a similar issue to a Warlock whose misuse of magic has driven him insane. Like medicine magic hasn’t bettered science in this area. Harry is ill equipped to deal with this magically, this is simply not his forte and his own mental health is shakey. In that respect he is probably kindred to Merlin.

However magically this is Molly’s forte and in the area of science this is Georgia’s. If neither magic nor science have succeeded what if both are used together?

Harry’s contribution is as Warden in that he can provide at least a temporary holding facility where the process itself makes the subject ultimately aware of the consequences of their actions, the first step towards a potential cure.

Harry is loathe to see Either Warlocks or Renfield’s executed. The best way to treat the Renfield’s however is the vampiricide of the Black Court, which Harry would cheerfully embrace.

Here’s a horrible thought, what if Eb’s wife was made a Renfield? Many have speculated she was made a vampire, but this would possibly be worse for Eb. To him Vamps are “Things”.

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2022, 07:38:29 PM »
and none of those "Easter eggs" prove or disprove a family connection between Harry and Merlin? The only one I see you pointed out is the pentacle, which has been gone over before.. but to rehash, that's a connection through his magical learning, not something he got from his bloodline being connected to Merlin.

No?  In Changes when Lea presents Harry with the little gps jewel to the Ways meant to be fitted in his pentacle. It was left to him by his mother to be presented to him when he was ready.  It is suggested that Margaret didn't make this jewel, but had also acquired it or inherited it from someone else. 

Read pages 110 through 112 of Changes; Harry has just asked Lea if his mother left anything for him? Oh one more little factoid on page 110, Harry says his mother wasn't called LeFay for nothing. and where did Morgana LeFay learn her magic, from Merlin..
"Yes, indeed.  But I was told to give you fair warning.  It is a deadly legacy.  If you accept it, you accept what comes with it."
Harry asks her what that might be?
Lea answers;
She shrugged a shoulder. "It varies from one individual to the next. Your mother lost the ability to sleep soundly.  It might be worse for you. Or it might be nothing.

Harry says he wants it.. Lea gives it to him, explaining that it is in effect a gps to all the Ways in the Nevernever, that they change from decade to decade, few of the Fae know them as well as she did.  Then she says;
She narrowed her eyes.  "That knowledge is a burden I hold in my hand child.  Mine own belief is that it will destroy thee.  The choice needs be thine."

Now comes the important bit on page 111;
Whoever possessed that knowledge could regard laws with utter impunity, avoid retribution from
mortal authorities or supernatural nations alike.  Go anywhere.  Escape from damn near anything.  Gather more information than anyone else possibly could.  Hells'bells.  That gleaming little gem was a subtle strength that had the potential to be as potent as any I had seen, Such power.

Then Harry wonders if he can handle it? Admits that he is no saint..

Then on page 112 he notes that that jewel had been cut to fit into the pentacle he wore..
Connection to Merlin? The jewel explains how he was able to travel through time and place, pop up from out of the Nevernever and create the island prison in five dimensions.. Oh, and using enchantments in the shape of a pentacle.

Back to family connections, in Blood Rites, it is his pentacle that Thomas shows Harry when he tells him they are brothers.  If a pentacle necklace was merely a piece of common wizard bling, I doubt that showing him it would have made much of an impression.. page 163 paperback edition;
Thomas shook his head.  He slipped a few fingers under the turtleneck and drew out a silver chain.  He passed it to me, and I saw that the chain held a silver pentacle much like my own.  In fact preciselylike my own.  Not yours, Harry," Thomas said, his voice quiet and serious.  I stared at him.  "Ourmother," he said.u

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2022, 07:52:11 PM »
There is no indication in the text that I'm aware of that would say that the Blacks were involved in whatever happened to Harry's grandmother. On the other hand Eb has a major grudge on the Whites.  I suspect the New Madrid earthquake was the side effect of Eb attempting to put the smack on Papa Raith.  Maybe the volcano and the blast in Russia.  Eb likes to go big.

All it takes for a Renfield to be cured is for Jim to say "Voila! You're cured!"  Much better I think to turn someone Harry can grief out on into a Renfield. Then he can get obsessive like he did with Susan. But Jim is the successful writer I am but a hyper active fan with no writing skills. We'll see.

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2022, 08:44:41 PM »

Oh here is another thing the pentacle necklace with the jewel is going to set up... Mirror Mirror..

Whoever possessed that knowledge could regard laws with utter impunity, avoid retribution from mortal authorities or supernatural nations alike.  Go anywhere.  Escape from damn near anything.  Gather more information than anyone else possibly could.  Hells'bells.  That gleaming little gem was a subtle strength that had the potential to be as potent as any I had seen, Such power.

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2022, 11:00:45 PM »
I don’t think it is a guide to other worlds, I doubt Mirror Harry has it, as Harry Prime received it in Changes, well after Grave Peril, when Harry was ingesting poisonous mushrooms to escape from Leas clutches.

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2022, 02:36:37 AM »
Both may have their reasons for not telling Harry.  There is a lot that apparently several characters know about Harry, but are not telling him, like what is expected of him as a star child.  Why his mother decided to conceive a star child, and that he was meant to be a weapon.. 
I don't disagree with what you are saying, but neither Mab or Vadderung supposedly not recognizing him or saying anything to him about it doesn't mean that it cannot be true based on the important information that they are keeping from him about himself, now. [1]

Not if he is reincarnated, or Merlin born again, he might not look like Merlin in body, but the spirit and personality are there.[2]

I agree and said that in my original post, however what is noteworthy is only Harry, Thomas, their mother, Margaret, and Eb are described as wearing one.  In Harry's case it is given further importance by the gps crystal from his mother to the Ways of the Nevernever.  It was her necklace to begin with, interesting that she didn't leave it for Thomas, he was given a different one.  The gps crystal was withheld from Harry until he actually became Winter Knight in Changes if I remember the sequence correctly.  This is also an interesting little tidbit, why was it withheld in the first place? And could it have been a family heirloom from the original Merlin? Just what was the bargain Margaret made with Mab and or Lea for her son's protection?  So while a common symbol, we read about the robes the wizards wear, the colors and badges on the stoles they wear with those robes, but a pentacle necklace isn't among them except for the above mentioned.[3]

True, but doesn't mean that Harry cannot be Merlin, reincarnated.. He is Harry, but he is also Merlin in all but body.  [4]

True, yet he has managed with his uncommon will to pull off things that members of the Senior Council haven't been able.  Also one might ask, is it from lack of talent, or lack of training and knowledge that holds Harry back in some areas?  The line in Battleground for example where Harry mentions that there were areas in the library at headquarters forbidden to him..[5]

Yes, and I mentioned that Luccio had told him this, but at the same time this is the only place where this foresight has come into play.  Harry doesn't know who or what he is, not really, as in starchild.  At that point in time he didn't know he was a starchild, still doesn't know what it means.  Just odd I think that the one place Harry would have this experience is the one place that has become so significant in his life. [6]
[1] It is definitely true that much of Harry's secret nature is being kept from him, and the reasons for that are still mostly a mystery. That said, look at the reactions of characters about Merlin. Mab is so furious about Corb saying Merlin's name, about Corb reminding her that Merlin might not be proud of her now and had cast her out, that her emotions come to the fore - which so far hasn't really happened with Mab. A quiet tear here and a moment of anger there are not the same as the pure rage she displayed in Peace Talks. I don't remember Harry ever eliciting such a reaction from Mab. Nor has she ever rushed to defend Harry's name in such a way. I don't think there is even a scene where Mab shows the kind of interest one might show to the younger version of their former lover.

For this theory about Merlin being Harry to really work, Ms Duck's theory about Mab=Molly would also have to be somewhat true. Which makes the moment Harry is made Winter Knight a much darker moment, to me.

[2] I could see that working, in fact that is one of the few ways it could work. However, Jim's views on reincarnation in the Dresden Files don't really align too strongly with Hindu karmic theory, at least from what I understand. Which is fair enough, Jim's views are based on his own understandings and placed in his book series that he created so of course things won't match up. What I am getting at is that I don't think Merlin's soul could be Harry now, as part of it how it apparently works in the Dresden Files is what happens to you changes and shapes your soul-stuff into who you are. There is an intangible, intrinsic part that is you despite whatever the world pushes on you, and then the rest is shaped - this is based on what I understood from Jim's answers on reincarnation in the series AND answers on soul gazes between babies and wizards. It would be possible though for Harry to have more than one soul in his body...but he would notice that supposedly. Unless of course, Harry isn't human and he is actually some sort of timeless being like a god of which Merlin was just one aspect, and Harry doesn't remember his previous avatar's lives. But that seems a little far fetched right?

[3] I would also point out Elaine wears the star pentacle necklace too. So would you say she is related to Harry? It's a possibility (although a grim one) but I Harry has made a big point about how the symbol is a common philosophy. If the crystal is a family heirloom, wouldn't Ebenezar have had it? Margaret was know as Le Fay for a reason...I wouldn't be so sure it wasn't something she did herself. By all accounts she was a force to be reckoned with.

[4] True, but it doesn't explain why Corb refers to Merlin as being not amongst the living. Merlin reincarnated would be amongst the living surely? I suppose, Corb might not know that Harry is Merlin reborn but that seems like another mystery about Harry on top of the star born and the Destroyer thing.

[5] I am not sure what you mean. What has Harry pulled off that the Senior Council couldn't, magically speaking? Harry openly admits and is self-aware enough that he is massively outclassed by even one of them, let alone the lot. Harry is forbidden from certain areas because the Council either think he is the next Kemmler or something equally dangerous to them.

[6] I think he has had that feeling elsewhere but I would have to check. More to the point though, why not at other places Merlin is associated with like Edinburgh HQ?
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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2022, 03:56:40 AM »
Now that just has to be another world. In my world rain always falls down and  since rivers come from raindrops, they fall down as well. Just sayin'

Just a different part of the NeverNever. I doubt in a parallel world like Mirror Mirror which reflects our world and physical laws this occurs. Time also flows differently in the Never Never, this may be part where it is flowing backwards.

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2022, 01:52:30 PM »
[3] I would also point out Elaine wears the star pentacle necklace too. So would you say she is related to Harry? It's a possibility (although a grim one) but I Harry has made a big point about how the symbol is a common philosophy. If the crystal is a family heirloom, wouldn't Ebenezar have had it? Margaret was know as Le Fay for a reason...I wouldn't be so sure it wasn't something she did herself. By all accounts she was a force to be reckoned with.

I'd forgotten about Elaine..  However reread those pages in Changes, 110 through 112.
    She shrugged a shoulder. "It varies from one individual to the next. Your mother lost the ability to sleep soundly.  It might be worse for you. Or it might be nothing.

Harry says he wants it.. Lea gives it to him, explaining that it is in effect a gps to all the Ways in the Nevernever, that they change from decade to decade, few of the Fae know them as well as she did.  Then she says;

    She narrowed her eyes.  "That knowledge is a burden I hold in my hand child.  Mine own belief is that it will destroy thee.  The choice needs be thine."

Now comes the important bit on page 111;

    Whoever possessed that knowledge could regard laws with utter impunity, avoid retribution from
    mortal authorities or supernatural nations alike.  Go anywhere.  Escape from damn near anything.  Gather more information than anyone else possibly could.  Hells'bells.  That gleaming little gem was a subtle strength that had the potential to be as potent as any I had seen, Such power. 

A couple of things, Lea tells Harry it is he choice whether or not to accept the crystal.  She also warns him it could destroy him, and hints clearly that others, not just his mother had problems because of it.  Eb may simply have chosen not to accept it, he had enough on his hands as the Blackstaff.  Also Harry's pentacle was already set up to accept the jewel.  Harry talks about the power of the little gem, it seems to be a heck of a lot more powerful than just a Fae gps.. Clearly
if Harry travels to another dimension or through time without losing his head, this little gem will make that possible.. It could also explains Merlin coming out of the Nevernever perhaps before or just after the ice age to build the prison..

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2022, 05:16:35 PM »
No?  In Changes when Lea presents Harry with the little gps jewel to the Ways meant to be fitted in his pentacle. It was left to him by his mother to be presented to him when he was ready.  It is suggested that Margaret didn't make this jewel, but had also acquired it or inherited it from someone else. 
which shoes exactly what connection to Merlin? None? De nada? Absolutely nothing? It's a jewel with familial power, givin from mother to son,

Read pages 110 through 112 of Changes; Harry has just asked Lea if his mother left anything for him? Oh one more little factoid on page 110, Harry says his mother wasn't called LeFay for nothing. and where did Morgana LeFay learn her magic, from Merlin..Harry asks her what that might be?
doesn't prove any sort of connection between Harry and Merlin that, we know Margaret got the moniker for being la fey, which iirc basically just translates to the crazy. This proves an archetypal connection between Margaret and Morgana, but not much to be honest because Morgana has already taken root in Ms Beckett.
Lea answers;
Harry says he wants it.. Lea gives it to him, explaining that it is in effect a gps to all the Ways in the Nevernever, that they change from decade to decade, few of the Fae know them as well as she did.  Then she says;
Now comes the important bit on page 111;
Then Harry wonders if he can handle it? Admits that he is no saint..

Then on page 112 he notes that that jewel had been cut to fit into the pentacle he wore..
Connection to Merlin? The jewel explains how he was able to travel through time and place, pop up from out of the Nevernever and create the island prison in five dimensions.. Oh, and using enchantments in the shape of a pentacle.
indeed something that's been explained and shown elsewhere. Elaine has one, are her and Harry secretly incestuous because of some guy who adopted them let them? The pentacle doesn't prove blood, it's a very specific lineage on how magic works.
Back to family connections, in Blood Rites, it is his pentacle that Thomas shows Harry when he tells him they are brothers.  If a pentacle necklace was merely a piece of common wizard bling, I doubt that showing him it would have made much of an impression.. page 163 paperback edition;
indeed it's not, and that's been discussed already. Still waiting on you to get to family connections. You always seem to engage the wrong people thinking this is who is unmaking your theory. Harry being Merlin IS MY THEORY, indeed it was originally tied directly to Ms duck's and has a butt load of correlation with it. . My theory has nothing to do with yours and I'm actually very aggreived at having to reply a rebuttal to a none sequitur. Please stop making me do this, no really.

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2022, 06:19:08 PM »
The necklace means something, the jury is still out on what it means.  It might be a cult symbol of some type signifying whatever Margaret was into, but the sexual relationship between Elaine and Harry creates a stink factor that Jim will probably avoid.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2022, 08:59:47 AM by morriswalters »

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2022, 07:18:13 PM »
Sounds like Evil Harry to me. So I expect to see it in Mirror, Mirror.

Harry does admit that he is "no saint," when he talks about the implications of the jewel.  I think that can cut both ways, Harry uses it to get where he needs to go, and Evil Harry abuses it. However I think that is way too predictable.. I do think it does solve the problem of how Harry can travel dimension and time while avoiding the Seven Laws and rescuing Chandler.  Who I think will be Harry's new bud in fights replacing, Carlos, Murphy, and Michael..

I agree about the stink factor if Harry and Elaine are related by blood, it stinks enough, even if they aren't.  Then again it needn't stink too much, cousins do marry, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were first cousins. So it is possible that Elaine and Harry are distant cousins both descendant from Merlin, without it getting too icky.  That could explain why she also has a pentacle necklace.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 07:37:43 PM by Mira »

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2022, 11:53:10 PM »
The implication is that Harry is collecting doppelgängers to throw as a corpse to his enemies to make them think he his dead, that is his means of escape.

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2022, 02:19:02 PM »
The implication is that Harry is collecting doppelgängers to throw as a corpse to his enemies to make them think he his dead, that is his means of escape.

I don't think he can go to that well too many times. His enemies will figure it out and soon find a work around.   It worked against Eb because of his emotional state, it limited Eb's ability to realize what Harry was pulling in time. 

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2022, 05:06:39 PM »
Mirror Mirror is based on this premise. And he stole it from a Jet Li movie.
no he didn't, The One's plot doesn't really have anything resembling that particular point of story telling. Multiple copies, interdimensional war, ect. No leaving behind dead copies as red herrings though.

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Re: Merlin, Building the Island, and the Family Dresden
« Reply #29 on: January 18, 2022, 04:23:42 AM »
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