Author Topic: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden  (Read 5064 times)

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Here is a link to the original post.  It's hard to believe it was made over eleven years ago:,19774.0.html

I want to attempt to determine what new information and speculation might have been added to the Warden File on Harry Dresden following the events in Peace Talks and Battle Ground; and I need your help.  Let me start with some basic information and show how it could easily be misinterpreted by the White Council.

The hypothetical warden file on Harry went up to the end of Cold Days.  I'm not certain what the Council would have heard about the events of Skin Game.  I don't have the book with me, but I believe in the first conversation Warden Ramirez had with Harry in Peace Talks; Carlos; and therefore the rest of White Council, were aware that Baron Marcone set up Nicodemus to take a fall and Ramirez was aware that Karrin Murphy had been badly injured by Nic.  The young Warden seemed impressed that Murphy had managed to survive at all. 

I'm going to assume that word was sent to the Paranet about Murphy's injuries and roughly how she got them, but probably no specific information about Harry was given; perhaps only that Harry was in some way involved.  Ramirez could have picked up this information from someone at Mac's or had it passed on to him by someone like Elaine.

So how might the White Council take what they knew or think they knew about Harry, add the above information and what was witnessed in PT and BG and completely misinterpret it?  Here's one way.
  • From previous information gathered from Chicago locals; even though Harry Dresden didn't use black magic to do so, he may have targeted the sorcerer Victor Sells for removal as a favor to, or in the service of John Marcone.
  • There was a news report and a badly shot video which appeared on American television news stations; which showed Harry Dresden and his late ally / lover Karrin Murphy, fighting and killing a loup-garou.  This was purported to have occurred on the property of John Marcone.
  • A report from Warden Ramirez tells us that Harry Dresden hired John Marcone and his associates, as a backup force in case rescue was needed when Ramirez and Dresden dueled two White Court vampires on the property of the Raith family.
  • Baron Marcone was responsible for the disgrace of, and the current chase to find and eliminate the Denarian Nicodemus Archleone.  Harry Dresden's late ally and lover Karrin Murphy was badly wounded by Nicodemus in the runup to Nicodemus' fall.  It is likely Harry Dresden was involved in some unknown way.
  • Baron Marcone and Dresden fought and defeated the Titan Ethniu after she had been worn down by attacks from multiple other powers.

"Though they pretend to ignore or even dislike each other the few times they have been seen in public together, it is clear that the Baron of Chicago; John Marcone, and Harry Dresden are close allies.  Should it become necessary for the Council to move directly against Harry Dresden, it might be wise to inform Baron Marcone that the White Council has no interest showing disrespect to him or in disrupting his domain."

Ok, I know that was a bit wordy.  In the Wardens file I would forget the bullet points and say something like this:

"Because of their many known interactions together against multiple foes; and their close cooperation in the final defeat of the Titan Ethniu, it appears highly likely that Baron John Marcone and Harry Dresden are close allies; even though they go out of their way to ignore each or even even show dislike of each other in public.  This appears to be a ruse to hide their close working relationship.  Should it become necessary for the Council to move directly against Harry Dresden, it might be wise to inform Baron Marcone that the White Council has no interest showing disrespect to him or in disrupting his domain"

What do you think would get added; correctly or incorrectly, to the Warden File on Harry Dresden after Peace Talks and Battle Ground?  If you think the White Council learned or misinterpreted anything from the events of Skin Game, you can add that as well.  After two or three weeks; maybe longer if there are a lot of comments, I'll take take everything we can come up with and add it to the original file. 



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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2022, 08:04:22 AM »
Dresden has been betrothed to Lara Raith the true power in the White Court mere years after Dresden helped her ascend the throne in dubious circumstances.

Dresden and his frequent ally Marcone helped assure Lara Raiths position in exchange for Marcones elevation as a Free Holding Lord.

Miss Raith previously helped orchestrate the Black Courr Purge at the turn of the 20th century while the White Council was focused on Kemmler and the Russian Revolution.

Dresden has an army of 5he little folk at his command something he has cultivated for years despite his repeated assurances he does not want power he also demonstrated his command of The Idland prison the Winter Banner.

Dresden apprentice a known warlock like himself is now Winter Lady and has been recruiting and training her own private army of winter fae which she used to great effect during the Battle of Chicago.

During said battle Dresden allies and associates were conveniently prepared and in place for the coming invasion. His allies include but are not limited too Vadderung freeholding lord and ceo of monoc securitirs aka Kringle a winter fae lord of world renowned and power aka Odin a powerful Old God. Mab queen of winter a Court Dresden has considerable power and position within. Summer Lady and summer knight. Despite being responsible for the deaths of two Summer ladies in dubious circumstances. Baron Marcone a ceimelord whose ascension yo power matches closely with Dresden own. Lara and Thomas raith. A secure if Knights of the Cross. The paranet an online organisation wizards cannot easily access which openly and publicly debates supernatural subjects threatening to ignite another inquisition. A pack of werewolves and one Bigfoot.

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2022, 05:23:54 PM »
Addendum to the file of Wizard Harry Dresden:

Events would indicate that a new supernatural power bloc is forming near the city of Chicago under the aegis of John Marcone, Accorded Baron of Chicago, Lara Raith, de-facto leader of the White Court, Mab, the Queen of Winter and Wizard Dresden.

Wizard Dresden, who initially came to the notice of the council as a warlock, has had a brief but rather infamous career as a Warden. His earlier exploits, while seemingly disconnected, examined as a whole have always benefitted himself or the three individuals mentioned above. In light of recent events  their collusion becomes more obvious.

He has eliminated a supernatural rival to John Marcone, and protected him from a loup-garou and two assaults by Nicodemus Archeleone and his Denarians. He was also one the Signatories that allowed Marcone's application to the Accords.

For Lara Wraith, he has aided her ascension to the throne of the White court, eliminated the Red Court presence in Chicago, defended her against challenges from rivals and acted to clear her name when she was implicated in a plot against the White Council. Dresden lived for years with Thomas Raith and has recently become engaged to marry Lara after their secret love affair became public at the Peace Talks. His expulsion from the council meant that they no longer need to maintain this masquerade.

Queen Mab is Dresden's greatest ally in this. He has done numerous services for her in exchange for a bargain made in his youth and finally took on the mantle of the Winter Knight, her greatest mortal servant. His first act as her Knight was the destruction of the Red Court. He then was instrumental in the passing of the Summer and Winter Lady mantles to Mab's chosen successors with the Winter Lady going to his apprentice who also came to the Council's attention as a warlock.

During the peace conference Wizard Dresden worked closely with Lara Raith and helped negotiate the transfer of her brother from Swartalven custody to Baron Marcone's which he mysteriously disappeared from. He then fought under Mab's aegis against the Fomor invasion and was by her side during her confrontation with Ethniu. He and Baron Marcone worked together to defeat and imprison her, but no details of that battle are known to us. The fact that Wizard Dresden has the power to imprison such a being in a stronghold entirely under his control is concerning. As is the fact that he was gifted another magical stronghold in the aftermath of the battle by Baron Marcone.

These four have seemingly been working together for years and the mutual benefits are just coming to light.

Marcone has acquired Accorded Nation status for his criminal empire and alliances with the White Court and Winter Court.

Lara Wraith has had the Red court eliminated, her ascent to the throne supported and has alliances with Winter and Baron Marcone. She will soon have the Winter Knight as her consort.

Queen Mab has gotten  a new Winter Lady who was a powerful warlock, alliances with Marcone and Raith, added the Sasquash to her Accords, broken the major power of the Formor and made one of the most powerful wizards of his generation into her Knight. That wizard is also a Starborn and current custodian of the island prison near Chicago.

(Former) Wizard Dresden has gained personal power as the custodian of the island and as the Winter Knight. He now has two magical strongholds under his control inside or near the territories of his allies. It is not known if he or Baron Marcone is in possession of the Eye of Balor.

He has shown to have mastery of an enormous force of Little Folk, a loyal pack of werewolves, the friendship of the Sasquatches and some on and off alliance with the Knights of the Cross in addition to his pending marriage to the Queen of the White Court of Vampires. His remaining connections to current members of the Council should be closely monitored.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 03:01:26 PM by vincentric »

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2022, 09:54:11 PM »

“We still do not understand the whole fascination with the Burger King Restaurant, and it’s products, it may be like the Coca Cola issue, where our analysts are convinced that Former Wizard Dresden imbibes such quantities to ingratiate himself with the Winter Fae warlord Kringle, but the “Burger King” is merely a marketing device as far as we are aware, it isn’t as if fast food could have some sinister ulterior controlling purpose.”

Sometimes the powers that be will read into the situation things which are not there, causing them to miss the obvious (which Sanya didn’t)

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2022, 04:17:14 PM »
I rather think:

"Recent events have shown that the mysterious new Wyldfae power known only as 'the Za Lord', who has somehow acquired dominion and loyalty amongst the Little Folk and has been flagged as a potential problem due to the wealth of information they have access to, is none other than Harry Dresden. During the Battle of Chicago, he tipped his hand and revealed that not only does he command thousands if not millions of them, but he can direct them in actions completely contrary to their known nature- commanding their attention, respect, and giving them orders they will faithfully carry out for hours."

Offline TrueMonk

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2022, 07:20:26 PM »
During the attack Harry Dresden showed his true colours as a warlock in a display so much the essence of a fire inclined warlock (throwing a fireball on a group of mortals standing in the open) that it is highly likely to be his planned defiance of the council as it falls at exactly the same time as he has fully established his power base and unveiled the power of the island.

At least that is the most paranoid interpretation of it I can think up :-)

There should also be something on the ice wall that for a short time stopped the entire group of Jotuns and about surviving Drakul.

I am not sure the council would recognize that he mad Odin are loose allies from the events.

I would also guess that they are not surprised about that Molly has an army, she is the winter lady after all. But perhaps at her and Mabs personal power
« Last Edit: January 13, 2022, 07:22:44 PM by TrueMonk »

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2022, 01:11:02 AM »
Harry openly used Soulfire in making the ice wall. Eb would have recognised it, but would Carlos?

Soulfire marks Harry out as a champion of the White God as much as any of the Knights of the Sword. If this has been recorded then.

“Former Wizard Dresden exhibited Soulfire in the defence of Chicago, this is in the exclusive gift of the White God, which together with his association with multiple Knights of the Sword suggests that Former Wizard Dresden is a catspaw of the White God through his spymaster and dirty tricks man Uriel. Dresden may be a threat to mortal free will.”

Offline vincentric

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2022, 02:57:12 PM »
Harry openly used Soulfire in making the ice wall. Eb would have recognised it, but would Carlos?

Soulfire marks Harry out as a champion of the White God as much as any of the Knights of the Sword. If this has been recorded then.

“Former Wizard Dresden exhibited Soulfire in the defence of Chicago, this is in the exclusive gift of the White God, which together with his association with multiple Knights of the Sword suggests that Former Wizard Dresden is a catspaw of the White God through his spymaster and dirty tricks man Uriel. Dresden may be a threat to mortal free will.”

I don't see that conclusion. The White God is all about mortal free will and so are all of his agents. It's not a stain upon Harry but the rather the White Council that Harry is given no credit for his constant alliances with the Knights of the Cross.

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2022, 06:37:12 PM »
The White Council see any power which is not theirs to be feared and distrusted.

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2022, 06:53:12 PM »
The White Council see any power which is not theirs to be feared and distrusted.

Yeah, and I think they also know why Harry was conceived, they had a hand in it.  So now they fear it may all backfire on them.

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2022, 08:24:00 PM »
I think they certainly tried to take advantage of Harry as a child and his situation was White Council politics. Justin may have been the Merlin’s man along, taking Harry away from his grandfathers influence the Diary Microfiction indicates this.

We know McCoy was Blackstaff and former Captain of the Wardens before becoming Senior Council, what if the political factions were the conservatives on the White Council  Merlin, Mai, LaFortier versus the Wardens? In the Gatekeepers absence the Merlin had only a working majority of the Senior Council, so he picked up disaffected and Ex Wardens as his personal heavy squad. We saw him deploy such previously, in series  but suppose this had been going on for decades?

He got duMorne by allowing him to keep Bob when the Wardens were looking for Bob as a dangerous artefact. No Nemesis, nothing more sinister than someone chafing under Eb perhaps thinking he should be the next Blackstaff, unhappy Eb was training Margaret to replace him and more than happy to leave the Wardens with Bob as the consolation prize and his job to keep an eye on the McCoy family.

He was training Harry and Elaine for the Merlin, to be his private thugs. The Merlin may have other pet Warlocks out there trained by his personal heavy squad, we haven’t seen them yet.

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Re: Let's update - This is why the Council is Afraid of Harry Dresden
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2022, 07:29:32 AM »
The Council is afraid of Harry Dresden because *they* know what the stars and stones are.  They also know that Harry is starborn.  Even if Harry doesn't know what all this means, the council does and they want an excuse to execute Harry.

Given that Drakul is a starborn, those fears may be somewhat legitimate, but still completely unfair. 

All I know is that i want to see Harrys new smarthouse.  Better yet, I'd like to see someone on the Council to try to give Harry a hard time and realize just how f*** they are.  :)
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