Author Topic: Peace Talks interesting things and questions  (Read 9861 times)

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Re: Peace Talks interesting things and questions
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2022, 05:38:46 PM »
Just re-Reading Peace Talks, page 19 states that the small wooden skull was prepared for her. Bob originally asked for it as a backup. However, many people have wondered how Bob didn’t spot Bonny growing. Perhaps the answer is he did, but didn’t tell Harry, (because he didn’t ask) but made sure Bonny had her own Sanctum when born.

This implies Bob put Bonny over Harry and was expecting Harry to die when Bonny was born, as happened on most such occasions. It also suggests that Harry has realised this. It may explain why Bob pleaded to Harry “don’t kill me” later in Battle Ground.

I don't seem to remember Bob ever "scanning" Harry, though he perhaps he sort of hints that he is able at the end of Small Favor when Harry is alarmed when Bob tells him he uses up some of his soul when he uses soul fire, then says a hug can restore it.  But can one really scan for another's soul?  Seeing Harry's soul as Bob meant it isn't the same as a soulgaze.  So I don't think he could have seen Bonea even if he was looking for her.

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Re: Peace Talks interesting things and questions
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2022, 06:35:53 PM »
I believe Bob scanned Harry after Lash was gone. He may merely have asked about Lash and not about any other anomalies.

At page 54 Harry states that he will look into Rudy’s Sponsor, both he and Murphy had assumed it was Marcone, but both at this point now doubt it. Is this something to be followed up in Next Book? My money was always on the Merlin, it’s his style to use proxies and Rudy too incompetent for Marcone.

At page 57 Mab is described as “lean as a rod of rebar” which foreshadows her impalement by the same.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 08:01:31 PM by Conspiracy Theorist »

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Peace Talks interesting things and questions
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2022, 09:10:17 PM »
I don't seem to remember Bob ever "scanning" Harry, though he perhaps he sort of hints that he is able at the end of Small Favor when Harry is alarmed when Bob tells him he uses up some of his soul when he uses soul fire, then says a hug can restore it.  But can one really scan for another's soul?  Seeing Harry's soul as Bob meant it isn't the same as a soulgaze.  So I don't think he could have seen Bonea even if he was looking for her.
Bob couldn't see the shadow, Harry told him of it.  He scans Harry at the end of White Knight and and spots brain damage where he thinks Lash resided. He can't see the Fallen. Earlier in the books he sells a fairy tale about them being on the wrong frequency.

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Re: Peace Talks interesting things and questions
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2022, 10:53:57 PM »
Bonnie isn’t of the Fallen, Bob should have been able to “see” her, she is a spirit of air born of the Winter Knight.

Offline Mira

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Re: Peace Talks interesting things and questions
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2022, 11:37:34 PM »
Bonnie isn’t of the Fallen, Bob should have been able to “see” her, she is a spirit of air born of the Winter Knight.

Bob may also have been mistaken, Harry said of him in Cold Days, that Bob knows a lot but he doesn't know everything.  Since I doubt that not since Athena emerged from the scull of Zeus, this kind of thing has happened, Bob may not have known what he was looking at.  Also at that point in time, White Knight, Bonea may have been too small for even Bob to see.  Or Bob lied about it, it is possible that a deal was made with him to keep his mouth shut.  Remember at the end of Ghost Story, neither Alfred or Mab would tell Harry what or who the parasite was that was circulating his blood while he was in a coma.

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Re: Peace Talks interesting things and questions
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2022, 12:33:23 AM »
There wasn't anything to see. Lash was written in Harry's brain.  One neuron looks much like another. Exactly why do you think he writes it this way?

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Re: Peace Talks interesting things and questions
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2022, 09:31:14 AM »
Page 170 The suit, Maggie says its feels funny, Harry picking it up can sense the latent magic. Is Maggie sensing the same thing? But has no context to know what she is feeling is magic.

Page 243 Harry palms the used ampoule. Harry uses magic (sleight of hand) learnt from his father are there other examples in the Files? In Wild Card perhaps it wasn’t dumb luck that Harry beat Puck at cards. Puck was so carefully watching for Harry to use magic to cheat, that Harry used sleight of hand to which Puck was totally oblivious to. Page 271 shows Harry being taught by his father.

Carlos was on the look out for magic, so Harry used sleight of hand.

Page 300 Harry uses sleight of hand again with the Opal.

Page 320, Harry as Warden has an internal compass telling him where the island is. Does it work in the Never Never. kemmler would have had the same until he ceased to be a Warden making it difficult to physically located Demonreach in the mortal world, especially if he had previously only travelled to it via the Never Never.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 11:35:24 PM by Conspiracy Theorist »