I understand the story quite well. And I've read Ghost Story. Answer me this, what is Ghost Story about?
I think it was to teach Harry that even if he is the Winter Knight, that doesn't make him a monster, unless he lets himself become a monster. He isn't Mab's plaything. Yes, it was an interesting story, if Changes ended an era for Harry as Chicago's Wizard Private Eye, Ghost Story set into motion many of the plot threads for the rest of the series.
Suicide is complex and Jim cheated. It made good drama but it leaves the impression that Jim has never had to deal with the aftermath of one.
No, he treated it as a plot device, no different than most fiction writers.. What he got right I think is the fact that most suicidal people cannot see beyond their own pain, which for them has become more than they can tolerate. Suicidal people either don't think of the pain their death will cause those left behind or in their sick mental state think that their death will benefit those left behind. That is the essence and simplistic view of it, I know this from experience.. When I think of my son,
I think if he could come back like Harry, he say to me,"Gee Mom, I didn't know that this would hurt you so much."