Author Topic: What Would Vadderung Do?  (Read 2517 times)

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What Would Vadderung Do?
« on: October 08, 2021, 09:01:56 AM »
We have seen the post BG Kringle in Christmas Eve and The Good People do his bit in the reconstruction of Chicago to bring good cheer but this raises the question What Would Vadderung Do?

Odin is known for training the original Merlin and mythologically brought magic to humankind.

It is not a stretch therefore if post Christmas Eve, Vadderung were to make a huge endowment to the University of Chicago to establish a School of Magic. In such circumstances the Board would have no option but to turn to the one person known publicly to be a major practitioner of magic in Chicago, it’s Wizard, or forfeit a truly huge endowment in a time of great financial hardship.

Harry has always been ‘public’ as a Wizard and in seeking to educate wider society. He loved teaching magic to Molly and the Baby Wardens and is proud of his GED. He is also intent upon building a Powerbase as Wizard of Chicago. If offered the honorary degree of Doctor of Magic and the position of Dean of the School of Magic based in his own castle with a sizeable income stream to equip and run it to teach both practitioners and non -practitioners about magic how could Harry resist? It would be good for Harry’s mental health do something positive fostering magic to the wider society and in ending the traditional Master and Apprentice system fostered by the White Council which keeps apprentices separate from wider Society.

Besides it would allow Jim to mercilessly make fun of Hogwarts and Unseen University, as both Rowling and Pratchett have been referenced in the Files.

Thoughts please?

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Re: What Would Vadderung Do?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2021, 09:30:41 AM »
I think it's a stretch. Jim has already set up a magical school and intends to use Maggie Jr in it. St Marks for the Gifted and Talented. Or SMAGT. Which he somewhat regrets it wasn't 'Resourceful' so it would be SMART.

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Re: What Would Vadderung Do?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2021, 10:34:52 AM »
St Marks is a school, not an institute of higher education, there is nothing for practitioners after High School. Harry made Molly return to school while she was his apprentice. Irwin Pounder went to I believe Ohio State for his English Literature degree.

Again thinking ahead if Maggie is a Wizard it gives her a route after  St Marks for training not wholly dependent upon Harry.

It always weirded me out that Hogwarts effectively ended magical education at age 18, all the Professors had no higher qualification than their own students. No Graduate, post graduate or doctoral training or qualification.

Pratchett on the other hand had Unseen University not really as a educational institution, but as a means of preventing Wizards wreaking havoc on society, by providing them with somewhere the could indulge their fancies and internal politics with the added benefits of five square meals a day and having you laundry done.

Neither is really a good model for a modern school of magic.

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Re: What Would Vadderung Do?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2021, 01:56:39 PM »
I don't think Vadderung would do anything. He stood in defense of the city when the Titan offered him the opportunity to leave unmolested - that's his contribution. The generosity is Kringle's domain - he doesn't need to balance it from his other 'hat' too.

And I don't think he has any particular desire to see the masquerade pulled apart any further than it already was, or antagonize the Council by setting up a rival organization that would appear to be around Harry after they exiled him.

Offline Arjan

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Re: What Would Vadderung Do?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2021, 02:56:49 PM »
We know what Thor would do  :)
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Re: What Would Vadderung Do?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2021, 04:54:00 PM »
Odin always was an educator and guide. It's part of why he was allowed to stay if he handed in his immortality. Because he was one of the gods that actually did their job.

I think that Odin would endow several institutions rather than one large one. It would be relatively easy to obscure the money trails to common investigators while letting the Librarians know that Monoc Industries was supporting humanity. Plus, with several institutions producing 'aware' mortals, there's no big, obvious target for adversaries to take out.
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Re: What Would Vadderung Do?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2021, 11:56:01 PM »
Yes but we are at a beginning of the process of the dropping of the masquerade, Vadderung would definitely endow multiple institutions, it’s the best way of ensuring that magic is taught to wider human society and practioners integrate with wider human society. U of C would be receptive, it’s people will have seen too much during the Titans’s rage and at the very least it’s IT Infrastructure is fried. U of C would merely be the first University to bring magic onto the curriculum.

It’s exactly this aspect of Odin which I was thinking about, the educator.

It is WOJ that Thor is playing College Football, so Odin has probably been endowing multiple institutions already to ensure Junior doesn’t get kicked out prematurely when he pulls the old Tornado in the Deans office prank.