Ok. That helps. Thanks.
So for example, one of my players has this from the Sponsored Magic list in the resources.
Description: Drawing on the power of the god Odin, you can cast spells that fit his essential nature: war and battle, victory and death, wisdom and prophecy, trickery, cunning, and the hunt. These magics are under Odin’s sway and making use of them will inevitably gain his notice.
Sponsor: Odin, first among the Norse gods, far away in his hall of Valhalla. Valhalla is in the Nevernever in the realm of Asgard.
Agenda: Odin is and has always been preparing for Ragnarok. Those he selects are aggressive warrior types worthy of Valhalla. Though he does not necessarily need mindless warmachines, whoever is selected is invariably willing to take a stand against “the enemy” in the last battle.
Evocation: Evocations cast with Odin’s Seiðr encourage or make use of lightning, trickery, battle, pain, fury, and knowledge. Their aesthetics generally involve runes.
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast with Odin’s Seiðr make use of the same themes as Evocations cast with it. They may also be used for divination through the method of casting runestones.
Evothaum: All rituals that may be cast with Odin's Seiðr may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: When Odin’s Seiðr is used against a giant, any Toughness Powers that that giant has are treated as though they were one step weaker. Norse giants are not the only giants; big humanoid fey like ogres count too, and there might be other categories of giant out there.
So when he wants to he could cast anything themed with with lightning, trickery, battle, pain, fury, knowledge, and divination, much more quickly and powerfully than normal. Correct?