Author Topic: How Wizards can mess with high-tech....  (Read 11272 times)

Offline finarvyn

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How Wizards can mess with high-tech....
« on: December 19, 2007, 07:36:31 PM »
I grabbed this from another thread, and thought it might generate some neat ideas as its own discussion rather than getting lost over there.
I tell them to look at having this Flaw as a mental challenge, find unusual ways around it, as well as finding new ways to use it against other people
So, how about a list of technology that we as a GM can use against the players, or tech that the players can use against NPCs?

Here are some random thoughts on this:

* Cell Phones -- can't call out, so they can't call in either. This would mean that if someone places a tracker "bug" on you it might not transmit.

* In Illinois we have this thing called an "I-Pass" which does automatic payment on the toll roads as you drive through. I-Pass might not function.

* Credit Cards -- what about the magnetic strip on the back; does it become demagnetized with spell use? Or magnetic "swipe" keycards. Could a wizard cast some magic in a region, only to find that magnetic locked doors are now unlocked?

* If magic is somehow electromagnetic, could a person use a regular magnetic compass to help track a wizard?

* I know that Harry drives an old VW because of modern-day computer chips in cars, so is it possible that Harry could intentionally use magic to sabotage sombody's car? (Has he done this in the books? I don't remember.) Of course, ordinary computers would hate him as well.

Others I haven't thought of?
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
Dresden Files RPG Playtester
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Offline DrygonDM

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Re: How Wizards can mess with high-tech....
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 08:07:30 PM »
Return to that tread and read my latest post.
Here is the link for those that might not know, and still be interested.,5418.0.html

Also, I believe that the field is not an "Electromagnetic aura" so much as it is a Murphyonic Field, which is to say "Entropically Unlucky".
Here is that thread's link,5158.15.html

With the Maglock - even odds at being "locked" open or closed. Unless the power to the Maglocks themselves goes offline, in which case - "open says-a-me"!!

And while Harry has not targeted anyone's car as of yet, he has blown out Camers, and an elevator, by using the "Overload" affect that his power creates. I would say that he could, if he went to the trouble to create the same "overload" on a car.

Harry says that it was prolonged exposure that caused his cassette tapes and credit card strips to stop working.
Eventually, they just faded out. So maybe a Wizard would have to replace that I-Pass at least twice a month?

More and more places are going to the "electronic payment" system. What if more and more places stopped taking cash?
Oh, the woes of a Dresdenverse Wizard in this world!!
Respect must be earned.

If, in the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King - imagine the power of anyone that can clearly see !!!