Author Topic: Another Possible Theory as to Why Mab Wants Harry to Marry Lara  (Read 5873 times)

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: Another Possible Theory as to Why Mab Wants Harry to Marry Lara
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2021, 01:53:32 PM »
The red court was openly allied with the outsiders, they used outsiders against the white council in open battle. And Mab did not act on her own.

Vadderung, Uriel, the white council, ..

Also the red court was not exactly careful with winter, Mab had enough pretexts.
It was even spelled out in Dead Beat that bringing in the outsiders like they did meant that they had declared war on both Summer and Winter and that by all rights they'd basically committed suicide.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

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Rest in peace mdodd.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Another Possible Theory as to Why Mab Wants Harry to Marry Lara
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2021, 01:55:30 PM »
   But Mab was very careful to at least "appear" to be neutral,  the biggie if I remember right is allowing the White Council to pass though the Nevernever in Winter Territory.  Winter didn't overtly fight on the side of the White Council against the Red Court, but allowing the White Council to pass through her lands safely was huge..
But that was the genius of it. This made the red court follow the white council on winter territory which gave her another pretext.
WG+++: The White God is Mister.

Offline Mira

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Re: Another Possible Theory as to Why Mab Wants Harry to Marry Lara
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2021, 02:24:34 PM »
But that was the genius of it. This made the red court follow the white council on winter territory which gave her another pretext.

Yup, Mab, ever the master three dimensional chess player..

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Another Possible Theory as to Why Mab Wants Harry to Marry Lara
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2021, 04:15:47 PM »
It was even spelled out in Dead Beat that bringing in the outsiders like they did meant that they had declared war on both Summer and Winter and that by all rights they'd basically committed suicide.
It goes back further than Dead Beat, it begins in Grave Peril when Lea gets the Atheme.  Darth Bathrobe intended to decapitate the Council and take Mab out of the picture.  When the Reds begin their incursion the BC knows that Mab is weak and logic says this is when they attacked Arctis Tor. Mab had to protect her Wellspring. And Harry ended up foiling Cowl. In Changes she returned the favor, she sends her Knight and Lea and arranges things with Santa Clause. She did what the Merlin said he was going to do.  End it once and for all.

Why Mab is arranging for Lara to Marry Harry may have something to do with the Archive and the Oblivion War, since both Lara and Thomas are involved.

Offline KurtinStGeorge

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Re: Another Possible Theory as to Why Mab Wants Harry to Marry Lara
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2021, 07:55:24 PM »
I would add that Mab's resources; while impressive, are mostly at the Outer Gates.  Most of the rest will be assigned to fighting the Fomor.  Plus, Mab only puts herself in harm's way to strike at an enemy under the most dire circumstance.  This wouldn't be it.  That's one explanation.  Another is the possibility that any attempt by the Outsiders to get the White Court on their side won't be aimed at the entire White Court, it will be aimed at recruiting their leader.  Even if the demons which infests each White Court vampire was a product of something the Outsiders did, it doesn't follow that the White Court become the Outsiders natural ally.  It may have been the manipulation of Lord Raith that makes it seem that way. 

Lara has access to her father's library and any notes he may nave kept.  Getting some guarantee of controlling a surviving principality and becoming immune to magic might be an enticement to switch sides if it looks like the Outsiders might win.  Mab getting Harry next to Lara fits in with my earlier stated idea that the forced marriage is Mab's insurance policy.  Keep your friends close, keep your enemies, or potential enemies, closer.
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