Author Topic: Please help with 2 spells for my wizard  (Read 7596 times)

Offline JediDresden2

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Please help with 2 spells for my wizard
« on: December 08, 2020, 07:03:40 PM »
I have a a wizard character I am playing with who has nice clothes and shoes.  The problem is that combat and wizarding in general is dangerous to clothing (as well as to the wizard).  I wanted to make a couple of spells, one similar to the Mending Spell form DnD, and another that would clean his clothes, like one of the uses of Prestidigitation, in DnD.

I am thinking Thaumaturgy, but what would the complexity be for it?  Part of me thinks a Prestidigitation spell could be just a minor magical application - similar to Harry's Flicum Bicus spell.  But mending would be transformative magic.

ANy thoughts or suggestions?

Jedi Dreseden

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Re: Please help with 2 spells for my wizard
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2020, 08:37:56 AM »
Thaumaturgy difficulty is generally based on the difficulty of a roll to accomplish the same task through mundane action.

Mending clothes might be difficulty 1-2 with Craftsmanship. And washing your clothes is too easy to bother rolling for.

Base complexity should be plenty for both.

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Re: Please help with 2 spells for my wizard
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2020, 02:13:42 PM »
It would be thaumaturgy and might even be covered under 'automatic' spells.  Like being able to light your cigarette with magic or light a candle.  Basic things that don't really add any mechanical benefits to a scene.

Maybe give yourself an aspect of 'Always Well Kempt'  or something and then you can invoke it in social situations.

In any case, the difficulty would be equal to the difficulty of the appropriate roll.  So, if you are darning your socks, that might be a craftsmanship roll of 1.  So it'd be complexity 1.  If you want to be clean, that might be a rapport or presence of 1 or 2.  If you want it to be an aspect, it would be 3+(enough to create the aspect), and so the Thaumaturgy complexity would be the same.

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Re: Please help with 2 spells for my wizard
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2021, 05:08:54 AM »
Are you planning to only use this for his clothes? Because if so, making them a 0pt Item is the way to go.
Or, Power Option: Spell from p308 of The Paranet Papers, granting Flesh Mask to weave a 'skin' of nifty clothes.
If though he can fix other people's clothes though, you need to plough through the Thaumaturgy rules.
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