Author Topic: Harry and Kemmler  (Read 4755 times)

Offline Yuillegan

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Harry and Kemmler
« on: May 17, 2021, 12:42:32 AM »
I am aware there was a thread about this recently, but it seems to be locked. I don't know what happened in that one but I don't want that here. With that in mind let's all be civil in this one, please. If you don't have anything relevant to contribute politely, this probably isn't the thread for you.  :)

Now as many, many people have pointed out, Harry does seem to resemble Kemmler a bit more and more as time goes on.

But let's look at the similarities and then the differences.

Allies: Kemmler had connections with demons, vampires, and even some of "the nastier Fae". Not just his necromancer pals and his undead slaves.

Harry also has demons (Bob and Bonnie), has held a Coin and worked with Lash, has worked alongside the Denarians, and has summoned Chauncy. Hmm.

Harry also has connections with vampires. His half-brother (not well-known, most think of him as close associate perhaps a lover) is of course a White Court vampire. He is often seen working with Lara Raith (the power behind the throne of the White Court) and is rumoured to be her lover. His ex was a half Red Court vampire (although he did kill her and the whole Red Court - but then again the White Court helped destroy the Black Court). And we know he eventually works with Mavra in Mirror Mirror. He even had a business dealing (admittedly under duress but still) with Mavra.

Harry also is deeply connected to the Faeries. His godmother is the second most powerful Faerie in Winter after Mab (the Mother's are excluded). He is the Winter Knight as worked for years as their emissary and ally before that (Mab was clearly preparing him). His grandfather (not commonly known) quite likely wields Mother Winter's walking stick (a incredibly powerful Faerie weapon). His own mother was literally known by the epithet "le Fay" because she was so closely associated with them. His former teenage lover and foster sibling/best friend was also a close associate of Summer for years. He was a contact and friend of Lily as Summer Lady and Fix (more before he was a Knight). He also has a small friendship with the current Summer Lady Sarissa. Despite hating him, even Titania meets with him. Harry has met and worked for the Mothers (something that most mortals never do and most wouldn't even survive). His former apprentice and daughter of one of his best friends is now Winter Lady. Despite the antagonistic relationship, he is actually quite close to Mab. He also is well acquainted with the Leaders of the Wild Hunt, particularly Kringle. He regularly journeys into Faerie and returns stronger, often after achieving impossible missions. He is aided by all manner of Faerie (Summer and Winter and Wyld), and commands a small army of Little Folk. He even knows some of the deepest and most important secrets of Winter (like how they defend the Outer Gates).

Harry has also performed necromancy, just once, when raising Sue. He also has returned from death, something normally only associated with necromancers. He even has commanded spirits of the dead. He has performed several acts of magic that skate the crumbling edges of the Laws of Magic, just like his mother, including enthralling Faeries and binding them, and binding demons. He has killed mortals multiple times with magic, both intentionally and otherwise, and has attempted to several times before being stopped. And he has done this in a pattern that continues to the present day, so it isn't just a part of his past.

He has a demon/spirit as a research assistant. The exact same one as Kemmler used.

Kemmler also used a gun (such as in A Fistful of Warlocks). Harry was one of the most well-known Wizards and the Warden's for using a gun.

Speaking of wardens, just like Kemmler he is now also the Warden of Demonreach.

Both Kemmler and Harry believe the White Council is self-righteous and too restrictive. They also have both openly defied this governing body. Kemmler believed might is right, and while Harry doesn't believe that totally, he certainly has approached some problems this way. Kemmler appears to have not cared if the world burned as long as he got what he wanted. While Harry doesn't normally think like this, on more than one occasion Harry has subscribed to that philosophy - even if later he realised it was wrong he probably still would have done what he did.

Kemmler fought and resisted the White Council for decades. Maybe longer. He set himself up as first a power in his own right, then as a warlord, and even had ambitions of godhood. He gathered power, weapons, and allies to him. He set himself up as Warden of Demonreach. He allied himself (I believe) with governments and politicians. He instigated wars and caused enormous loss of life. It is possible he attempted to destroy the White Council.

Harry also has resisted the White Council for years. He even is now openly beginning to defy them. He has set himself up as Wizard of Chicago and Warden of Demonreach. He has acquired great power, new weapons and many allies (both good and evil). He even has a sometimes ally in Gentleman Johnny Marcone, the Baron of Chicago and now Knight of the Blackened Denarius. He started a war with the vampires that caused enormous loss of life, and by ending it (with a semi-nuclear option) he left a power vacuum that caused further suffering and allowed for even a new war.

Kemmler allied with the nastier Fae, supposedly for power. Harry has never liked or tried to befriend the worst Fae (although that's becoming a grey area as we see they have purpose - so what's a nastier Fae then?) Mab could be counted among the worst, or Lea, etc. But Harry was largely forced into those relationships, whereas Kemmler mostly sought them out.

Harry didn't choose to be connected to the White Court, his mother made that choice for him. But he connected with Thomas through family love. His connections are mostly political to the White Court, and he has resisted being either their puppet or their friend.

Harry might have Bob and Bonnie, but he made Bonnie out of love and so I think it's not the same as summoning or binding a horrible monster. Bob is slightly different. They have a master-servant relationship yet have formed a close friendship too. He helps Bob find morality (as best he can) and Bob seems to prefer being on the good guys team. His relationship to Chauncy was similar to police questioning a prisoner for information. Harry did use it to acquire knowledge and power, but abandoned it when he realised he was holding the short end of the stick. Kemmler continued to bind demons to himself. While he did work with Lash, and Nicodemus, voluntarily (under duress but still) he betrayed Nicodemus and never tried to be his friend or real ally (no matter what Nicodemus promised) and he actually changed Lash into a nicer being and turned her against her originator (Lasciel).

Harry has used necromancy but never on humans. Harry also only attempted it once to save people in need. He never attempted to use it for personal power. He has enthralled faeries but established a strong friendship after so he didn't need to control them directly. When he killed with magic it was only in self-defence (although he did possibly negligently kill some teenagers at Bianca's, while defending himself with magic but in a wild and dangerous way). He killed some soldiers in a battle, but it was also kill-or-be-killed combat. Kemmler seems to have had no such restraints. Harry did return from the dead but not because he was smarter, had the knowledge, or didn't want to die, but because Mab, Demonreach and Bonnie wouldn't allow it (and Uriel probably had a hand in it).

Harry did choose to use Bob. But he didn't use him to acquire terrible and dangerous power or perform dangerous experiments and research dark things. He used him as a friend and ally, mostly to help him use his magic to help others. Harry never tried to use Bob's dark side, or to try and gain enormous personal power.

Harry does use a gun, but I'd argue that he uses it as defence, whereas Kemmler just wanted to kill people.

Harry became Warden of Demonreach by accident. He had NO idea of what he was getting into. He thought he was just getting a bit of solid ground in order to fight some dark enemies. He also has never tried to abuse the power of that island. He hasn't released any monsters, or taken knowledge or power from them. He has never taped the well. He never allowed any dark forces to release his prisoners.

It is unclear how or why Kemmler became Warden of Demonreach. But we do know he didn't immediately try and release his prisoners. He may have initially thought it was too risky, he may not have yet been corrupted. We don't know. But we do know he eventually tried to go back and the White Council spent a lot of time and effort making sure once he went dark side he couldn't actually go back. And I suspect he would have attempted to release some of the monsters should he have gotten on the island. Or perhaps even eat enough of them to become a really big dark god. I wonder if that's where he got the knowledge.

But Harry's motives have always been about trying to protect those he loves. This is a key difference I think between Kemmler who seems to be only after power, and Harry who only takes on power to protect those he loves and has always tried to resist taking power (only taking it when absolutely necessary) and he tries to do the best he can. Harry always tries to use his power in defence of those who need protecting, and he tries always to resist becoming a monster. Whereas Kemmler seems to have embraced it. Harry might have hated the White Council but he seems to be aware that without it the world would probably be worse. He believes it needs reform, not destruction. Harry also seems to be able to reflect that while he didn't care if the world burned if he saved his daughter, that also meant roasting his friends and that he should have been more careful of that.

Harry resist the White Council, but his introduction to them was the White Council trying him for murder and attempting to kill him. So arguably they started it. They made no attempt to rehabilitate him. Kemmler seems to have just tried to overpower them, mostly because he wanted to do whatever he liked.

Harry has acquired power but only when absolutely necessary and never to cause harm to humans and the weak. Never to rule others. He always has tried to use it to defend the defenceless. Sometimes power has been thrust upon him and he has done his best to not be corrupted by it. He hasn't always succeeded but he has tried to do better and tried to learn from his mistakes. Kemmler seems to have taken power for power's sake. He never seems to have tried to become a better person or tried to atone for his crimes.

Harry did gain allies, but many were made for him before his birth (like Lea and Thomas). Some he was even manipulated into. He has acquired more but he has always tried to remain true to his own beliefs, values and principles and never corrupted and controlled by them. He always tries to be his own man and stick up for those weaker than himself and protect them. Kemmler seems to have actively tried to seek out dark allies only to make himself stronger so he could rule the world and destroy anyone who resisted.

Harry might have started wars, but those wars would have started without him anyway. He was pushed into being the catalyst, but make no mistake that the Reds (and the Black Council manipulating them) were the ones that wanted the war. They simply used Harry to try and give themselves legitimacy. The Fomor too had been preparing to attack for centuries. They simply exploited the situation (the fall of the Red Court) to make their play.

Kemmler simply wanted to rule and cause enough chaos and violence to get what he wanted. He exploited certain countries and factions both mortal and supernatural in order to achieve his aims. Those wars might have been avoided, but Kemmler made sure that they happened.

While the similarities seem to outweigh the differences, I would say that the differences are more critical.

Yes, Harry and Kemmler are dangerous. But one is concerned with trying to save the world, to protect his friends, to defend the weak and defenceless, to help others and create a better world.

The other seems to only have wished to rule the world, to cause pain and misery and death and chaos, to destroy the established order and impose his own. Perhaps even to unmake it altogether.

I think you can work out which is which.

What do you all think? Have I missed anything? Should I add other things? Anything you think shouldn't be in there?
Let me know!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2021, 11:59:30 PM by Yuillegan »
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Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2021, 01:24:48 AM »
We don't know what Kemmler was like at first either, for all we know he was similar to Harry until he tapped into the Demonreach leyline.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2021, 02:12:40 AM »
Agreed, we don't even know what caused him to become how he is.

My theory is still that he was a star born that went bad. The ley line at Demonreach is certainly a possible cause.

We definitely need more information on him.
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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2021, 03:08:15 AM »

  Let's not forget, he followers didn't think he was bad, remember some of the stuff Kumori said.  If I remember correctly she seemed to think bringing the dead back was a good thing, Cowl too, apparently.  But we know when Harry called up the Bob that was in the hands of Kemmler, it was a power hungry horror that tried to kill him.  It was so terrifying that Harry ordered him never to remember that aspect of himself again, it later became Evil Bob.  Harry isn't power hungry and though he and Kemmler have traveled parts of the same road, they are not alike.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2021, 05:40:39 AM »

  Let's not forget, he followers didn't think he was bad, remember some of the stuff Kumori said.  If I remember correctly she seemed to think bringing the dead back was a good thing, Cowl too, apparently.  But we know when Harry called up the Bob that was in the hands of Kemmler, it was a power hungry horror that tried to kill him.  It was so terrifying that Harry ordered him never to remember that aspect of himself again, it later became Evil Bob.  Harry isn't power hungry and though he and Kemmler have traveled parts of the same road, they are not alike.
Cowl was insulted to be called a Kemmlerite thought. He thought Kemmler was a madman. Even Mab thought so. I think perhaps some admired his genius and maybe agreed with some of his methods - but clearly Cowl and Kumori have different goals to Kemmler.

Harry has been called mad at times. But no one seems to think him the same level of monster. Except the White Council from time to time.
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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2021, 08:47:59 AM »
Agreed, we don't even know what caused him to become how he is.

My theory is still that he was a star born that went bad. The ley line at Demonreach is certainly a possible cause.

We definitely need more information on him.
We'd probably be getting a lot more information and parallels in the darkhallow version of Changes (just like how Harry's learning more about Mab and people are spotting parallels with her).
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2021, 11:08:28 AM »
Cowl was insulted to be called a Kemmlerite thought. He thought Kemmler was a madman. Even Mab thought so. I think perhaps some admired his genius and maybe agreed with some of his methods - but clearly Cowl and Kumori have different goals to Kemmler.

Harry has been called mad at times. But no one seems to think him the same level of monster. Except the White Council from time to time.

But Kumori wasn't, and Cowl is just as mad as Kemmler was, he actually put into motion the Dark Hallow and would of succeeded if it weren't for Harry, Bob, and yes, Lash, who translated the book for Harry.  Not sure whether he wrote the book or not, but as far as we know Kemmler never tried to put the Dark Hallow into motion.  Now here is a thought, Kemmler was an early experiment of the Senior Council in creating their own star born, and it was a total failure because in the end they couldn't control him any more than they can Harry.  Here is a difference for you, Kemmler knew what they had done and the goal, it drove him mad, this is why they are keeping the truth from Harry.

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2021, 05:57:58 PM »
Where did we learn that Kemmler was a Warden of Demonreach?

Where did we learn that Kemmler had connections with the "nastier fae" and "bound demons to himself"?

Why is the OP calling Bob and Bonnie demons? Are demons and spirits interchangeable? I would say no, but maybe I'm missing something?

How do we know Harry is going to be working with Mavra in Mirror Mirror?

I think I must be missing an important Word of Jim here somewhere, because all of the above is coming out of left field for me.

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2021, 06:43:42 PM »
Where did we learn that Kemmler was a Warden of Demonreach?

Where did we learn that Kemmler had connections with the "nastier fae" and "bound demons to himself"?

Why is the OP calling Bob and Bonnie demons? Are demons and spirits interchangeable? I would say no, but maybe I'm missing something?

How do we know Harry is going to be working with Mavra in Mirror Mirror?

I think I must be missing an important Word of Jim here somewhere, because all of the above is coming out of left field for me.

Yup, I agree..  Plus, unless the "British Prisoner" is actually Kemmler, did he just quit the job if he had it?  How does that happen?  Because if he is the monster as reported why would he cut himself off from having those kinds of monsters in his "power" so to speak?  If he was fired, who does that? 

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2021, 06:52:50 PM »
Where did we learn that Kemmler was a Warden of Demonreach?

Where did we learn that Kemmler had connections with the "nastier fae" and "bound demons to himself"?

Why is the OP calling Bob and Bonnie demons? Are demons and spirits interchangeable? I would say no, but maybe I'm missing something?

How do we know Harry is going to be working with Mavra in Mirror Mirror?

I think I must be missing an important Word of Jim here somewhere, because all of the above is coming out of left field for me.

Word of Jim- Kemmler was the Warden 3 Wardens before Harry, and one of the big tasks of the WC was keeping him from the island. That's a new WoJ- I think in the last 6 months?

Regarding contacts among most of the Vampire Courts and nastier fae- that's an ancient WoJ from the '00s.

Regarding Bob and Bonnie being demons- I think that's speculative.

Working with Mavra- I think that's a WoJ from circa 2016ish? I don't put firm stock in that, I see that as firmly in the "Jim can flex that category and it was an example of what he might do".

Also, Yuillegan- b4utoo locked his own thread because he decided people were being too rigid by all agreeing that "Ser Baron" was telling Mab that Marcone was a Denarian at the end of Battle Grounds, since it's the most obvious reading of that interaction. There was nothing nasty I saw.

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2021, 07:00:03 PM »
Demon is a vague term that can mean a lot of things but I would not use the term for Bob and Bonnie and the books don’t use it either. They are spirits of intellect.
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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2021, 12:17:57 AM »
Okay, so here's one lace of the thread to pull at with Kemmler. In my Molly shaped fearbringer theory, his cloak is made up of the fear caused by being the rag lady, using Harry's ragged duster. The effect he uses it for is the same viable enchantment on Kemmler from 40k that was used for the inspiration to the DF Kemmler. This to me implies some deep connection between them that's not been expressly said.

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2021, 12:49:23 AM »
Cowl was insulted to be called a Kemmlerite thought. He thought Kemmler was a madman. Even Mab thought so. I think perhaps some admired his genius and maybe agreed with some of his methods - but clearly Cowl and Kumori have different goals to Kemmler.

Wasn't his whole "I'm not like them" speech in front of Kumori, then when he's talking to Harry alone he's quite open about how his relationship with the other disciples is collegial for the greater glory of Kemmler on the surface, while plotting to kill each other as soon as convenient?

Anything he says in front of Kumori has to be interpreted through the lens of keeping the delusional apprentice convinced they're doing good works through grey methods.

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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2021, 01:50:15 AM »
We'd probably be getting a lot more information and parallels in the darkhallow version of Changes (just like how Harry's learning more about Mab and people are spotting parallels with her).
True, and I wouldn't mind seeing something from that parallel reality. It might be interesting to see another side of the Kemmler story.

But Kumori wasn't, and Cowl is just as mad as Kemmler was, he actually put into motion the Dark Hallow and would of succeeded if it weren't for Harry, Bob, and yes, Lash, who translated the book for Harry.  Not sure whether he wrote the book or not, but as far as we know Kemmler never tried to put the Dark Hallow into motion.  Now here is a thought, Kemmler was an early experiment of the Senior Council in creating their own star born, and it was a total failure because in the end they couldn't control him any more than they can Harry.  Here is a difference for you, Kemmler knew what they had done and the goal, it drove him mad, this is why they are keeping the truth from Harry.
But Harry didn't call Kumori a Kemmlerite. He called Cowl one. So naturally it was only Cowl who took offence. The conversation didn't include Kumori at that point. It's hard to argue degrees of madness, and while yes I agree Cowl certainly has a form of madness, it doesn't appear to be the same sort as Kemmler's.

The book is called the Word of Kemmler. It's described as his final work. We don't know how close Kemmler got to performing a Darkhallow, but it seems auspicious that he died on Halloween in 1961 and what followed was the largest (man made) explosion ever. Either they dropped Tsar Bomba on him OR that was the cover for whatever really happened. Kemmler already had consumed many spirits to increase his strength so I'd say he arguably got closer than Cowl.

I like your theory though. Kemmler could quite possibly be a starborn. What a disaster though if so.

Yup, I agree..  Plus, unless the "British Prisoner" is actually Kemmler, did he just quit the job if he had it?  How does that happen?  Because if he is the monster as reported why would he cut himself off from having those kinds of monsters in his "power" so to speak?  If he was fired, who does that? 
Not quite, WOJ is that the Warden's spent a lot of time keeping him off the island once they realised he was going crazy. The question of how the office is passed was also answered. If another person gets on the island and claims Demonreach as theirs, then they become the Warden. This is what happened to Kemmler, he couldn't get on Demonreach but eventually a more suitable person did.

Where did we learn that Kemmler was a Warden of Demonreach?

Where did we learn that Kemmler had connections with the "nastier fae" and "bound demons to himself"?

Why is the OP calling Bob and Bonnie demons? Are demons and spirits interchangeable? I would say no, but maybe I'm missing something?

How do we know Harry is going to be working with Mavra in Mirror Mirror?

I think I must be missing an important Word of Jim here somewhere, because all of the above is coming out of left field for me.
Much of this is quite easy to find, but I am happy to provide some links if you like.

Thank you BFB for answering most of these.

The relationships that Kemmler had with vampires, demons and nastier faeries is described by Bob (a first hand witness) in Dead Beat. Page 20 I think. Harry asks Bob about Kemmler and Bob describes who Kemmler was and why he was so feared. Also says, and I failed to mention, "every nasty in Europe" whatever that means. Plus apprentices of course and "thugs of every description".

In this very conversation, when Bob first shows us his Mister Hyde impression, Harry actually labels Bob a demon. "I couldn't remember the last time I'd confronted a demon with that much raw psychic power."

Word of Jim- Kemmler was the Warden 3 Wardens before Harry, and one of the big tasks of the WC was keeping him from the island. That's a new WoJ- I think in the last 6 months?

Regarding contacts among most of the Vampire Courts and nastier fae- that's an ancient WoJ from the '00s.

Regarding Bob and Bonnie being demons- I think that's speculative.

Working with Mavra- I think that's a WoJ from circa 2016ish? I don't put firm stock in that, I see that as firmly in the "Jim can flex that category and it was an example of what he might do".

Also, Yuillegan- b4utoo locked his own thread because he decided people were being too rigid by all agreeing that "Ser Baron" was telling Mab that Marcone was a Denarian at the end of Battle Grounds, since it's the most obvious reading of that interaction. There was nothing nasty I saw.
Exactly right on the first WOJ. Came right after Battle Ground. But the vampire etc stuff was from Dead Beat. There might be WOJ that also deals with it but I am can't remember anything specific.

See my response to Arjan below about demons.

Yeah I get that about the Mavra thing. He just said she will be an ally of Dresden's in Mirror Mirror but we do have to wait and see. I think that would be interesting though, as a story choice.

Tbh I didn't bother to look in the thread, I saw it was locked and assumed it went pear shaped (as often threads do). I just wanted this thread to be a nice, chill thread. He's entitled to his own reading, although I don't see how you would interpret that scene another way. Each to their own.

Demon is a vague term that can mean a lot of things but I would not use the term for Bob and Bonnie and the books don’t use it either. They are spirits of intellect.
Bonnie is half Fallen angel shadow, but that definition alone she qualifies. But beyond that just based on what's in the books, demons are defined a "beasts of the Never never". In terms of real world stuff, most religions categorize spirits that are not aligned with the "holy" side of things as demons. If you go back further into the older religions it certainly gets more muddied.

While demon have come to mean "evil spirit" the original greek word daimon simply meant "a spirit of divine power" which again I would point to Bonnie's origins.

I would also remind you that in Kemmler or Cowl's hands, Bob was pretty much textbook definition of evil. See above my quote from Evil's Bob's encounter with Harry. Harry labels him a demon then too.
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Re: Harry and Kemmler
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2021, 01:57:12 AM »
Wasn't his whole "I'm not like them" speech in front of Kumori, then when he's talking to Harry alone he's quite open about how his relationship with the other disciples is collegial for the greater glory of Kemmler on the surface, while plotting to kill each other as soon as convenient?

Anything he says in front of Kumori has to be interpreted through the lens of keeping the delusional apprentice convinced they're doing good works through grey methods.
That's a fair interpretation. We certainly can't rule out he is putting on a show for Kumori. I mean, he is clearly apt at deception. But his methods and his manner seem to be quite different from Corpsetaker and Kemmler's loyal dog, Grevane.

There's a theory that Cowl was a full wizard of the White Council that only turned to Kemmler late in Kemmler's reign. Which, if say Cowl was Simon, would make that interaction more understandable. He see's Kemmler's power but doesn't approve of his end game. He might think Kemmler is right about the White Council being too restrictive (which Simon confirms in the paranet papers) but he might think Kemmler's end goals are insane. Cowl seems like a wizard version of Marcone or Nicodemus. Cold, calculating, competent. He doesn't waste time with all the bravado and theatrics that many other villains do. He just does his thing, and succeeds. He even bemoans having to be the one who does all the heavy lifting while Grevane and Corpsetaker are sparring and squabbling.
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