Author Topic: Will It Be Bonea That Actually Tells Harry the Truth?  (Read 1847 times)

Offline Mira

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Will It Be Bonea That Actually Tells Harry the Truth?
« on: May 20, 2021, 12:33:31 PM »

   In White Night just before she decides to sacrifice herself, Lash begins to tell Harry why he
was conceived.  But there is no time to answer Harry's questions, however she does promise
to answer them later.  However later never happens, to save Harry's sanity and life, she sacrifices herself.  Odd moment happens later after it was all over, Harry is playing his guitar, he believes Lash is gone and he hears a faint whisper..

Everything I can, dear host.

It freaks him out he goes to the basement, digs up the coin, and calls Father Forthill to pick it up.  He was afraid he'd have to go through the whole thing again with another form of the Shadow of Lasciel, or Lasciel, herself?  Most likely, because the assumption is he thought he was hearing Lash or Lasciel.  So was it a message from Lash?  One would think that it couldn't be Bonea because now she functions like a toddler..  However is it a hint that all the information Lash had regarding Harry has been passed on to their daughter, and at some point Bonea will tell Harry everything surrounding his birth, the how, the why, his mother and father's decision to conceive him.  Plus all the other questions, what he was meant to be, why this information has been kept from him by the Council, what Justin's real goal was when he adopted him and Elaine.. Why he tried to enthrall him, where do the Outsiders fit in?  Because it is hinted from the Ghost Story flashbacks from what HWWB said, that Harry wasn't just conceived to fight Outsiders, but somewhere their plan or Justin's plan went astray... Oh crap, yet another question, perhaps for another thread...