Again, if Justine hasn't survived, will Thomas want to live? Then there is the child, is it even his?
What I've been asking myself: Can we be sure there even
is a child? Is she really pregnant or was that a lie?
Does the real Justine even exist any more and if not, when exactly did she cease existing? If she is still there, does she truly love Thomas or is Nemesis just faking the love burns somehow?
I'm not really convinced, the pregnancy is real.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't there a blindingly obvious solution to Thomas' condition that Harry is in a unique position to be aware of?
Harry knows about the situation between Irwin Pounder and his white court fiancée Connie. Irwin survived the first encounter when Connie's hunger awoke, which previously was inevitably fatal to the victim, and continues to be fed upon without ill effect.
So why doesn't Harry call in River Shoulders and his kin to see if one or more of them can feed enough energy to Thomas to stabilize him without endangering anyone's life? The Forest People can handle the drain without serious risk, even with Thomas' hunger in the negative feedback loop it seems to be stuck in.
I thought that, too. But as stated by others before: how to ask? Who should do it? Danger of being exposed as endless food supply to other WCVs.
Is it even possible to still the Hunger anymore in any way?
I can totally see future WCVs hunting down Forest People (Bigfeet?
) to imprison them as food supply.
But maybe in the future, when Thomas will be on Demonreach for several years, Harry will tell River about it. Just telling him about the situation, not implying anything. And River Shoulders would offer on his own to take care of Thomas, if it even can be done.
But personally I think, Harry will find a way to separate the Hunger from his brother, leaving him human, probably even with some magic, an arc of redemption and a potential wielder of Amoraccius.
Edit: And [Battle Ground Spoiler!!!!!!]
I think Thomas will stay out of the picture until at least the marriage has happened [\spoiler]