Author Topic: Demons in the Dresden Files  (Read 1616 times)

Offline Panzerfront

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Demons in the Dresden Files
« on: March 16, 2021, 02:06:21 PM »
Hey, I was introducing my Girlfriend to the Dresden Files and I was curious about the Demons in Dresden and how they compared to say Fallen Angels?

While a lot about Angelic conflict has been brought up, what about the various other denizens of Hell. Chauncey the saucy boy from Fool Moon is something that has fascinated me for years so I was curious. How do Demons play into how Hell Works. Are Demons at their apex on par with the Fallen? Are their various tiers, were they created by Lucifer or do they predate him? I know that a lot of various "unaligned" demons are in the Nevernever like that Toad Demon from Stormfront, but I am very curious about how Demons play into the story as we know how angels do.