Author Topic: Help with a character idea for an NPC  (Read 7877 times)

Offline JediDresden2

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Help with a character idea for an NPC
« on: February 19, 2021, 03:43:19 PM »
This is for an NPC - actually my character's mother.  My character, who is a full wizard and getting married in the game, is from a family of wizard's that have been in the white council for generations, and they are rich.  They made their money during the late 19th century in the United States - captain's of industry type 'old money' now.

I want his mother to be a unique figure - not necessarily a full wizard, could be anything, pure mortal, focused practitioner, minor talent - i am open to anything.  I just want a unique memorable figure to pull out when the party gets to my wedding.  Kind of matronly and rich, but cool at the same time.  I am thinking the refresh level is going to be around 14 refresh and about 40 skill points.  Not looking for full blown character write ups - just wanting to give you an idea of power level.

Everything I have come up with is to close to either characters in the novels, or other character's I have created.  they all are starting to seem the same and I need help breaking out of the creative rut I am in.  Just looking for some suggestions  to get the creative juices flowing again.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Help with a character idea for an NPC
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2021, 01:14:57 AM »
Is she meant to be an ally? An antagonist? An mostly uninvolved but friendly figure?

Regardless, here are some random ideas:

-She's a mortal, and in order to keep up with her husband's wizardly lifespan she's on very elaborate life support. She basically lives in a tube.

-She's a full wizard who's used the Sight rather too much over the course of her life. Her mind is full of unforgettable visions that occasionally become outright hallucinations.

-She was a Changeling and is now a mortal. She's extremely pro-normalcy, both ideologically and by by personal preference. Involved in mundane business and politics. Tries to make her magical family as mundane as possible.

-She's a wizard and an Emissary of Power who serves as an intermediary between the White Council and something or other. Her actual loyalties are either uncertain or divided, and generally gets the worst of any tension between her two masters. Sometimes this spills over onto her family.

-She really, really, likes your character's new spouse.

-She really, really, dislikes your character's new spouse.

-She can't handle her booze at all, but insists on drinking at weddings.

-She's determined that the special day be absolutely perfect and constantly freaks out about it.

Offline gog

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Re: Help with a character idea for an NPC
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2021, 11:28:32 AM »
I'd be inclined to go with full wizard, and have her be the one who made the money in the 19th Century.

Would almost suggest that she have had a number of husbands - none of which where anything but mortal, but all where rich. And that she might be on the lookout for the next one...

Offline JediDresden2

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Re: Help with a character idea for an NPC
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2021, 05:10:03 PM »
Thanks.  Sorry for the delay - busy weekend.

I think of her more as an interesting figure at a wedding party, but she is my character's mother - so Ally?  I was initially thinking either a focused practitioner who married into a family of wizards, or a wizard who focused more on family and home - maybe with a specialization in wards to protect her family.

My characters fiance is a changeling NPC in the game - so having mom be a changeling/ Emissary of Power that gave chose mortal would be an interesting twist, either she really likes my new bride or really hates her based on their origins.

My father is dead, so her hunting for a new husband is a twist I like as well.

Thanks again.

Offline LostInTime

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Re: Help with a character idea for an NPC
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2021, 12:53:44 AM »
She was a changeling and chose fae after your character was grown to adulthood.
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Re: Help with a character idea for an NPC
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2021, 05:40:59 AM »
Off the top of my head.

Hoodoo or voodoo matriarch could be cool.

Offline KlausGerken

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Re: Help with a character idea for an NPC
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2021, 11:24:27 AM »
I like the idea of having her project random visions when she's drunk enough.