I have the impression, he will go for shape shifting first. He already had a guess, how to increase mass, while riding on horse Grey in Skin Game, he admired LTW's shapehifting in Turn Coat while he was fighting the Naagloshi.
There was the conjuritis in PT/BG, and I can totally imagine him developing something like that on purpose, knowing now how it feels to conjure involuntary.
And of course improved items like the shield bracelet.
And I hope, he will improve his fire/ice/force magic without items like the blasting rod or his staff. I liked how Mab made him do magic without focus. IMHO he should work on that, too.
The teleporting stuff... Yes, that would be cool, but I think there is a shortage of teachers and accessable information. Now how should he get the books in the council's library now as an outcast, when he was denied access even as a member. Somehow I think Marcone wouldn't be helpful with that either.
So the teleporting would have to wait until he has mastered the shape shifting.
I definitely want so see shape shifting. River Shoulders already said he would teach him more.
Edit: and oh, I forgot:
Potions! I want potions.