I think he is extremely good at some stuff and not as good in other things. That happens when you pick up things in practice when you need it.
It is also part of being a normal human being, none of us are good at everything.
That wasn't a display of magical ability on his part. That was him piggybacking off the Red Courts own Ritual.
Oh? He managed to figure out what he had to do and he did it. Wizard is derived from wise one, if I remember correctly. Wisdom comes from knowledge, knowledge comes from learning.. That give you magical ability. As Luke told the Mandalorian about Gegoo, " he is strong with the Force, but it means nothing without training.." I think you are confusing ability with talent, you are born with talent, but you have to be taught basic skills to develop ability.
Again, not a matter of Skill. Harry himself acknowledges that it was just a matter of having the juice to do it.
Yes, he had the juice to do it, but without the book, the knowledge and the basic skills, no amount of juice would have enabled him to do it.
So do I. Mostly because Molly would never expect it. You don't need to be skilled to suckerpunch a young woman that has been pining over you for a decade.
Suckerpunch or not, on Halloween, Molly is vulnerable... Also yeah, to figure out how to suckerpunch someone like Molly does take skill and knowledge.. People who are able to pull off a suckerpunch are often very clever even if the action is distasteful.
Looks at Mab, Titania, Odin, The Erlking, The Winter Lady, an Army of Fae, Two Knight of the Cross, several Senior Members of the White Council, The Archive, The Queen of the White Court, a Couple Valkyries, a Bigfoot, and a Knight of the Blackened Denarius
Right... "Solo"
Yup, he had lots of help, he acknowledges that, however in the end it was Harry, and Harry alone who performed the binding. Oh and back up a few steps, the original actions in the first place that made him Warden, then the presence of mind to take those Artifacts from then vault and store them away on Demonreach. All of the above took skill and knowledge on Harry's part, he has enough intelligence to ask questions when he needs to.
The White Council fears him because of his Reputation, his Tendency to run with the Bad guys, and his propensity to make monumentally dumb decisions and somehow live past them.
Dumb for whom? The Council fears him because he is the skunk at the garden party.. However their fear is ill placed, in spite of their many attacks on him until the end of Battle Field Harry remained loyal to them and their principles or tried to be.
Yeah, too bad he never does anything useful with it.
Do you think he would have been able to pull off what he did, becoming Warden of Demonreach without the aid of Soul Fire? Just because you don't see anything useful yet, that doesn't mean there won't be in the future.
Of these, only Little Chicago is actually a testament to his magical skills, and that was used about twice ever, and only worked because someone else sneaked into his lab to grade his work for him.
Really? How about the imagination to even attempt it in the first place?