Author Topic: Nemesis [BG SPOILERS]  (Read 8261 times)

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: Nemesis [BG SPOILERS]
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2020, 02:49:45 AM »
Well my call was that they are basically angels responsible of shaping and governing immanent reality, that went rogue, but not that rogue as Lucifer and his cronies. But could you quote this WOJ - it seems I missed it or misread it.

I think not. Like classic pagan gods seems to be last generation of Titan like beings - who were (?) not ascended mortal, at least not just it - Sigurn says Odin is being of Elemental Nature, and he precedes Fae. Fae are half-mortals in the end compared to old forces yes.

I think you can make cause and effect schemes that are not temporal, but more like ontological.

That's idea I like - forces of Uncreation. Still it's not really opposed to theory Walkers were created beings that turned to Uncreation due some ancient shit that happend. We will see.
It was one of the interviews he did just after BG came out. I think that week.
The one about the gods existing before the universe did but not remembering that time very well (and not wanting to have to explain how things worked before cause and effect became a thing) meaning that they don't talk about it much was some time before Peace Talks came out, I'm not sure when though.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Nemesis [BG SPOILERS]
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2020, 01:35:34 PM »
OK thanks I'm gonna look for it.

Now that suits my theory that Gods and Titans and Dragons are lesser type of half-fallen Angels :3

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: Nemesis [BG SPOILERS]
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2020, 11:48:59 PM »
Well my call was that they are basically angels responsible of shaping and governing immanent reality, that went rogue, but not that rogue as Lucifer and his cronies. But could you quote this WOJ - it seems I missed it or misread it.
I think it will be more complicate than Angels and Gods myself. If instead we simply call them all spirits and that they all once "existed" in the chaos "before" Creation. Then along comes TWG and separates Creation from non-being and that act itself is so alien and powerful it changes everything. Some of these spirits then go and see this new theme park called Creation, and TWG says well there are rules and if you want in you either have to join and help or stay out. But some negotiate a sort-of third option and help but don't get uniforms and call themselves Angels. Those middle of the roaders are the Gods. But I can see why the more chaotic ones like Ethniu consider the spirits who joined TWG as traitors then. Lucifer and his team however did get uniforms but then decided that they didn't agree with things and either tried a coup or something similar. Outsiders seem to be those who didn't want in at all initially, but decided there shouldn't even be a noisy old Creation at all and somehow were let into Creation where they ruled briefly before being kicked out. But their mission remains the same: take over and torture Creation before ending it.

The WOJ is in this interview - which is timestamped but if it doesn't work go to 30:40.

I think not. Like classic pagan gods seems to be last generation of Titan like beings - who were (?) not ascended mortal, at least not just it - Sigurn says Odin is being of Elemental Nature, and he precedes Fae. Fae are half-mortals in the end compared to old forces yes.
Ethniu calls Mab, Titania and the Ladies the new gods. I certainly am not saying Vadderung and perhaps even Erlking are new gods. But the Ladies and the Queens are. The Mothers seem to be more at Ethniu's level. Ethniu even calls Titania a demigod. I think any being that started out as mortal is a new god, whereas Vadderung and Ethniu and Hades etc are the real deal from before the universe.

I think you can make cause and effect schemes that are not temporal, but more like ontological.
I am not entirely sure of what you mean here. Ontology includes temporal schemes, at least in my understanding. I just think that before Creation and Time, the ideas of Before and After are somewhat irrelevant. All things are happening simultaneously in that scenario, or nothing is happening. Perspective would provide a frame of reference, but even that might not matter.

That's idea I like - forces of Uncreation. Still it's not really opposed to theory Walkers were created beings that turned to Uncreation due some ancient shit that happend. We will see.
True enough. I suppose it gets to heart of philosophical questions like "what was before the Creator?" and "Can something create itself out of nothing?". Stephen Hawking would have it that all things merely would exist in the realms of possibility, both existing and not existing. Perhaps the act of Creation forced some beings to exist (like the Outsiders) that were quite happy in their Chaos soup where they didn't have to bound and/or limited by the constraints of reality.  A reality they weren't even part of. Think of it like a shadow coming into being when the light turns on. It's forced into a shape by that light where as before it was connected to all the other darkness and wasn't limited in that way. Just speculating here.
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