The Dresden Files > DFRPG

Help on a Campaign Setting

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Sorry for the thread-necromancy; but I wanted to catch your attention & ask how this (interesting!) campaign is going.  Also make a comment or two...

--- Quote from: theglennturner on November 22, 2020, 06:49:29 PM ---
I have decided that the Red Court are a New World power, and have not yet established formal diplomatic ties with the White Council.
So a few things that will go on throughout the campaign is discovery of the Red Court
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The Reds are pretty-clearly New-World in origin, rising with the mesoamerican powers; but their interactions with Europeans go all they way back to Cortes & the Conquistadors, so I find it really unlikely they are unknown to the White Council.  They may not be well known, however!  So having Reds as a foe -- that they don't have (and cannot reasonably acquire) a bunch of lore from travelling Ways to other wizards, or even Edinburgh -- works well.

--- Quote from: theglennturner on November 22, 2020, 06:49:29 PM --- ... possible contact with the Jade Court through Chinese immigrants ...
--- End quote ---
You aren't required to follow "the canon" slavishly, of course!  But it's worth noting that "canonical" Dresdenverse Jade Court vamps are incredibly insular & secretive, and really really unlikely to migrate to the New World with the Chinese immigrants.

OTOH, I myself have posted a setting that is "totally the Dresden Files, except with all of the details changed" so I'm hardly one to be throwing canonical stones at other peoples plate-glass games!

Anyhow... mainly, I wanted to find out how the campaign went or is going or etc...?


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