Harry asked Molly to use Neuromancy KNOWING that it will harm her, KNOWING that it violated her probation, KNOWING that his death also means hers, KNOWING that she loves him and this will TEAR HER UP inside yet that's his first choice. He chooses Murphy's mantoy, Ivy's only other "family" member as the tool. I was kind of hoping Ivy would tell him where he could go and what he could do with himself when he got there. Molly deserves SO much better then Harry too.
The point is, he asked her, she agreed, her choice, she was an adult at the time. When was Kincaid ever Murphy's mantoy?
1) I have been discussed for year that "you don't invade the mind of others" is not the same as "you cannot enter in another's mind if they are willing". So, I don't think that violated her probation.
Yes, and they had been violating that law for some time with their mental sparing.. If they hadn't done that the Corpsetaker would have had Molly's body.
2) Molly would be seriously hurt (specially being as sensitive as she is), sad and guilty, but Harry was in a place too dark to realize that. It is not uncommon for suicides in the real world to seriously understimate their importance in other people's lives. I don't think that make them bad people, only too damaged.
Very wise, and very true, a suicide really isn't responsible for his or her actions, they cannot see beyond their own acute pain.
3) He did not know that Ivy would know that Kinkaid was involved. How many people do you think Harry could have used instead?
No, the reason he had Molly wipe his mind in the first place was so Mab wouldn't be tipped off and stop him. Apparently he misjudged because Ivy got the message, insisted on a chest shot, possible chance for survival, instead of a head shot, no chance for survival, and possibly tipped off Mab because she was waiting in the water with open arms.
4) Harry is a very traumathized man who is trying who do his best. Molly is an actual warlock who is also trying to do her best. I don't think she is so much deserving that him.