
Was Warden Chandler murdered, kidnapped or is he a traitor who was given an escape portal before Chicago was supposed to be destroyed?

Drakul murdered Chandler
2 (7.7%)
Drakul kidnapped Chandler
10 (38.5%)
Drakul dumped Chandler somewhere.  When he returns he will be a red herring as a possible traitor.
7 (26.9%)
Chandler was a traitor who was given an escape portal to get out of Dodge.
6 (23.1%)
Your own explanation.
1 (3.8%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: December 01, 2020, 02:08:37 AM

Author Topic: Is this character dead or is their another explanation? Battle Ground Spoiler  (Read 4450 times)

Offline KurtinStGeorge

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The question pretty much says it all.  I still believe Chandler is a traitor.  I just want to see what everyone thinks now, even though we may not get a definitive answer for several books. 
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Offline Mira

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The Black Court now has three new wizard vamps..

Offline TheCuriousFan

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The Black Court now has three new wizard vamps..
Chandler probably has something special in store, since otherwise why not just wipe him out like Wild Bill and Yoshimo? If he's lucky it was a teleport to anywhere, more likely it was an express trip to either the outside or Drakul's dungeon.
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Rest in peace mdodd.

Offline Yuillegan

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Interestingly, Chandler practices Divination magic. Magic that Jim has said skates the borders of the 4th Law of Magic (Thou Shall Not Swim Against The Currents Of Time - or whatever it is called). Which is why he is normally always near the Senior Council. Basically, he mostly is an early warning system.

So, with all that in mind why didn't he see this coming? Or did he see it and react badly? Or did he see it and react as planned?

Personally, I think he isn't a traitor as such (for now). At first I read it as Drakul killed him, and I think that's what Jim was trying to get us to believe. But upon re-reading the section and hearing some theories I agree that it's more likely he was sent *somewhere* for Drakul's use later. I don't think it was a handy exit for Chandler for several reasons:
1) Why disappear then? Plenty of chances before that and to do it easier
2) If Jim really wanted to mislead us about his loyalty, probably would have been smarter to make it a more sad/heroic death scene.
3) Drakul seemed irritated by Chandler's attack, and I think Jim was more likely showing just how easily Drakul can deal with things even when mildly annoyed.
4) Drakul's powers, and the goals that LtW and River seem to suggest he has, would seem to be served better by turning Chandler.

Also, Jim payed special attention to the shape and nature of the portal. Not just any old Way. Obviously, he could have sent him anywhere but I think it was laying groundwork for something bigger later.
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Offline Mira

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Chandler probably has something special in store, since otherwise why not just wipe him out like Wild Bill and Yoshimo? If he's lucky it was a teleport to anywhere, more likely it was an express trip to either the outside or Drakul's dungeon.

But they are not wiped out, they have been converted.

Offline Griffyn612

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I feel like Chandler being a traitor isn't set up at all. We barely know him, he's been of little consequence, and his presence in the book was meaningless save for being taken by the Blamps.

I think he was treated differently in combat because he managed to land blows against Drakul, something that might have irritated him enough to deserve a unique ending.

For all we know, he might have gotten tossed out of time itself, and he'll end up in the mirrorverse.

Offline TheCuriousFan

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But they are not wiped out, they have been converted.
You know what I meant, why go to the trouble of taking Chandler out via teleport if he's just getting the exact same fate as the other two?
I feel like Chandler being a traitor isn't set up at all. We barely know him, he's been of little consequence, and his presence in the book was meaningless save for being taken by the Blamps.

I think he was treated differently in combat because he managed to land blows against Drakul, something that might have irritated him enough to deserve a unique ending.

For all we know, he might have gotten tossed out of time itself, and he'll end up in the mirrorverse.
That would be a neat explanation for how Harry gets back from Mirror Mirror since he probably won't have the foggiest idea how to do it on his own.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

Offline Griffyn612

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You know what I meant, why go to the trouble of taking Chandler out via teleport if he's just getting the exact same fate as the other two?That would be a neat explanation for how Harry gets back from Mirror Mirror since he probably won't have the foggiest idea how to do it on his own.
I always figured Uriel would show up at the end and take him back. But him having Chandler to help figure it out might be cool.

Offline forumghost

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My theory was that he'll somehow get back via Demonreach, since to hold the kinds of beings that it needs to it'd almost need to be extraplanar.

I don't think that Mr Sunshine would be allowed to send him home.

Offline Griffyn612

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My theory was that he'll somehow get back via Demonreach, since to hold the kinds of beings that it needs to it'd almost need to be extraplanar.

I don't think that Mr Sunshine would be allowed to send him home.
Depends, I suppose.  Uriel's not allowed to counter free will. If the one that summons Harry is dead, and Harry is in the wrong timeline, then Uriel might be obligated to keep beings in their right timelines.  Especially when returning him wouldn't be against his or anyone else's will.

Offline Arjan

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Chandler panicked so he went back in time to escape. Now he is a warlock and in hiding.  :)
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Offline Griffyn612

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Chandler panicked so he went back in time to escape. Now he is a warlock and in hiding.  :)
That'd probably happen the same way a parallel dimension thing would happen.  He threw his power as he went through the portal and poof, broke the law.  Now he's definitely in another timeline or he's Harry's dad.  Possibly both.

Offline Bad Alias

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For all we know, he might have gotten tossed out of time itself, and he'll end up in the mirrorverse.
I hope it's this. Harry runs into Chandler who recognizes him as "his" Harry and does whatever the British stiff upper lip equivalent of running up to him and hugging him is.

Chandler panicked so he went back in time to escape. Now he is a warlock and in hiding.  :)
And then he joins Harry's new Grey Council.

Offline Dina

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I like that idea. That said, a time travel would be fun, because with a square portal thing and Chandler being Chandler (British at peak), it would seem as if he was taken by the TARDIS.

I don't think he is dead but I don't know where he is.
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