Author Topic: Titans !!BATTLE GROUND SPOILERS!!  (Read 2101 times)

Offline Yuillegan

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« on: October 01, 2020, 11:29:38 AM »
So, considering what we saw of Ethniu (and in some ways she was a lower level Titan) we can see why they were so hard to defeat and why the "new" gods had to come along and defeat them.

But there remains some questions about them.

1. Are they all the same sort of being?

2. What is the relationship they have to the Angels? Both appear to be from Before Creation. Ethniu seems very familiar with both Namshiel and the Speaker that talks through Butters (implied to be Uriel or Gabriel).

3. Are they all related? Did they work together, even across cultures?

4. Did they all wear Titanic Bronze? It seems like most were surprised Ethniu was wearing it at all.

5. What's the relationship between Olympian Bronze and Mordite? Seems like two opposite forces being used together. And what even is Olympian Bronze? I doubt it makes you as invincible as Titanic Bronze otherwise there would be no need to create Titanic Bronze. So what are it's advantages? As the Olympians were younger than the Titans one imagines it had an older name back then, and if so, what was Olympian Bronze called originally?

6. Did the Greek Titans (Cronus, Atlas, Hyperion etc) rule the world once? How did the new gods (Olympians) defeat them? It seems understandable just how much of a threat they were.

7. Does every culture have Titans?
« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 04:27:35 AM by Yuillegan »
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Offline Yuillegan

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« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2020, 04:29:15 AM »
Perhaps Titans are like the Primordials of D&D. The more elemental beings that the new gods had to beat. I seem to remember a whole thing about the Oblivion War in that the younger gods existed in part to protect humanity from those beings of such appetite that they would have wiped out the budding human race.
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Offline vultur

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« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2020, 06:19:46 PM »
1. Are they all the same sort of being?

I'd imagine that the categories are fairly "mutable" at the upper levels of power in the Dresdenverse. Odin/Kringle can be Fae, or not, depending on what Mantle he's using right now. Mother Winter is one of the Queens of Faerie, but she has iron teeth.

"Titan" might just mean "a being of god-class power older than the better-known pantheons".

2. What is the relationship they have to the Angels?

Well, I'd imagine that all the really powerful and ancient beings are at least somewhat familiar with one another. They've had eons.

6. Did the Greek Titans (Cronus, Atlas, Hyperion etc) rule the world once? How did the new gods (Olympians) defeat them? It seems understandable just how much of a threat they were.

Well, mythologically, the Olympians had the aid of the Hecatoncheires (Hundred-Handed Ones) who were imprisoned by Ouranos, and (IIRC) freed by Zeus. And the three original Cyclopes (not the ones like Polyphemus from the Odyssey) made Zeus's thunderbolts. Both Hecatoncheires and Cyclopes were siblings of the Titans.

7. Does every culture have Titans?

Probably not every culture, just the ones that have a myth of a war between generations of deities like the Olympians/Titans or Tuatha/Fomorians.