@Griffyn612: But whose why and whose reason? It wasn't necessarily Maggie's.
If we assume there's a major event that has been foretold on the horizon during Maggie's time (aka the BAT), and it's known that Starborn are integral to reality surviving, then I could see Maggie wanting a Starborn on her side, sharing her mindset, rather than the mindset of Drakul or the White Council (Rashid has been theorized as being a Starborn) or whatever other factions have one.
So she decides to make one, but needs help from nefarious powers to make it happen. She puts together her Dark Council, tries to recruit Eb but fails, and proceeds. In the process, she realizes Raith is using her and has no intention of advancing her cause, so she escapes and goes on the run.
Then Malcolm, pregnancy, pending death, request to Morgan to watch over Harry, death, continued monitoring by the Council because she told them everything, Malcolm's death, Harry's disappearance, then rediscovery after DuMorne's death. Seniors then decide to keep him around just in case.
The question is, did the Seniors secret him away from Morgan and into DuMorne's hands, to forge their own weapon, only DuMorne went too far and ruined it?