Ok, fair warning. I have not read the thread yet. I want to share my feelings and after that I will be reading a lot of threads. I've seen some titles and a few first posts in every thread and I know that some of my issues with the book are addressed in those threads, so I won't be too long here, I will just try to summarize my feelings and a few points I consider important.
First. I liked the book. Definitely better than PT, and, considering the two books as one, still one falling around the middle in my preference list. Now, speaking about BG specifically:
Things I loved: many quotes, Harry's will and wish to help humans and really caring for everyone. And as always, Mouse, Michael, Butters and Sanya. Bob, I really want Bob to be back with Harry. Also, Toot, Lacuna and all the little ones. Harry's conversations with Gard.
Things I liked. All the action was interesting and fun to read. And I think it was specially good balance, with all people who should be doing important in it, doing it. Mab. Lara. The fact that Ebenezar survived. Same about the Alphas and the Knights. Harry won a reputation all by her own.
Goodman Grey, I always like to see him. And I am pleased Harry was not a complete moron and realized what was happening with Justine before arriving to Demonreach.
Things which I hate: That there is no resolution of the Thomas problem, and by that I mean, there are not epilogue about his official status. Is he still a fugitive? Will it matter the fact that he was under cohesion? What was the official reaction to the fact that he was not in his cell? And of course, why is he still on the pokeball? I understood that he needed to feed. Can he feed of a fae? Or a Black court slave? Some wounded person who was going to die anyway?
What I don't like: The book is juggling too many things and it is all over the place. Let me see
.Of course, the main thing with the Titan
.The Thomas issue
. Harry status with the WCouncil and Harry personal drama with Carlos and Eb.
- Drakul
- the Stars and Stones meaning and all that what will happen in a year with LTW talking with someone
. The reality risking to break...a plot that means nothing, as it is never mentioned again.
- Of course, the pairing, but that is just in the last episode
It is just too much. Also, things I did not like
That Murphy killed the Jotun so easily. I am pretty sure that Marcone and his people could have shared some bazookas with every "squadron" to kill all them if just a shot was enough. I've felt it was done so she needed to be a hero and then die a stupid death, but I think it could have been done with a lesser monster, so it is more believable. I do think her death was good, and she deserves a good rest but I definitely don't like that he was taken by Odin. She was a Christian, her place was in Heaven. And she should have the chance to meet her dad. Also, Many long lived people (including Mab) would remember her, so she won't be back in like ever.
That there is not one giving Harry something to heal, like a potion- I don't want to discuss how probable is that, it is just is difficult to believe that Harry human body, even with the mantle, could survive that much punishment.
That if he was so important for everyone (specially Lara), he was alone so many times.
That Justine has been infected so much. What about True Love? I don't get it. If she has been infected after Thomas and her were able to touch again, I would understand it.
And now, the things I want to comment:
1) Where is Mister at the end, and in Christmas Story. I am worried!
2) About Christmas Story, it was changed. JB basically lie to us in order to preserve the surprise, I guess. The Wizard of Chicago says now, instead of "a wizard of the WC". Also, he mislead us a little about how many goodbyes. There are only 4 or 5 people and only one with real significance for us, but I understand that they are important for Harry...and I am so happy people survived that I have no problems with some misleading. I just want to comment it, not criticize it.
3) what happened with the Spear?

? It has not been mentioned in the ending, and Harry took off his coat in the boat so, perhaps Justine took it? For a moment I thought he had been mind altered to forget about the Spear, but I guess Alfred would have asked for it
4) What happened with the placard? And Mac and his place. It was not revisited in the aftermath
5) Why Ivy does not react to Harry's presence? Why he did not even wave or smile to her? Why he did not wonder about Kinkaid? (We know, but I don't think Harry does)
6) Where is Kinkaid, I want him back, specially with Drakul around
7) Did I misread or Listen is a starborn too? Why nobody seem to care about that.

The ending in general is too rushed but I think we needed a line or two about Harry telling the Knights about Marcone the Denarian (or at least I hope he told them)
9) What with Mab ordering him to kill Molly? I think that breaks her word but I've seen a thread about this so I will post more there
10) About what LTW told him, if he was being bred for something, and he is supposed to do something, why the WC allowed him to be in so much danger so many times? Shouldn't them protect him? (the way Winter did, at least)
11) Where is Chandler? I don't think he is dead
12) The marriage is not so bad idea. He is still protected by Murphy's love, so she won't feed on him. The White Council already fired him so it does not matter if they see him literally laying with monsters. And being with the White Court will act as a deterrent to his enemies and protect Maggie. Between the two WC and his own reputation, I don't see many foes daring to go for Maggie.
Sorry it was so long, now to read!