Luccio is still far more formidable than Harry by virtue of precision,
I don't think so... at least not more formidable in general.
In certain situations, absolutely she'd have an advantage - like having to fight in close quarters with innocent bystanders without gear to focus her spells (like Harry with the octokongs at the beginning of SG).
But in a more open fight, which was what I was thinking of in terms of "heavy hitters", I think current-era Harry's power advantage is too large for Luccio's skill advantage to cancel out.
If we were comparing pure basic wizard abilities, no Winter or Soulfire, that would probably be different.
and she's had years since her last appearance to recover.
It's been years, yeah, but do we know if recovery is possible? (Or rather, more than she's already shown in SmF/TC, which are already a couple years after DB.)
If her new body just doesn't have the power capability of her old one (and I don't think that grad student was a wizard) she might have hit an upper limit.
And there are still the veterans who were escorting Mai in TC, unless they've been KIA skirmishing with the Fomor since Harry has been incommunicado.
Oh sure. I am sure there are mid-list types still out there, but I doubt they are competitive with Luccio, Morgan, or current-era Harry.
The "heavy hitters" were the Brute Squad -- the ones that were killed at Archangelsk offscreen before Summer Knight.
I'd say no, there aren't any heavy hitters among the wardens whose names we know, outside of Chandler and Harry
Brute squad, good point. The Wardens really have been hit hard.
I'm not sure Chandler is really a "heavy hitter" in the sense I'm talking about, though he's important and not a "new-generation" Warden. He does time stuff and divination I think; probably he's intelligence, not front-line combat.
Can Eb be considered a Warden? He was heading up the security and seemed to be in charge of them. He is a very heavy hitter.
Eb's absolutely a heavy hitter, but I don't think he's a Warden anymore.
Though he apparently was one in the 19th century, I believe there's a reference to McCoy the Captain of the Wardens in "Fistful of Warlocks".