Author Topic: AMA Highlights  (Read 16571 times)

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AMA Highlights
« on: August 22, 2020, 06:07:23 PM »

The most interesting ones were probably:

- Both Sidhe courts' knights were in opposition to Napoleon. Summer backing Nelson and Winter backing Wellington. Not entirely sure from the wording if they were the Knights personally, or the Knights were lieutenants of them.

- Both of Bob's parents have appeared in the DF.

- Lea has taken part in the Wild Hunt but not led it. His description of that was great.
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- Fix and Lily were not romantically involved. Fix and Sarissa are, secretly, and within her role's boundaries.

Offline Mira

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2020, 06:22:25 PM »
- Fix and Lily were not romantically involved. Fix and Sarissa are, secretly, and within her role's boundaries.

Now that one I would never have guessed.  Implication being I guess that Fix's relationship to Lily was more of a big brother type thing.  I wonder if he had been seeing Sarissa on the side before she received the mantle?

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2020, 09:06:22 PM »
[–]LooseBoysenberry7 105 points 5 hours ago
Just want to say thank you for getting these books out here this year. So, so good to see Harry back in action and makes for perfect quarantine/newborn baby on the chest reading!

What sorts of things have you been reading and enjoying lately?

[–]jimbutcherauthorAMA Author Jim Butcher 138 points 4 hours ago
I've been rereading the Amber Chronicles by Roger Zelazny. They were highly influential to Dresden, and if you haven't read them, you probably should. They're old pulp novels, so they clock in around 75k words, lean and quick.
"That's it???  It's really that simple? 
LIES!  Damn lies!  It's a cover up!

Offline Conspiracy Theorist

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2020, 10:04:54 PM »

This question and answer has been in two other Q & A’s this year. I wish people would research things.

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2020, 06:47:12 AM »
You did miss quite a bit about what happens if you seek to get over familiar with the Ladies.

It did confirm that Carlos got off lightly i.e. he kept his genitals when Molly, ahem, cold cocked him.

The other point is that you try the same on the Summer Lady and you fall asleep (before, not immediately after). One of the posters suggested Rip Van Winkle, but this is common in mythology, there are even legends attached to King Harold about him not dying in 1066, but instead sleeping for when it is time to throw throw off the Norman yolk. We know from PT Mab rode with William the Conqueror and was likely Winter Lady at that point. Something caused the split between the sisters in 1066, so did Summer back Harold and got one in the eye?

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2020, 07:00:19 AM »
Also -
" How old are the Unseelie Accords? They are Mab's accords, and she hasn't been in charge forever, after all. "

The Accords are fairly recent: they were signed when Dresden was a young man, before he went independent as a detective.

I believe this was debated on the forums years ago, whether they were just updated recently (and had been around for centuries or even millennia) or were actually a new invention.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2020, 07:50:29 AM »
And the implication that because they only happened in Dresden's early days in Chicago...the Accords were addressing an immediate issue. Perhaps Dresden himself?

Plenty of juicy info. Just as telling which questions he avoided though I think. Also, pretty sure Jim got pissed off and left the AMA early because someone got political with him. I mean, it IS an AMA so it's fair to ask whatever...but their is a convention of sticking to the point. I think pissing him off achieved nothing and ruins it for the rest of us.

The AMA puts an end to the old debate about power levels between Faerie Queens and Angels.
" Are Mab and Titania equal to the Archangels in terms of raw power? What about the Mothers?"

Nowhere close. Like, /nowhere/ close. Angels are so far beyond a being like Mab that there's just no comparison to be made. Mab might be able to, if she really worked at it, enchant the world into an ice age. But an angel could destroy the SUN.

I mean, for you and me, there's no difference between them. But relative to one another, there's a HUGE difference. The angels have far more power.


Mab has far more /freedom/ in what she can do with her power. Bigger and stronger doesn't mean you win the fight all by itself. Ask a hawk the next time you see it being run out of town by songbirds. Mab might have less muscle, but she can actually apply her muscle to a huge variety of situations--angels exist behind limits hardwired into their very beings.

Angels are, in this instance, kind of like a super powerful AI. Within the world of the computer, it's not a force that can be effectively resisted. It runs the place.

But that same AI can only do what it's been told to do--and Mab is a user with mid-level admin access. She can't command or delete those AIs, but she knows why they were made, how they work--and how to get around them if necessary.

Mab isn't stronger than an angel. But she is, in most situations, far more powerful.
Curiously, he doesn't address the Mothers. But I would say even they are only Angel level at most. Archangel's seem to be on a whole other scale.

" Just wanted to ask if we'll ever see the angels that guard Michael in action! I love the hints you drop that they're insanely strong!"

788888888888888888888888888888p0000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000------

^---When I started answering this question, my foster cat Fenris immediately came over and determinedly typed this.

Study your math, kids. Key to the universe.

But MY answer was going to be to say that angelic powers simply exist on an order of magnitude beyond that of anything happening on a level a mortal could understand. I mean, who actually has more power in a production: the lead character, or the lowly stage hand who is running his lights and audio. That person playing the character might get the limelight, but the dude in all black is running the show.

A lowly footsoldier angel is a power of an order of magnitude greater than all the local-scale supernatural beings we've seen in the Dresden Files put together. I mean, it wouldn't be a fight. The angel wins, hands down.

Except the angel wouldn't ever win, because more than likely the angel would never be allowed to fight. It's a being of such power that it exists behind strict walls of control, limits beyond which it simply cannot, by its very nature, tread. When an angel IS allowed to smite something, you get rains of fire, flaming cities and pillars of salt. But mostly they are epic beings for epic times and epic actions. It isn't their place to interfere in the lives of the beings of the universe--angels exist to preserve the nature and order of that universe just so all those little beings can do what they do.

Uriel is being a cheeky bugger and taking terrible chances, doing what he is with the Swords, trying to get involved in mortal affairs without actually getting involved. Only Lucifer has danced that close to the line before, and that one didn't work out so well.

Why is Uriel taking chances the other Archangel's are not? Is he desperate? Is Heaven losing the war?

Further, while it has been implied that the vaguely Judeo-Christian theology is paramount I do hope Jim goes further in text to explaining why that is. It is hardly the oldest religion, especially in it's current form.

Also, not Jim's best analogy. Worked in both film and theatre at various points. By and large, those lead actors have a LOT more say. Maybe in really small productions people respect the "lowly" sound and lighting techies etc. But honestly once things have actual money involved things revolve around those crazy actors. Anyone with enough celebrity almost has their own gravitational pull. Which isn't to say they are the biggest fish around...

Another good one:
"In multiple instances throughout the books, lifeforce and the soul have been said to be the same thing. Even Thomas has said that he rips off pieces of people's souls and eats them. If a white court vampire devours the entirety of a person's lifeforce, killing them, does that mean that person's soul is gone forever?"

They are and are not the same thing. Think of them as a mixture. Your soul and your life's energy exist in the same place and at the same time--that's what makes you, you, the combination of what can be measured, your physical body and all its attendant matter and energy, with what cannot be quantified--things like kindness and mercy and love, or selfishness and indifference.

Thomas devours the life-energy and with it he often gets pieces off the soul as well. (That's the part that burns, when the soul has a certain kind of energetic resonance.) The White Court LOVES to get all dramatic and talk about devouring souls, but it's only kind of technically true. And while the two are connected, life energy is merely measurable: it can be manipulated and devoured--but the soul can only be returned to its ultimate source, sooner or later, one way or another.
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Offline Avernite

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2020, 08:09:56 AM »
Another good one:
Wonder how that relates to Harry the soul-ghost. Was he just wasting away his life energy, and his soul was still essentially 'safe' to go to the afterlife if need be?

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2020, 08:46:31 AM »
Why is Uriel taking chances the other Archangel's are not? Is he desperate? Is Heaven losing the war?

Further, while it has been implied that the vaguely Judeo-Christian theology is paramount I do hope Jim goes further in text to explaining why that is. It is hardly the oldest religion, especially in it's current form.
And will we see it blow up in his face as the BAT approaches?
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2020, 08:51:10 AM »
but the soul can only be returned to its ultimate source, sooner or later, one way or another

I think this answers it, and any other issues. At the end of the day wherever souls come from is where they finally end up. The Source. Maybe it's TWG, maybe something else. Jim has often said souls are essentially eternal, which fits into the basically Judeo-Christian structure the whole Dresden Files has. I don't think they can really be destroyed as such. Part's of its byproduct can, in certain circumstances, be changed a little. I guess that's the point. But the whole thing eventually just ends up back where it started (which was before the meat suit it happened to be attached to).

And will we see it blow up in his face as the BAT approaches?
I hope so. I wouldn't mind a bit more risk. If Uriel was to Fall, would he join Lucifer? I doubt it. I suspect he would form a third team. Who knows? Perhaps he is meant to. Even Uriel doesn't know everything.
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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2020, 09:33:37 AM »
The stage hand is also the origination of the ninja wearing all black, slinking out of the darkness and killing a main character. So in that way it's still apt.

Offline Conspiracy Theorist

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2020, 10:30:04 AM »
Several someone’s pissed Jim off by posting a huge list of questions.

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2020, 11:41:29 AM »
Oh man, that Thomas soul question brings up sooo many theories or adds to them...

Offline Snark Knight

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2020, 03:39:04 PM »
Several someone’s pissed Jim off by posting a huge list of questions.

Yeah, I thought I was pushing my luck throwing a two-parter into the question list. Some people just have no boundaries.

Offline Conspiracy Theorist

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Re: AMA Highlights
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2020, 05:19:44 PM »
It’s just majorly impolite to go in with a huge list of questions, I have had Jim as a GoH at a convention and its just not done. its like the guy I saw at a Terry Brooks signing who brought 40 odd books, it was a long queue, Brooks was there for a limited time and he clearly expected to take a third of the signing time himself disappointing dozens of other fans in the queue. He hadn’t even bought the new book because it was in hardback and too expensive for him.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 05:26:52 PM by Conspiracy Theorist »