Author Topic: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks  (Read 3556 times)

Offline BrainFireBob

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BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« on: July 15, 2020, 06:47:25 PM »
Post Peace Talk/Battleground WAGs

1)   Eb lays down his life for Thomas, not Harry, as a sideways apology
2)   Thomas is cured of his phage by the island- it was referring to the phage, and not Thomas, when commenting he barely deserved minimum security
3)   Harry binds the Titan. This puts a target on his back, because it was not known he was Warden. Control the Warden, control the island. He’s only using cheat codes when he’s there.
4)   The Round Table was created for one of two purposes:
a.   As an “endless supply” of well-trained KotC
b.   To provide Merlin with blood samples to use at Demonreach
5)   Harry finds out he’s the 4th KotC, and this is why Mab can’t stop Uriel from using Harry- pre-existing obligation.
6)   Not mine, but I’m onboard- Thomas becomes a KotC; he’s the son of a king.
7)   Harry’s only been saved by the WC because of his starborn status.
8)   The last time a starborn was running around, it was bad for Mab, the Winter Lady died, etc. I’m standing by my guess this was Kemmler, and he became a *Destroyer* instead of a *Starborn*.
9)   Longstanding, but restating: Starborn are walking conjunction points. Harry can kill an immortal whenever he decides to. He can also change the true nature of things. This in turn makes them immune to possession- within their own frame of reference, they are the fixed point. They’d have to *decide* to be possessed.
10)   Vadderung is/was Balor, not the Gatekeeper. Or he was Balor and gave his magic eye to become the Gatekeeper. Ethniu’s deference is filial.
11)   Ferrovax is the dragon that killed Beowulf, hence the antagonism.
12)   Elaine was the master in the Justin-Elaine relationship
13)   The Senior Council members spend a significant portion of their time in the NeverNever to extend their lifetimes; the war et al was partially to “age them out.”
14)   The Za Lord becomes a mantle- the Lord of the Dewdrop Fairies. Harry signs the Accords on *those* terms if kicked out of the Council. Mantle ability is a form of intellectus- Harry can know, if he thinks about it, what any of the faeries know, and speak multiple languages. He also gains a constant craving for sweets.
15)   Butter’s new sword can cut through “Titanic Bronze”; this is a significant reason why the KotC are involved.
16)   Murphy is dying at the end of Battleground, but becomes a Valkyire- and heads off to boot camp. Harry won’t see her for a century or more.
17)   The frying pan that dissolves was created by Maggie’s own conjuritis when she was thinking about pancakes.
18)   The references to Ivy and Hope’s physical maturity was to point out that Maggie was at an age to start the puberty they had nearly finished. In turn, this means her magic would start manifesting.
19)   The issue with Grendelkin is the size of the babies. Irwin exists because his mother is quite large.
20)   Thomas got Evanna pregnant and that’s tied into the “assassination attempt.”
21)   Harry’s treatment of the violin player/the ampule he put on Ramirez leads to Wardens changing their votes
22)   Little Chicago is used to coordinate defensive actions/communication
23)   The key to the story are the misdirections- Malcolm’s comment to Harry. What are the distractions?
a.   Thomas?
b.   The Peace Talks?
c.   The Last Titan herself?
24)   The Lance of Longinus is a perfect fit for the Blackstaff. Harry doesn’t want to think about that too much
25)   The Blackstaff cures Harry of his existing Black Magic taint. It’s “not worth it.”
26)   The real attack will be aimed at Demonreach again- conveniently near Chicago.
27)   When touching a coin, a Denarian can put a “shadow” of itself in you. If the Swords are also Angels, shouldn’t they be able to do the same? The Denarians can also teach you how to “summon” their coin. Is that how the Knights gain their knowledge of where they are supposed to be?
28)   There’s a lot of speculation that Lara’s haunted look at Eb reflected her doing him wrong. Possible, but it shows up after he comments that isolating you is what abusers do- and I’ve a longstanding WAG that it’s her own wedding ring that burned her; killed her own husband on her wedding night and he let her do it *because he loved her*, and that’s what makes Lara different. She has proof. The “haunted look” is memory, not guilt.
29)   Justine wants to go into witness protection to save her baby from the White Court. No-one considers this as the case- she called the FBI.
30)   The vampires are part of the accords because their dual nature protects them from Nemesis- it can infect the vampire, or it can infect the host, but it can’t infect both.

More as they come up. This was just from a first-pass read.

Offline ClintACK

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Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2020, 11:53:40 PM »
"17)   The frying pan that dissolves was created by Maggie’s own conjuritis when she was thinking about pancakes."

Good call. It doesn't make sense for Harry to get a teenage-wizard disease now -- but it does make sense for the parent of a teenage (pre-teen?) wizard to get it.

"22)   Little Chicago is used to coordinate defensive actions/communication"

I love it. I'd love to see how others react to it -- the Senior Councilors who think he's just a mindless thug, and especially Etri. The svartalves are big on craftsmanship -- I wonder if Little Chicago would be impressive enough to pay weregild for Thomas.

"24)   The Lance of Longinus is a perfect fit for the Blackstaff. Harry doesn’t want to think about that too much"


"26)   The real attack will be aimed at Demonreach again- conveniently near Chicago."

I don't think so. I think with Harry's year of studying the defenses post-Cold Days he could single-handedly hold off the Titans and all the Fomor without breaking a sweat.

However, there might be an attack on the island as another distraction -- to pin Harry to the Island so he can't be fighting on the beaches in Chicago.

"29)   Justine wants to go into witness protection to save her baby from the White Court. No-one considers this as the case- she called the FBI."

That makes excellent sense.

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Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2020, 03:52:18 AM »
For 15, my thought was any of the Swords would be able to cut through it. Fideliachius and Ammorachius for sure. But also the Spear of Destiny.

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Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2020, 01:28:44 PM »
17) If its a disease commonly contracted by children like say chickenpox, thats more serious for adults, it could be Harry never contracted it and had no antibodies for it. This is supported by him not knowing what it was. If maggie caught it, she could have given the disease to Harry and maybe it's real bad when adults get it.

Offline Mira

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Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2020, 02:02:37 PM »
17) If its a disease commonly contracted by children like say chickenpox, thats more serious for adults, it could be Harry never contracted it and had no antibodies for it. This is supported by him not knowing what it was. If maggie caught it, she could have given the disease to Harry and maybe it's real bad when adults get it.

  Yup, and what is really weird is kids can almost be asymptomatic believe it or not.  When I was a kid I got them and was a walking scab, my older brother caught them from me,[fair is fair he gave me mumps] and was worse than I was.  To the point, my kids caught them at about seven or so, unless you knew what to look for you wouldn't have noticed it.  I mean you could count the number of pustules on one hand on their whole body!  And yes, it was Chicken Pox, they had been exposed, the pustules were in the right places on their body, looked like the pustules as described, but only three or four, instead of the dozens that I remember suffering.

Yes, I think it is a given that Murphy is going to die, in Peace Talks there is a whole paragraph where Harry basically foreshadows it.  Now it still might not happen, but if it does, I don't see her morphing into something else, she will be D.E.D as Jim would say.  That doesn't mean however that her shade won't enter into the same arrangement Harry has made for himself should he die.  So I see him talking to both Mort and Uriel about her looking after him and Maggie as a guardian shade of some sort.

Yes, Eb could end up dying for Thomas, but it's the love Harry has for his brother that is going to burn out the Hunger.

Harry is going to have to use Darkhallow, it is going to be nasty like Hiroshima, but it will end the war and save lives.

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Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2020, 07:52:04 PM »
14)   The Za Lord becomes a mantle- the Lord of the Dewdrop Fairies. Harry signs the Accords on *those* terms if kicked out of the Council. Mantle ability is a form of intellectus- Harry can know, if he thinks about it, what any of the faeries know, and speak multiple languages. He also gains a constant craving for sweets.
I've been secretly hoping for this one... and it ties in with the words in the (first?) book: Conjure it if you dare... meaning he has to answer summons?

Offline BrainFireBob

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Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2020, 05:13:49 PM »
31) Eb has cancer or some other disease that will shortly kill him, and it's adding to his irrationality.
32) Maggie has met Eb's criteria for not being hidden (showing power)
33) Old WAG, but if the Starborn is only every 666 years, the seventh son of a seventh son- I've thought might end up referring to Nicodemus. As in, he's the original 7x7 and it's a twisted memory of that.

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Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2020, 05:39:54 AM »
31) Eb has cancer or some other disease that will shortly kill him, and it's adding to his irrationality.

Possible... but I suspect it's going to turn out that he's Nemfected. He talked a lot about Harry being betrayed by someone he wouldn't expect, mere exposure to Outsiders twisting someone's mind, and acted out of character in a similar way to Cat Sith from Cold Days. I think it's very possible that we see "Blackstaff Dresden" by the time Battle Ground is said and done.
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Re: BFB's first-pass WAGS, Peace Talks
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2020, 07:18:04 AM »
I like number 10. Sounds surprisingly fitting for how Ethniu talked to Vadderung.