Hi, I would have liked to answer, but I discovered the DF very late. About 3 years ago. But I know what you mean. I've experienced a similar thing with another book series. Suddenly you pay attention to different aspects of a known story depending on your own new experiences. And suddenly you like something you didn't like years ago. And on the other hand, things that were very important once, are now almost completely irrelevant. Priorities have changed, life has changed and it changed you.
That's one thing I like about the books. You can literally see Harry AND Jim age. At almost the same rate.

Rather funny story is how I finally agreed to read Storm Front.

It kept popping up on amazon, but I refused to even take a closer look at it for years, because I got a completely wrong impression what it was about. Because of the title and the cover.
And I thought, I just saw it because of books I ordered as presents for others, that I wasn't interested in.
Then came a time, when I didn't have anything interesting and new to read, and Storm Front was cheap as E-book, so I decided to try it, but very very very very sceptical. He had me as soon as Harry vomited into the bucket. LOL