McAnally's (The Community Pub) > The Bar

What Did I Miss??


So...I’ve been absent a goodly long while. Life, etc. But I popped in to see what’s news and...what happened to Jim? I mean...every resource dedicated to Jim Butcher seems to stop around 2017. WoJ, Jim Sightings, etc. I could launch into many expected jokes about shapeshifters, etc, but...s’up with that? y’all doin’?

Dude ;D!
Have you checked out his website recently?

He is also posting in @longshotauthor, specially about his dog and cats.
This forum has moved, that is why it is not so up to date with JB presentations and such, those are announced in his official site, the usual
But the important thing is that on Tuesday we will have the new book! Peace Talks. And in September, the following one, Battle Ground.


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