Author Topic: Looking to build a mystical martial artist  (Read 3614 times)

Offline Ghostfreak

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Looking to build a mystical martial artist
« on: June 01, 2020, 05:57:25 PM »
I was looking through the dfrpg resources paranetonline website, looking for ideas for a new character I would need to build for my gm's game. An I came across the mystical martial artist template and I found it to be really interesting. A man or woman who gained powers through grueling dedication, focus and plain hard work. Which reminds me deeply of the Wux Xia genre. So I have at play 15 refresh, 46 skill points. Ladder starts at 6 go down. I would really like to make this character a reality and one that would have some longevity as it will be a high refresh game, dm is stopping at 30 refresh and 60 skill points until we can clear out the content he has set out before us. Before moving on.

The bare bones of what I have is a young man who is 18 to 19 who is the son of a martial artist (father) and a police officer(mother); both whom lost their lives during a blackout that had happened in Boston(my dm's setting, by a pc no less. Super long story there on that) Which was the perfect cover for monsters to run rampant and do what they want, many people as a result lost their lives. The character was at the house of a friend's whose family are wizards and the only reason they were not attacked was because of their ward on the home. White council stepped in to sort out the problem but the damage was already done. Before that he knew nothing about the supernatural. Now he is a struggling martial artist trying to carry on and make ends meet in his father's dojo, before that incident he did not know anything about the supernatural. After that, now he does. That is as far as I have made it.

I would really appreciate the help as my dm is a stickler for backstory and I personally want to make sure everything is lined up properly so that there is no confusion on both of our parts. I am also open to suggestions. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 06:09:54 PM by Ghostfreak »

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Re: Looking to build a mystical martial artist
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2020, 12:10:33 PM »
Would suggest a small change, and not have the characters parents die in the blackout, but have them in a state where they are injured - physically and/or mentally - so they are still alive (or at least one of them is). This gives a whole set of interesting hooks around supporting them ongoing.

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Looking to build a mystical martial artist
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2020, 12:37:15 AM »
Fair point. I can make the change no problem.