Author Topic: Hannah Asher: How to build?  (Read 11860 times)

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Re: Hannah Asher: How to build?
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2020, 09:19:13 PM »
Because at the time DFRPG was published, it seemed pretty clear that that's how Dresdenverse magic worked... really powerful practitioners all had broad-spectrum ability.

From GS and SG it's possible Harry was wrong about that; although I'm not entirely sure, given that Mort being better than Harry at his field doesn't mean he'd be better than a wizard that actually put time and effort into that field (which Harry mostly hasn't done), and given that

I'm not sure about that.
Here's examples:
When the author (Billy) describes Focused Practitioners as the minor league of the spellcasting world, Harry jumps in to say...

Don’t make these guys sound like they’re featherweights, Billy. They’re specialists rather than generalists, and their power levels can be all over the map. Mortimer Lindquist, an ectomancer I know, is INCREDIBLY capable at what he does. Some of his tricks are stuff I ’m not sure I could easily figure out myself.

In OW, it goes on emphasize:

Billy: "Harry, I was going to write Morty up as a fairly low refresh guy, but you keep talking about how he’s pretty powerful within his own area of focus."

Dresden: "He is."
Regardless, DFRPG made it seem like Focused Practitioner ain't nuttin' the fuck wit'. But the rules were left lacking. Dresden Files Accelerated fixes that problem in my opinion.
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Re: Hannah Asher: How to build?
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2020, 06:11:26 AM »
Well, sure - Mort can do stuff that Harry can't, because Harry's talents don't run in that direction. (In game terms, Harry doesn't have any Ectomancy foci or specializations, while Mort would necessarily have Ectomancy foci since he doesn't have anything else to use his focus slots on. Also, Harry's highest spellcasting stat is Conviction, which isn't very useful for Thaumaturgy.)

That doesn't mean Mort would be better at Ectomancy than a wizard who was actually good at Ectomancy.

Now there is a reference in GS that implies that he's Council-level, but I don't know what that means exactly... does it mean that he could train into a broader ability, or he has enough "raw power" for the Council but couldn't pass their tests since his talents are narrower than what they're looking for, or what?

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Re: Hannah Asher: How to build?
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2020, 05:12:38 PM »
Also the question of powers for Focused Practitioners; and other is covered by the  "Spellcasting powers and stunts" rules from the The Paranet Papers (p275-6).

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Re: Hannah Asher: How to build?
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2020, 10:21:26 PM »
Yeah. I'd give Ascher Mythic Toughness (only against fire/heat).

Combined with an evocation block, that would make her practically immune to normal fire. I'd say when the Salamander showed up, it started making actual attacks with the fire, with a good Weapon rating (rather than just environmental-hazard "attacks"), which is why she got burned at the end.