Author Topic: Predictions !!!*SPOILERS*!!!  (Read 2166 times)

Offline Yuillegan

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Predictions !!!*SPOILERS*!!!
« on: June 16, 2020, 04:07:26 AM »
We've all made a few now but considering we now have the first two chapters we can start to make more accurate guesses.

1. Thomas is one of Evanna's lovers. Thomas has killed someone, likely during the Accords. My guess is another Svartalf (possibly another of Evanna's lovers or perhaps a family member...maybe Austri?)

2. The assassination by Thomas embarresses Marcone, and he has the right (as host) to execute Thomas. Harry and Lara won't allow it.

3. A confrontation between Lara and Marcone will happen because of this, and winner takes all and get's the States as theirs.

4. Harry is both going to have to break his word and rescue Thomas, but the consequences will be dire.

5. Thomas, as usual, probably isn't going to tell Harry the full reasons why until later in the book. It may have something to do with Justine OR the Oblivion War but my guess it will actually be about some White Court power play.

6. Harry being a liason for Mab. Either this refers to his recent escapade with the Denarians OR it is to do with some weird request Mab will ask of  him - either of which will make Carlos not trust Harry.

7. Who is the woman standing next to Ferrovax in the trailer? She has dark hair and wears a crown or diadem. Titania perhaps?

8. The woman next to Molly (at the table in the trailer) is possibly Sarisa I believe? But who is the man sitting next to her with the gold chain?

Anyone got anything else?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2020, 04:50:16 AM by Yuillegan »
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Offline 123Chikadee

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Re: Predictions !!!*SPOILERS*!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2020, 03:23:21 PM »
It could be a White Court power play, that's probably the most likely scenario given that everyone is there to draw up new boundaries.
If it's a Venatori thing then my guess is that Ivy got some actionable intel and had ordered Thomas to deal with it directly. Lara doesn't know b/c of her own role in the PT.
Though if it's the latter then it's less likely that Harry will ever get the full truth. Which could have a nice tension all it's own.