Author Topic: Elaine  (Read 11625 times)

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2020, 05:33:31 PM »
You could assume that the design of a focus would be something recognizable as what it is.  So if she saw the previous focus she would know, as a wizard, if the new focus was better or worse than the previous focus by looking at the construction. Kinda like looking at a Model T versus a Tesla.  However it's your theory, run with it.

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2020, 05:46:19 PM »
You could assume that the design of a focus would be something recognizable as what it is.  So if she saw the previous focus she would know, as a wizard, if the new focus was better or worse than the previous focus by looking at the construction. Kinda like looking at a Model T versus a Tesla.  However it's your theory, run with it.

Apparently it was recognizable to Elaine.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2020, 12:36:34 AM »
Where does she see the bracelet? She is commenting on the skill of his new SHIELD. Not the FOCUS. Can't be any clearer.
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Re: Elaine
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2020, 02:57:39 PM »
My thoughts:

1. Elaine and Harry have the same base education in magic.

2. They can likely guess what a focus made by the other will be used for if they see what it's made out of and markings on it.

3. Elaine saw Harry's previous shield bracelet.

4. Elaine comments on the difficulty of making Harry's improved shield bracelet. ("I'm not sure I could have made a focus for something like that. It took real skill.")

5. Elaine was in the charge that Harry took down with his shield in Summer Knight. Chapter 32 is where the cavalry charge happens. Harry raises a shield against the horses, but not the riders. After the fight with Slate and Talos "only one warrior was still mounted, another slender Sidhe in green armor and a masked helm." In the second paragraph of Chapter 33, "the warrior in green armor" is revealed to be Elaine. Elaine saw Harry's shield and his shield bracelet in Summer Knight.

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2020, 09:25:27 PM »
Elaine & Kumori, the same person? What is this theory based on?

Offline Snark Knight

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2020, 01:24:31 AM »
Elaine & Kumori, the same person? What is this theory based on?

Mostly WOJ that Kumori's identity would hurt Harry, which narrows it down quite a bit. There aren't that many women wizards Harry is personally acquainted with enough for joining the other side to hurt him. We know she's not Luccio or Warden Yoshimo, because they were wounded and out of action during the conclusion of DB. Some have speculated Faith Astor or Jenny Sells grew up to manifest wizard-level talent and he'd be guilty for not finding them before Cowl, but if Kumori was the other figure on stage with Cowl at Bianca's party in GP, the timeline for Cowl to have recruited either and have her training far enough along to bring her to field events. Barring any major longshots like time-travelling (either) Maggie or heretofore unknown sister of Kim Delaney, Elaine is the head-and-shoulders standout.

I don't think it works for her to be freely willing Kumori, because Elaine is pretty clearly counter to Cowl's purposes in WN. But it's possible Justin's mental interference caused a split personality that's only able to take control part of the time.

A few other things, like Elaine would have been in the same position of being able to guess how Simon's wards would have worked from being trained by his apprentice Justin that the Council thought Harry was (though if Simon is Cowl, that's not needed). And from the Morgan microfiction, the idea that Justin was preparing a "Destroyer" could have been his other apprentice.

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2020, 04:48:58 AM »
... I don't think it works for her to be freely willing Kumori, because Elaine is pretty clearly counter to Cowl's purposes in WN ...

And it's also possible that there was some "long game" planning going on, that Elaine's "purpose" (and Cowl's) was entirely other than what it seemed to Harry.  Elaine could have been running a scam on Harry, even then.

Note that the outcome of Harry interacting with the White Court is that the White's ruler no longer has that infamous immunity-to-magic!  This could be EXACTLY the outcome desired by Cowl, and achieved largely via KumorElaine...  If Kumori is indeed Elaine, of course.

I'm still awfully fond of the WAG that Cowl&Kumori are time-travelling Harry&Molly.  :-)

Offline Arjan

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2020, 07:23:35 AM »
Cowl is most likely an outsider puppet. He was involved in infecting Lea and he supported the red court. White night was an effort to bring back the white court to an alliance with the red or if that failed to cripple it.

In dead beat Cowl tried to get enough power to kill the senior council, he failed. I think Cowl and Kumori escaped and Kumori simply decided to change her direction and to continue on her own. Maybe Cowl blamed her for something or she became less afraid of him. Or Cowl became more unstable and she fled.

Or Harry’s heroic example inspired her to change her life.  :)
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Re: Elaine
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2020, 03:12:53 PM »
And it's also possible that there was some "long game" planning going on, that Elaine's "purpose" (and Cowl's) was entirely other than what it seemed to Harry.  Elaine could have been running a scam on Harry, even then.

Note that the outcome of Harry interacting with the White Court is that the White's ruler no longer has that infamous immunity-to-magic!  This could be EXACTLY the outcome desired by Cowl, and achieved largely via KumorElaine...  If Kumori is indeed Elaine, of course.

Wait, what? Lord Raith's protection was (probably) sponsored by a big-time Outsider. I haven't seen any indication that he lost it just because Harry managed to keep his mother's curse blocking him from feeding intact. Or do you mean that Cowl sees Lara as a less problematic ruler than Lord Raith? I doubt that since Lord Raith and Cowl both seem friendly to Outsiders, whereas Lara is in it for Lara.

If there was anything in WN that was looks like a success at first but might actually be a scheme, I think the creation of the Paranet is more likely. Elaine knows a whole bunch of lesser talents and could potentially betray them to the Fomor.

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2020, 03:40:32 PM »
Mostly WOJ that Kumori's identity would hurt Harry, which narrows it down quite a bit. There aren't that many women wizards Harry is personally acquainted with enough for joining the other side to hurt him. We know she's not Luccio or Warden Yoshimo, because they were wounded and out of action during the conclusion of DB.....

Wow...ok. I'd have to re-read with that in mind and ponder a bit.

I suppose that of Kumori's identity would hurt Harry, it's possible she could be another half sibling.
If it's Elaine then that's a real bummer. Their relationship has been mined plenty in the emotionally devastating department. To pile on and make it worse seems like beating a dead horse.
It's an interesting theory. Not quite sold on it but interesting nonetheless. Thanks for the info!

Offline g33k

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2020, 08:08:47 PM »
  Wait, what? Lord Raith's protection was (probably) sponsored by a big-time Outsider. I haven't seen any indication that he lost it just because Harry managed to keep his mother's curse blocking him from feeding intact. Or do you mean that Cowl sees Lara as a less problematic ruler than Lord Raith? I doubt that since Lord Raith and Cowl both seem friendly to Outsiders, whereas Lara is in it for Lara ...

So far as I know, Papa Raith still has his immunity.  He just no longer has rulership.

Remember the Eb-vs-Lara scene on Demonreach?  Yeah, like that...  Cowl can take Lara whenever he wants.

Therefore, Cowl can now take the ruler of the White Court whenever he wants.

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2020, 10:49:21 PM »
So far as I know, Papa Raith still has his immunity.  He just no longer has rulership.

Remember the Eb-vs-Lara scene on Demonreach?  Yeah, like that...  Cowl can take Lara whenever he wants.

Therefore, Cowl can now take the ruler of the White Court whenever he wants.
Lara became the de facto ruler of the in BR, not WN, so it's unlikely that the motivation behind WN was to unseat Lord Raith in favor of Lara.

Offline Snark Knight

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2020, 02:07:34 AM »
Lara became the de facto ruler of the in BR, not WN, so it's unlikely that the motivation behind WN was to unseat Lord Raith in favor of Lara.

Agreed. Vitto was supposed to come out ahead, either by virtue of Malvora deposing Raith and his aunt being a figurehead, or killing everyone and being the last WC noble left standing at all.

Offline Ed0517

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2020, 04:46:33 AM »
Well, in Dead Beat (pb, P.185) when Kumori brings back Marcone's man .. ice forms on the sidewalk. So I was thinking she may be Winter Lady Molly - or does Elaine take over that role too?

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: Elaine
« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2020, 04:54:09 AM »
More likely an effect of her magic sucking in all the ambient energy. I imagine it takes a fair bit of energy to bring back someone fully. Still though, interesting thought.
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