Good theories all. Here is my take.
1. I agree with Bad Alias, that was always my reading. Bob and Evil Bob were previously always in conflict and in the moment Kemmler is mentioned Evil Bob is actually asserting dominance and pushes to be let out of the skull. He can't be his whole self at this point because they are not actually separate beings, so on the surface it appears to be normal old Bob. And of course, Morris is right. Jim wanted that scene. Not so sure that Bob was programnmed to kill anyone who asked about Kemmler though. If anything, I think Justin would have programmed the skull to hide any information. He wouldn't want another Dark Wizard (who at this point already knows what Bob is) to gain the true power of the spirit. And it wouldn't be for other Wardens as they would assume Bob is dead and if they found it would try and execute it (well, most of them...Cowl seems to think some might want the power).
2. Again, Bad Alias is right. I think Bone Tony just went out and advertised it having no idea about the supernatural. And some people who might have been waiting for DECADES might have had their alarms go off. Unless of course, Gard and Monoc Securities did want the Word found. That speaks to only two motives: the either wanted to be the first to get to it and destroy it (and so used Marcone) or they wanted *someone* to take Power. Not so sure I agree Morris about the Heirs contacting each don't alert the competition if you want to win. Unless of course they all found out at the same time...which might indicate they were all on this theoretical Black Council.
3. Pretty much agree with everyone here. Corpsetaker was counting on a Stephen Bradbury moment to win. And had everything to lose. Necromancers probably being some of the least accepting people of defeat. Grevane was so crazy he didn't even accept he had died and unleash a Death Curse...and Jim wanted the scene to go another way.
4. Perhaps I am missing something but how do we know that Kincaid knew the events of Dead Beat were about to occur? Mavra finding out is covered in point 2 - she could have found out if she is on this Black Council or if she too was on alert for any resurgence of Kemmler or his materials. Drakul could well be the intersection...but we don't know they are connected. Kincaid had stopped working for Drakul (supposedly) for a number of years and Mavra is only connected via Dracula. So it's a tenuous connection at best. I suspect Mab didn't know because it was kept off her radar and I think Kbrizzle is right that Lea was occupying much of her time.
5. It could be that Kumori isn't Elaine...but any associate of Kemmler or his disciples should know of that spirit and the rules around them. More likely I suspect is that whoever Kumori is actually is working against her master within the constraints placed on her. Kumori has acted altruistically in the past. And Morris is correct once again - she was pretty caught up with keeping the giant Wizard in check. And Bad Alias is onto something with the Naming stuff. Also, it was really loud at that point so Kumori (using her ears) might not have heard the conversation very well. Bob doesn't have or use ears to hear. He doesn't rely on audible information at all really. He would be picking up the intention, the thought, the spiritual energy that is in a Name and in words. That is probably how he "hears". Physics doesn't really enter into it.
6. Kbrizzle, I think you're on the money. But because of all their weaknesses Dracula's achievement was actually a failure. I think the current information is that Dracula turned himself into a Black Court vampire (even though in the text it says he runs off to join them and the Black Court have been around since the dawn of man). Which is like the other retcon that Drakul is a scion, he currently is an "unhuman, otherworldly being" and not a scion of anything that got trapped in a mortal body. Dracula is his scion from his union with a mortal. I would say the Black Court want to revive themselves without their traditional weaknesses and perhaps believe that Kemmler might have that information. It would be an interesting turn if the Black Court came back but had none of their traditional weaknesses. They would almost be unstoppable.