Hello, weird!
How are you all?
Fcrate, how's the cows?
I was very busy because of the new work. This is all stuff, I learned about 20 years ago, but haven't used since then. So technically all the knowledge is there, but buried in my brain.

So I learn it again or dig it out once I am home from work.
The work, the boss and the colleagues are nice. I like it there.
Also there are a lot less telephone calls than in my previous department. This is nice, too. So you get to finish what you do mostly without interruptions. And there is less noise, which I appreciate a lot. It shows in my head not aching any more. I wasn't aware before, but the difference is huge.
My former boss is greeting politely when he sees me, but I noticed he avoids being alone with me, lol. For example when we arrive in the hospital at the same time, he always either turns around as if he's forgotten something or he speeds up, so that he is faster than me. LOL.
Once I debated with myself, if I should speed up too and look how he reacts, but I decided it was not worth the effort and just smiled to myself.
It looks as if he is afraid of me. Idiot, LOL. What does he think I would do? Tell him what I truly think? I always did that anyway.
I didn't paint that pentagram. But I am thinking about painting my little version of Bob, so that his teeth, eyes and nose glow in the dark.