About She-Hulk. I would never have watched this, if you hadn't recommended it. So really thank you.

I thought it would just be a dumb series about a female Hulk. Just as it is common to take a known male figure, let the same happen to a woman and wow, sexy and at the same time so ridiculous that you feel ashamed watching it, lol.
I loved how they played with all those clichés.
By the way, there is a funny German word meaning being ashamed or embarrassed in someone else's stead or better for someone else, so if they are not embarrassed, I feel embarrassed for them: fremdschämen.
I think it is a rather recent invention, meaning only a few years old, 2 decades at most.
We Germans are famous for putting together known words in a new combination to give them more overall meaning, lol. This is what happened here.
fremd= foreign
schämen= to be ashamed or embarrassed
Edit: it is officially included in the Duden (THE German dictionary) since 2009.
Once something is in the Duden, it is an official word.