Not exactly my trees. These 4 trees were technically mine, but not part of my garden. I planted them in the street, 1.5m away from my wall, which is in our law the area called "Service area belonging to Fcrate's land". I don't know the English equivalent, or if there's any. We line the streets with trees here so that we can sit in shade in the evenings, but personally I prefer something productive to something purely aesthetic, so I planted these trees and everybody benefits from them. Mostly it's the neighbours who take the harvest, and I don't mind that. I have my own trees in m garden. But if someone is cooking and needs lemons, they can pick some up from my tree.
The contractors are digging quite deep, and they bulldoze any tree that blocks their way, or even makes their job a little more difficult. Legally, they aren't allowed to do that, but nobody cares, and if you complain, they just claim it was an accident while digging.
Edit @Regen: I've been recruited to move furniture around the house pointlessly every couple of years or so. Me and my 3 brothers. This year: move the sofa to the other wall, move the library where the sofa was, and we now we have much more space! Yay! Next year: Library back to the side, coffee table to the other, see how much better it looks? And how much more space we have now?
2 years later, everything back to the same place it was 4 years ago annnnd: look how much more space we have now! Isn't that better?! *eye roll*
We just went with it and said: "Yes mum, much better." like the little mules we were

at least there was 4 of us. Made things easier. But it doesn't happen often anymore since my sister married and moved to America. My sisters in law started having some "Ideas" but I blackmailed them into shutting up