Exactly. You're the one who's offering. Big difference
Problem is, if you offer too often, almost everyone, even the most well-intentioned of people will take advantage of you to some degree or another.
Internal monologue will be like: "Oh, I'd like some coffee, but wait a few minutes, Dina will probably make some in a few minutes, and she'll offer to make me a cup."
Yes, that's it. People taking advantage if your kindness. And there are some, who try to go further and ask you to do it.
The woman I was talking about, does that often. Not only to me, but in lots of situations. If someone offers to do something she almost always asks for more.
But there are many others, too, who return favours.
Once I asked her, why she doesn't make the coffee herself, because if I don't do it, there simply is no coffee.***shrugs***
She answered that my coffee is one of the best

and she doesn't like the coffee she is making herself.
LOL. Somehow I like her, she always says exactly what she thinks. Sometimes it can hurt, but one always knows, she is telling the truth. And most important: she doesn't mind if you say no or talk back. So I'm not mad at her or something. She's not one of the assholes, just knows what she wants and is not shy to ask for it.
There are others, who do it on purpose to take advantage of others.
I always try to treat others exactly like I want to be treated myself, no matter who or what they are, or if I like them or not.
But if someone pisses me off at work for example, I don't do things to them on purpose, but I start to do only what I must and no more extra stuff