Oh good, it is finally cold! 
It's really quite pleasant today. In my area, summer temp is 35-39. Only above 40 degrees is noteworthy.
Where I live three days above 30 Celsius is a heat wave. Officially.
hah. My Dutch friends told me about a heatwave of 37 degrees maybe 8 years ago, they were dying.
So glad your heat wave is over.
What do people do, when it is that hot? Like you, get up really early, get some work done and then what? Siesta until evening?
And does it cool down at night?
Maybe one day I'll visit in winter, lol.
@Arjan: dito
Well, if you work outside like I do, then it's standard procedure from March - September. Work from well before sunrise if possible, get back home at 10,lunch and siesta till 2-3 hours before sundown then finish anything left to do before sun down. If you're farming, irrigation starts at midnight. Which will save water and gas, as well as spare you a heatstroke. If you work indoors, then it's business as usual. In my town, if you walk the street at noon you'll rarely meet another person during a heatwave. And yes, it cools down at night. During the heatwave or was 24-29 at night. Other than that it's maybe 19 degrees.
European tourists here wear t-shirts and shorts in winter, while we wear sweaters and jackets. Lol. It rarely goes below 15°C in winter.