Okay, so 3 days ago, a very weird thing happened to me. I thought I'd share it, getting a few laughs or some insight from you. Either would be fine

It was laundry day, which I hate. It's also when I decided to wash the winter's blankets as well, so that I can store them till next year. It's 01:00 PM, sun is bright and it's quite windy. I put my washing machine outside, because it's hose has a leak that I'm too lazy to fix, and I put the first load in and started the machine. I bent down to start getting the next load ready, and was straightening up when I got hit in the back of the head by a freaking owl... and owch it hurts (I shave my head completely every week or so). This particular owl has a nest in the farm somewhere nearby, I don't know where exactly, and it's been living there for a few years, standing on top of the overhead light (6m high) and hunting. In the beginning it would startle and fly away everytime I walked under the overhead light, but eventually it got used to me.
Anyway, the owl hit me and landed on the wall nearby, about 10m away, and I was staring at it, scratching my head (literally and metaphorically) and checking for blood when I got another hit to the back of the head, and the owl's mate flew by and landed next to it.
I walked a couple of steps nearer, and they glowered at me, raising their heads up and down and making threatening noises. These owls are tiny, they weigh about 250-400gm in my estimate. It looked cute

eventually I ignored them, and got back to the laundry. Bending down again, picking up a pair of jeans and looking through the pockets, I noticed that one of the owls had already started another bombing run at me, and when it saw me stand up, it aborted the mission and flew away. Weird. Then another pair of pants, and another aborted attack. They both landed on the opposite wall, about 25m away, I got suspicious and faked turning away and bending down, then looked suddenly up, and yes, indeed one of them was starting another attack run, which it aborted immediately. So I took a Jalabiya and held it in my hands, bent down and started counting to 4, turned up suddenly and cast the Jalabiya straight up at the incoming owl, I timed it incorrectly, and missed, the owl screeching and flying away. Next attempt I counted to 5 and threw the Jalabiya up, this time was a partial success, I hit the owl in the midsection and it stumbled a bit, then flew away. I was quite angry (and laughing my ass off at the same time) but I continued with the laundry and was unbothered for another half an hour, but then one of them attacked me again, at which point I gathered some stones in my hand and ran the little chicken off. Didn't see them again untill about 30 minutes to sundown, in their regular spot above the overhead light. No attacks since then. I have no idea why they attacked me in the first place. Clever little bastards though